Weird Holiday of the Day – Read in the Bathtub Day

Read in the Bathtub Day

A day for relaxing in style, Read In The Bathtub Day gives you the opportunity to have a guilt-free early, relaxing night with no pressures.

Disconnect the phone, lock the door, turn down the lights and pick out your favourite book safe in the knowledge that all you’ve got to worry about is enjoying yourself. Why not splash out on some scented candles, posh bubblebath and – for the more adventurous – a rubber ducky to keep you company?

I have a bathtub, but I can’t recall the last time I read in there. Also, I feel like there’s a bit more danger and permanence in dropping a Kindle in the tub, rather than a standard paperback. The paperback can dry out, and while it may end up warped from the water damage, it can still be used. I can’t say the same for the Kindle if it decides to join you for a swim!

“I knew we were having problems when you put those piranhas in my bathtub again.” ~ Weird Al Yankovic

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