Some foolhardy administrator gave me blogging privileges…We shall regret that in the future, until then let’s toast to 2013!
I’m sure many people have created resolutions; personally, I wish I still went to a gym so I could track who started coming at the New Year and when they gave up on their resolution to get fit. Just go to Taco Bell and try to flush your system out. My other favorite is giving up smoking at the New Year; I’ve partaken in that one numerous times. Resolutions are great so long as you’ve got determination to see them through, otherwise…it’s just an ‘excuse’ to start over. Such is life. At least it’s worth taking a risk change, right?
That’s what brings me to 2013: It’s time to take that chance, make that blind leap, throw caution to the wind and see where you land. You may fall flat on your face, but you won’t land at the same place you were at. Don’t make out with homeless men though. I learned that the hard way. Most of all, just learn from the previous years. Constantly grow, ever expand, and never stop finding new things in this world.
Make 2013 your year.