The International Television Audience Award for a Drama TV Series, which recognizes the most watched television show in the world, was presented at the 52nd Monte Carlo Television Festival this week. This year, the honor belongs to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, which airs on the CBS Television Network. Including this year’s recognition, CSI has been given this honor 5 times in the last 7 years. The award is based on data from Eurodata TV Worldwide, which measured ratings in 2011 across five continents. CSI‘s competition this year was, ironically, it’s counterparts in Miami and NY. The original CSI had more than 63 million viewers worldwide, giving it the claim to fame. In recent years, CSI: Miami and House have also won the award.
Desperate Housewives was the most watched comedy television show in the world.
CSI will be back in the fall for it’s 13th season. CSI: Miami has been cancelled, as has Desperate Housewives. So does this news surprise you? Did you expect another show to grab the honor?