Real Superpass Chat w/ Big Brother 11’s Jordan & Jeff

Yakksters, this Thursday’s “fan favorite” guests on Real Superpass have been confirmed, thanks to Joker’s Updates. Big Brother 11 Winner, Jordan, and fellow houseguest, Jeff, will be featured on Superpass this Thursday (Sept 24) from Seattle. Tickets are still available for those in the Seattle area. Let us know if you’re going! Come discuss this here! Don’t forget to stick to the Yak for the latest on Big Brother 11 houseguest featured interviews.

BB10 Jerry’s Take On Big Brother 11

Yakkity Yaks is proud to say that we have welcomed into our community, none other than Jerry from Big Brother 10!!!


As you know, Jerry had been battling throat cancer in the past several months but we are happy to report directly from Jerry that he is cancer free!! Yakkity Yaks sends our thoughts and prayers out to him and his continuing health, as well as to his wife Joanne.

If you’d like to read Jerry’s first post, you can do so here. And please keep checking in for continuing posts as we get to get an insider’s perspective on the newest Big Brother season. You can also register and post your own questions for Jerry here! Michelle from the same season is also a member and who knows, she may pop by as well to answer a few. 🙂

Continue reading “BB10 Jerry’s Take On Big Brother 11”

Changes We’d Like To See In Big Brother 11 on CBS…..


And so another summer is apporaching, which for all you reality tv fans means one thing…..IT’S ALMOST TIME FOR BIG BROTHER!!!! With the excitement building and Yakkity Yaks ramping up for our inaugural Big Brother season, we thought as staff we’d reveal the changes we’d like to see on Big Brother 11. Not that they’re likely to happen BUT as die hard fans/live feed updaters/ Big Brother net nerds, we are truly devoted viewers who have seen what we thought worked and definitely didn’t work. Continue reading “Changes We’d Like To See In Big Brother 11 on CBS…..”