Shelly Moore’s family has now met with the FBI in regard to the death threads made to Shelly and her family over the phone and e-mail, received after last Thursday’s Big Brother double eviction. After reviewing the information Moore’s family put forth, the Feds have determined there was no “credible” threat to their well-being.
Many of the calls they had received specifically targeted Josie, Shelly’s young daughter and her employer had received threatening calls as well. This sparked our story HERE, and Executive Producer Alison Grodner to tweet to the fans of the show to stop the harrassment, pointing to our story, and saying “No matter how much you dislike an HG, this is wrong! True BB fans do not try to ruin lives. Please stop!”
The family and the authorities are still monitoring the threats to make sure they are safe.
Shelly may be the next evicted Houseguest from the show this evening, joining Jeff, Daniele and Brendon in the jury house. If so, the hate for her should die down I would imagine.
In the meantime, The Yak will be interviewing the next evicted Houseguest tomorrow, either Shelly or Adam, and we are taking your questions! If you would like to ask a question, come post yours HERE before 10pm Pacific tonight, 9/1/11.