The Yak: Looking back, what, if anything, would you have done differently from the start?
Joe: For me the biggest challenge was actually having a coach. I would have liked to have played my game from the start instead of my coach’s game.
The Yak: Who would you like to see sitting in the final two chairs? Who would you like to join you next in the jury?
Joe: I would like to see Ian and Shane in the final two. I would love to see Dan join me next in the jury.
The Yak: What was your biggest regret in the game?
Joe: My biggest regret in the game would have to be not winning competitions. And not listening more. A huge thing in that house is listening and repeating it in your head so you know all of your surroundings and I didn’t realize how important that was going in.
The Yak: Was there anyone you think you could have put your trust in, and if so who? Who is the least trustworthy in your opinion?
Joe: Obviously I put my trust in Shane. I thought he was the most trustworthy. I think Mike Boogie is the least trustworthy because I knew him as a past competitor and he did whatever he had to, to win.
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