Big Brother 14: The Yak Chats with Champion Ian Terry

Big Brother 14 Champ, Ian Terry

Fans of Big Brother yearned for for many seasons to have a super fan, rather than a reruit, win Big Brother. Well earlier this week, they got their wish! Ian Terry, the student from Louisiana, was crowned the winner of Big Brother Wednesday night in what can only be called an upset against a vet, previous winner, true all-star and diabolical player Dan Gheesling. Ian walks away from his Big Brother summer $500,000 richer and the title of Big Brother 14 winner. What’s next for Ian? The Yak had the opportunity to sit down with Ian after the show and glean just a bit of what Ian was thinking after his amazing triumph. Keep reading to see what he had to say!

Ian began by filling us all in on how surreal and unreal this whole thing is. Still in shock from his win (and being able to see other faces than the ones he had been living with for the past 3 months) he is looking forward to watching the entire season play out on television, which he admitted will probably drive him crazy.

Ian was proud of how he played the game. Very proud, in face. He knows, now, that had he not won the veto at certain points in the game, his Big Brother journey more than likely would have been over, so pulling out the win at those key points saved him. He admits that Dan played a better game in the house than he did, but feels that Dan just forgot about the jury votes.

Ian Terry with Big Brother Hose, Julie Chen
Ian most definitely has more respect for the game of Big Brother. He found the game inside the house to be much more difficult than sitting at home and watching the show and the feeds. He said that when you watch from home, you have all the information about what everyone is doing around the house, but inside, your knowledge is a lot more limited, He admits that he was a bit star struck with the returning players, but that faded quickly as he began to see them as just other players in the game. He admits that he wasn’t happy in the house with Boogie and Frank thinking they just had him wrapped around their fingers. Lying to Boogie about voting to keep him, he admits, was one of the hardest things he had to do in the house, but he had no regrets and needed to do what he had to do. In fact, he did note that he had never promised to keep Boogie or Frank that late in the game, but said they just assumed he would.

As far as game play and Dan, he says he is over the backstabbing. At the end of the day, it’s a game. Yes, he was disappointed to learn that had he not won the last HOH, he wouldn’t have been taken to the end as promised and was disappointed in the “swearing on the cross” bit that Dan waved in his face; but it is a game show and he holds no hard feelings. Heck, he won!

Ian Terry, Big Brother 14 “Quack Packer”

What does Ian plan on doing now that the game is over? He mentioned a few things he wants to do with the money. Since he is unable to drive, he plans on getting himself a top of the line bicycle to ride around, purchase a few pairs of sunglasses and use some of the money for his education. He plans on going back to school to get his degree in Chemical Engineering. He also mentioned that he may be getting himself his own personal hammock to swing on, claiming that it relieved a lot of stress for him. Hopefully he has some WD40 in the cupboard at home. In the meantime, would Ian come back to Big Brother for an All Stars season? Absolutely he said. He would, however, like to finish up with his degree though. Ian was extremely humble and down to earth during out chat, as evident by his future plans and sticking true to his educational goals.

All and all, Ian does not regret any move he made, or any move anyone else made in the game this season. Why would he? Whatever happened in there must have happened for a reason to have Ian sitting there in the final two chairs and getting the votes from the jury to win the game. A big congrats to Ian on his win and a thank you for taking the time to talk to us!

Next Up: Click over for a partial transcript of our reporter Jarrod and other outlets time with Ian

The Yak’s Interview with BB14 Wil Heuser

Wil, the latest evictee from Big Brother sat down to chat with the Yak today to let us know his feelings on the season. Keep reading to see what he had to say!


Wil was extremely animated this morning, probably more animated than we have seen him this entire season. Last night, Julie had mentioned to him about a large alliance in the house called the “Silent Six.” We asked him who he thought might be in that alliance and Wil knew exactly who it was. “If I had to make an educated guess on the not so Silent Six, that would be Britney, Shane, Dan, Danielle, Mike and Frank.” Wil was more astute than he appeared to be on television.

When asked about his own alliance, “Team Tits”, he is not so hopeful. “Unless the house flips, Team Tits will be having drinks together in a couple of weeks” he said. Had he stayed and won HOH this week, he was really hoping to make a bigger move in the game. His choice for nominations would have been Dan and Mike, with his target directed straight on Dan. Had one of them been removed from the block, his replacement would have either been Shane or Frank. “Removing Frank would disable Mike and removing Mike would disable Frank.” He would have tried to align with Danielle and Shane, which he says he started that ball rolling in week two.

When made aware that the ‘Silent Six’ may be ready to nominate Frank and Boogie via Shane’s HOH win last night, Wil said “If that’s true I think you can kiss Frank’s butt goodbye. My gut says they will go after Frank.” Wil agrees that the coaches need to sit next to boogie in order to win. In fact, he believes anyone sitting next to Boogie at the end will fair well for them.

He truly believes that if these newbies don’t wake up, that Dan will be the most deserving to win the game. “Dan is playing just like he did in his season, making his moves through Danielle, and in a great position in the house. If he makes it to the end, he should win the whole thing again.”

As for regrets, Wil says he doesn’t have many. If there were one thing he could take back, it would be lying to Frank and Boogie in week three about who he was going to vote out. “I consider myself to be a pretty good liar” he said, but “I think I gave away all my cards in that move and It inevitably hurt me and got me on the block and out the door.”

What about the Janelle eviction? What was the advantage of evicting Janelle who was truly on your side this whole game? Wil responded that there was no advantage. “I got myself off the block and she (Janelle) just happened to go up. If Ashley and I were to have voted to keep her, it would have just put a bigger target on our back. She was not real liked by many of the HGs. She was definitely one of the most disliked people in the house.” He said. When he was informed that Janelle was hurt by some of the things he said about her in the house, he replied that he hopes he and Janelle can bond outside of the game. “It was an equal two way street with her and I. I voted her out because I didn’t want that target on my back. She was leaving regardless of how Ashley and I voted. The problem Janelle had in the house was that she didn’t take any interest in getting to know other houseguests on a personal level and when you talked to her it was all about Janelle.” He believes a part of her needs to take responsibility for her own eviction and how she played. It can’t all be him and Ashley for the reason she left the game.

After Frank won HOH, why did Wil not tell Frank and Boogie what they wanted to hear in their discussion to keep himself safe? “It was frustrating because I knew there was a big alliance that I wasn’t a part of, so I didn’t want to to say something that would make me a bigger target. If I was going out, I wanted to go out with my dignity in tact. After the Veto, Frank could have made the biggest move and gotten Dan out… one of the best players in BB history, but he made a mistake.”

Did Wil really want to be evicted before Jury? “Once I knew there was a large alliance in the house, once I knew for certain I was going home, just to go to sequester to give someone else 500k… it wasn’t very tasty to my palette so to speak.”

What was Wil’s take on the supposed homophobic slurs slung by Willie? Wil says he knew they were a fabrication by Frank and made out to be more than what they were. “I don’t know if they showed this on TV or the feeds or not, but I actually took Joe in the storage room and said I would play it up to get sympathy card. I know that sounds horrible.”

Many people expected Wil to last longer in the Pirate Ship Endurance Competition. Asked how much longer he thinks he could have lasted, he said “I could have gone maybe 15 minutes more. It’s a lot harder than it looks! If you were over 5’7” it was going to be a hard Competition. Danielle looked like she was about to pull a cigarette out and smoke it… So I looked at Danielle and asked if I was safe, she said yeah (obviously that wasn’t true) and then looked at Shane who was struggling and said “you jump, I jump.”  I don’t regret jumping when I did. Danielle was going to hang on there all night if she could.”

We asked Wil what he thought his biggest move in the game was to date. “I didn’t get a chance to make one. I had Mike and Frank eating out of the palm of my hand at one point, but then the coaches came in… my big move was yet to come.” Too late.

Now, we know what’s on the mind of many of our readers… His extensions. Yes, it was asked… why does he constantly pick at them? Are they itchy? Why did he decide to get them before he came into the house? He says that he had a “Britney” (Spears) moment back in the Spring and chopped all his locks off. He regretted it as he had always had long hair, so he had decided then to get extensions. About the constant playing with it? “It’s a habit of mine to twirl my hair… when I was doing it i was strategizing and thinking.” (He must have been strategizing and thinking A LOT!)

We pressed Wil about what he thought about some of his former Houseguests… But he says that was the best part of coming into the house, all the different personalities and unique bunch of people. “They are all standup guys and gals. Hopefully friends for life.”

We heard him say once that he thought Jenn was really subdued, but what about Wil? He seemed pretty subdued as well to some. Was it strategic? Wil says yes.  “It was calculated. I’m usually very emotional but I didn’t want to come off as a loose cannon. I wanted to play this level headed and as someone you could trust in the house.”

What are his thoughts on the Shane/Danielle showmance that BB is trying to portray? “I think it’s the most un-genuine thing in the house. He is nasty to Danielle, sure he plants those kisses on her when the time is right or when necessary, but says a lot of hurtful comments to her. I think she just genuinely wants to be his friend and he sort of leads it on for the camera but he will go around and be a total jerk to her.”

How about Wil? Was he tempted for a Showmance with anyone in the house? No, he says. There was no one of his “taste” in there apparently.

How about Ian? What does he think of him? “Coming from viewers perspective i would say Ian is probably well liked. In the first couple of weeks he wasn’t well liked in the house… he did weird things. I think in the end he came out of his shell and I was happy that happened. I think he is a very special person and I hope him and I can be friends after this.”

Who has the best chance of winning this game? Wil thinks Dan has a good chance, stating again that if these newbies don’t wake up and get him out, that he deserves it… But who will set next to Dan? “Call me crazy, but my money is on Ashley” he says. “If Ashley doesn’t get voted out in the next couple of weeks, she will be in one of the two chairs at the end.” He at one point thought Frank could take it all, but thinks that Frank has fallen into the pits of Boogie with no chance to recover.

What’s next for Wil? He is hoping to do another video for the “Wil Show” on Youtube this Friday, and may try in the future to revive his singing career. He says for 10 years it has been all about music for him. He has worked with Producers in the past and hopes that maybe he can again in the future, but he is going to take that one day at a time.

As for the Louisville Cards or the Kentucky Wildcats? He says Cards all the way!


So, what do you think? Are you going to miss Wil in the game? Do you wish he stayed and followed through on his Dan/Boogie nominations? Let us know below, and be sure to come join us in the forum HERE for all things Big Brother!