I honestly went into the Big Brother house thinking I would be liked very well. I am liked in real life, what would be different in the BB house? I went through interviews and started there with the greatest mistake I could have made. Little did I know that my thoughts on what I wanted to do would not sink up at all to what would happen. My mistake quite clearly was stating for the world to hear, “I can play this game honestly, without lying…I have a child and I want to be a good example”. I made a huge mistake even allowing myself to believe that a game based on deceit and manipulation while building relationships, would allow me to play straight up. NO ONE IN THE HISTORY OF BIG BROTHER HAS PLAYED STRAIGHT UP. If you think they have, then you have blinders on. I, too, did not achieve my goal of playing without lying and deceiving. I did it. It was game. I played the game the way I adapted to the situation to try and win $500,000 for my family. You can hate the way I played. I’ll take that. You can hate my “betrayal” of Jeff. I’ll take that. But I will say, it’s a game and the object is to get to the end of the game. Nowhere in the big book of Big Brother does it say you must come out with a whole new group of BFF’s. Contrary to what many of you believe, several of us did in spite of the hateful people. The houseguests literally are over all of it by the time they go to the wrap party the evening of the finale. I am not saying there are not still some issues to be worked through the weeks following the show, but I will tell you that now, in November, we are all over it. The sad, sad truth is there are obsessed fans that cannot get over it and continue to proliferate hate on many houseguests. I will let each of them speak for themselves. For me, getting out of the house was not at all what I expected. Within minutes of the finale ending, I was pulled aside and told that someone threatened to kill me and someone threatened to murder and rape my daughter and it didn’t matter which order the murder and rape happened. The person that posted that awful, sick message is a participant in the America Hates Shelly Facebook site. I was told as recently as yesterday that some people who are a part of the site were not happy with the name, but left it just the same. They needed to vent about how awful a person I was. So instead of venting about my game play they attacked me, and more than that they went after my family who did not make one move in the game.
Who gives you the right to ever attack an 8-year-old little girl? I wonder if the boy felt big when he wrote that. I can assure you the FBI WAS put on it immediately. You don’t mess around with when sick people say sick things. I NEVER knew this was going on, had I known, I would have left and ran to the side of my baby and my husband. For the haters that CLAIM they have called the BTR Police to check on reports of death threats on our family. Educate yourself. You don’t call the local police when death threats come in on phones and your wife is on a game show. You call the FBI. Really, what fans are that interested to call the local police and try to get copies of police reports. Am I the only person who thinks when this starts happening, things have just gone too far? At what point did it become ok to threaten to kill someone on a show? More than that who goes after an innocent child? Then, who really goes and signs up for a facebook page to facilitate all of it? There are obviously people that do.
I think your article is extremely disingenuous, and extremely self serving. I hear a few DON’T BULLY but nothing of substance. That’s not helping MS Moore.
But weren’t the reality people asked to talk about their own personal experiences with bullying?
i found it extremely tedious to read and gave up
Excellent Shelly!! I’m proud to call you my friend!
It is sad, that her version has been twisted to fit her needs. The people at AHSM spoke up due to a known bully representing Anit-Bullying. The letter that was sent to Ms. Moore was to explain out position and not to Bully. The site was named long before most who have been speaking up ever went there, it is a community page that belongs to someone else, we have no control over it so we are unable to change it. If you want to learn more facts go to that page to see, you do not have to push on the like button to read it The letters to Ms. Moore and the replies from her are there for all to read. Bullying is a very serious thing, and it is sad for it to be used as a way to PR a person. There are so many other causes out there that would be more fitting. Hopefully people will take the time to learn the truth for themselves. Thank you!
This is coming from Shelly Moore who in her interview announced she goes to “Ameica Hates Shelly” FB page reads it often…. then searchs those peoples profiles and contacts their employer to try and get them fired? She thinks she is the person to stop bullying when she herself is bullying…Shellty seems to think everyone at AHSM page is responsible for the threats on her family and calls to her employment…this is not true. This is not true, people go to this page to state their comments…we didn’t name the page we just use the page and I have not seen threats to Shelly…just negative feedback on her…she seems to bulk all her bad feedback together and claims it all comes from “America Hates Shelly Moore” page and that just is not true. I can not stand she changes facts to make herelf look good…
Two sides to every story, and unfortunately, we got to see the amount of bullying Shelly did to others on the show, reality show or not, she said some hateful things about Rachel and Porsche. These things were outside the realm of the game and never needed to be said. Also, some of her. Actions were unnecessary and didn’t need to be done. Other house guests didn’t sink that low. I can guarantee if Miss shelly ever showed up in my son’s school district or the district I teach in to spew her message on anti-bullying, I would be the leader of the boycott. She would definitely not be speaking because the parents would not allow it. I would gather every video feed of her making foul-mouthed comments,clips of her excessive smoking, and end it with a montage of every cuss word that came out of her mouth, highlighted with her pointing her finger in Jordan’s face. I’m sure the principals would definitely say no way, as would the School Boards.
By the way, I am not a member of any forums or facebook groups. I did have the feeds. I don’t hate Shelly Moore; I don’t think she should represent or be a role model for children or anti-bullying.
Several of you desperate for attention and repulsive. All of you that beg to put down Ms. Moore have spent more time following her desperately then the people you claim to like. She has made more of a positive impact with fans and people who wanted interaction than anyone else on the show. You seem to love to tear people down, but you haven’t gotten her down – she walks, talks, and conducts herself much better than any of you who will twist anything to your truth. You don’t get the facts – you make up the facts as you want to see them. Of course things were said on AN EDITED FOR TV ENTERTAINMENT SHOW. How quickly you transfer your hate and obligatory “better than thou” anlysis. You obviously haven’t seen all the good she has done and continues to do. Did any other houseguest donate what she did to rescue animals? Did you just say it was self-serving? Get over yourselves and find something to be productive about. Any of you that participated, condone, or are ever a part of ANY hate site are acting in a pious way. You just continue to flock to anything she does because you are making her even better. She has handled people brilliantly whether you like it or not.
WOW just doing what you do every minute…
Most of these people don’t listen or read purpose they spew to make themselves feel and look better. You get it Joey!
Ligt, I think you are too biased (and probably Shelly herself) to get what this is all about, I can tell you that EVERYTHING the AHSM site has said about her is true, and can be proven. They do not hate her but her actions..and her actions have been that of a bully, and this is the outrage you hear from them, that they object to Shelly being an anti Bully spokesperson because she IS the Bully we watched on the live feeds…which as you know are NOT able to be edited. You are who you are, under stress or not…it’s ridiculous to try and say you were not yourself. WE ARE ALWAYS OURSELVES, it’s a lame excuse to cover bad behavior. If you go out on the internet you can see that even before Shelly went into the house she was making disparaging remarks about our President, Tom Brady, and various other people in the news…all of which she blasts others for saying about her. The things Shelly does and the things Shelly says do not in any way align. THIS IS WHY SHE IS SO OBJECTED TO, WHY SHE IS SO DISLIKED. And you can see from her fan numbers…there are not many who like her. I suspect you, if you are a fan and not Shelly herself, are one of the few fans and are one because she has paid you a little bit of attention, and it makes you feel better. We aren’t as easily swayed, we are more concerned about the false message she sends out, and the effect it would have on kids. I recently heard a radio show where Shelly told the interviewer she believed that kids should hit their bullier…and I can tell you there is no faster way to get yourself expelled and wrecking your school record than doing that. Because you do not have the same rights in school as you do in regular society. Shelly doesn’t check anything before she speaks. Shelly is dangerous, and we all want to ensure she doesn’t have access to our children.