Brittany Murphy Dies from Heart Attack at Age 32

As the year draws to a close, we just caught wind of another bit of news to add to the 2009’s list of intriguing news breaks. The star of Clueless and 8 Mile, Brittany Murphy, has been pronounced dead at the age of 32 due to a Heart Attack. She went into Cardiac Arrest early Sunday morning, December 22nd. Our hearts and thoughts go out to Brittany’s family and friends. Join us in the forums to talk about the news with us!

Precious: based on the novel Push by Sapphire

[singlepic id=173 w=240 h=320 float=left]In one word: wow.

The critics of this movie are all shining about Mo’Nique as the evil, selfish, lazy mother to Clareece (Precious) Jones; as well they should.

Mo’Nique is unrecognizable as the abusive mother of Precious, played by newcomer Gabourey Sidibe. You can barely associate her with the sassy/sexy/humorious comedienne that we’re all used to.

You want to throw her ignorant mother down a few flights of stairs after she just got done being chased around in a fish tank by a hungry, angry great white shark!  Yes, Mo’Nique makes you hate her. But it’s Mary, Precious’ mother, who you want to see burn on a stake while medievil prayers are chanted to save her soul. Mary’s very ignorance of life and need to “stay on the welfare” will have you saying “Oh no!” all throughout the film. When she plays nice for a visiting social worker, it’s quite humorous. Continue reading “Precious: based on the novel Push by Sapphire”

Star Trek on DVD

[singlepic id=172 w=240 h=320 float=left]Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana & John Cho. They are only a part of the group that make 2009’s Star Trek a wonderful success. Everyone played their parts so well that, even though a couple of characters were obvious, you KNEW who the rest of them were.

Chris Pine is great as James T. Kirk: he has the flirtatiousness, arrogance and egotistical charm that William Shatner gave the character so many years ago.

Zachary Quinto is a perfect Spock:  he brings the seriousness, intelligence & stern need for duty that Leonard Nimoy brought to Spock’s character in the 60’s.

Zoe Saldana plays a very young, upbeat Uhura. Sexy, smart & energetic sides of Uhura that we rarely saw in Nichelle Nichols are portrayed as a playful, but serious Zoe as the communications specialist.

There’s nothing that’s cheesy about this movie; you don’t roll your eyes in your head at any lines and no uncomfortable moments with sexy scenes.  The humor is there, but only in the right moments.

I was grateful enough to see this movie at an IMAX theater, so it was no surprise that I’d invest in the DVD…even if buying it for my mother was a good excuse.

Continue reading “Star Trek on DVD”

Real Superpass Chat w/ Big Brother 11’s Jordan & Jeff

Yakksters, this Thursday’s “fan favorite” guests on Real Superpass have been confirmed, thanks to Joker’s Updates. Big Brother 11 Winner, Jordan, and fellow houseguest, Jeff, will be featured on Superpass this Thursday (Sept 24) from Seattle. Tickets are still available for those in the Seattle area. Let us know if you’re going! Come discuss this here! Don’t forget to stick to the Yak for the latest on Big Brother 11 houseguest featured interviews.

Jerry MacDonald (BB10) shares his BB11 Opinions at the Yak!!

Afternoon Yakksters! Jerry MacDonald from Big Brother 10 made another stop at the Yak this afternoon to share his thoughts about everything Big Brother 11! Stop on in the forums to see what he had to say about Jeff, the Coup d’Etat, Jeff/Russell alliance, who should get the boot next and more!! Don’t forget to register and say hi to Jerry and join in on the discussion!

BB10 Jerry’s Take On Big Brother 11

Yakkity Yaks is proud to say that we have welcomed into our community, none other than Jerry from Big Brother 10!!!


As you know, Jerry had been battling throat cancer in the past several months but we are happy to report directly from Jerry that he is cancer free!! Yakkity Yaks sends our thoughts and prayers out to him and his continuing health, as well as to his wife Joanne.

If you’d like to read Jerry’s first post, you can do so here. And please keep checking in for continuing posts as we get to get an insider’s perspective on the newest Big Brother season. You can also register and post your own questions for Jerry here! Michelle from the same season is also a member and who knows, she may pop by as well to answer a few. 🙂

Continue reading “BB10 Jerry’s Take On Big Brother 11”

Saint Dagame’s Sermon

Greetings once again my loyal congregation, it’s time once again for a sermon that will have a major impact on your humble lives. One of the oldest sins there’s been is greed and where Gordon Gecko thought “greed is good” sometimes this is not the case. Sometimes the efforts of trying to part another person of their hard earned money can be downright lame and today I shall show you examples of such lameness. I will use the lady of lame, Ashley of Rock of Bus and Charm School fame as my grading system with the more Ashleys meaning the more lame. Let’s broaden our minds….Lawrence!!!  (click pics to make larger)

Jon & Kate Plus 8 Know Your Gosselins T-Shirt

[singlepic id=147 w=240 h=160 float=left]This shirt asks the simple question “Do You Know Your Gosselins?” and I can answer back “No, but a divorce court judge will soon”. Seriously the thought of someone walking around with a shirt that has pictures of children they don’t personally is beyond creepy so I’ll leave this one to the pedophiles. On the plus side, I heard that’s it’s going to be the height of fashion on To Catch A Predator.

Lameness: [singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

Project Runway “Make It Work” Necklace

[singlepic id=148 w=120 h=120 float=left]Yes you too can mix urban fashion with the catchphrase of Project Runway with this necklace. This necklace should come with a warning that says “Not to be worn to any frat party or first online date. If a guy fixes you a drink and you hear Dave Matthews while wearing run while you still have a chance” Oh the terror isn’t for the ladies either because I’m sure some guy has see some drunk, fat frau thinking she’s Lady Marmalade shaking it between her “moneymakers” just like her Darrin’s Dance Grove DVD taught her. Clear the floor indeed!!!

Lameness:[singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

Survivor USB Drive

[singlepic id=149 w=320 h=150 float=left]There was a television commercial script that was scrapped for this piece of fan fare that one of my congregation sent to me which I will share with you now.

:fade in college dorm:

Johnnie: Hey Terry, Rob left his amazing Survivor USB drive here when he was here studying.

Terry: That drive is super awesome. I wonder what he keeps on there?

Johnnie: His secret alliances?

Terry: The map to all water sources?

Johnnie: Plans on how to win all the immunity challenges?

Terry: Let’s hook it into your laptop and find out!

:Johnnie puts drive in laptop and sits for seconds in shocked silence:

Terry: Well whats on it?

Johnnie: It’s his collection of lucha libre midget porn. :throws laptop down:


Lameness: [singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

The Apprentice Slot Machine

[singlepic id=150 w=100 h=180 float=left]If you’re ever unfortunate enough to find yourselves at a Trump casino then a real treat awaits you in the form of The Apprentice slot machine. For those of you that know a thing or two about a slot machine, it’s a blatant rip off of the Wheel of Fortune slots but I’m sure in the wigged wonder’s mind it was all his idea. He also thought there was nothing more classy or luxurious than having some nickel slinging granny hear him proclaim “You’re fired” while raking in the big $2 jackpot.

Lameness:[singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

A Shot At Love Wifebeater

[singlepic id=151 w=180 h=260 float=left]Some people called the show groundbreaking for being a bisexual dating show but for teen boys it was high grade porn. How does MTV thank those women who could appreciate the unique nature of the show? They offer the ultimate lesbian stereotype. a wifebeater with the show’s logo on it. I guess Birkenstock and Indigo Girls turned them down for additional tie ins but MTV should’ve just went with a Lord of The Rings tie in considering homegirl looks like Gollum.

Lameness: [singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

America’s Next Top Model Doll

[singlepic id=152 w=120 h=200 float=left]Do you want your daughter to be one judgmental bitch? Do you want your child to shatter self esteems and dreams at the same time while not having the hassle of being famous? Would you like your child to be the next Ms J or Janice Dickinson then this is the perfect toy for them. This is as authentic as gets from the bones sticking out, included Polaroid before picture right down to the smell of bulemia and self esteem. I can’t give this a high lame rating because if a certain mother had this doll when she was a child, the American viewing public wouldn’t have been subjected to this….[singlepic id=153 w=40 h=100 float=center]

Lameness: [singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

American Idol Ice Cream

[singlepic id=154 w=320 h=240 float=left]For those who can’t get enough of the American Idol marketing machine there’s AI ice cream. They give you the full AI experience by letting you vote on the flavor they should make a permanent selection and when the others lose they become sour grape flavor. Here’s the secret they don’t want you to know… ever wonder what happened to Brian Dunkleman and all of the unsold copies of From Justin to Kelly? That’s right American Idol ice cream is made of Dunkleman and shite movies. Next year they’re going to try and have a new flavor Tatiana Toffee so Tatiana if you’re reading this…….RUN GIRL RUN!!!!

Lameness: [singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=left][singlepic id=155 w=50 h=50 float=]

Lesson to Be Learned

You work hard for your money so don’t fall for foolish attempts to get it by catering to your fan boy/girl side. Always ask yourself this one question “If this product didn’t have my favorite show on it would I pay the inflated price for it? ”

The lesson has been taught now go forth and spread your new found knowledge to the world safely knowing that Saint Dagame loves each and every one of you.