Tech Tuesday: Google, Hulu and Twits!

Welcome to another edition of Tech Tuesday! Here are the top stories in the tech world you may have missed!

Google Logo: Diver Down!

Honoring Jules Verne, the French author who pioneered the Science Fiction genre, Google has an interactive logo today that allows you to explore the depths of the sea.

Jules, best known for his classic novels ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’, ‘A Journey to the Center of the Earth’, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ was born on this day in 1828.

Check out the interactive logo HERE.

TwitPic Launches Video for Twitter

Twitpic is bringing support for video to Twitter today, allowing users to timely share their clips. Now, instead of posting your links to YouTube to spread your awesome vid, you can upload it over to Twitpic and share it immediately.

So be sure to tweet @yakkityyaks so we don’t somehow miss your video! Hey, if it’s a good one, it may just get notice on Webtastic Wednesday!

“The Social Break-Up” Study

A study that surveyed 1500 consumers on why they unsubscribe, unlike, or unfollow brands in the social media world was conducted, and the results are in! I would think this shouldn’t be surprising…

More than 90% say they they do it because of too frequent, irrelevant or boring communications. Of the 1500, 91% have opted out of e-mails, 81% have “unliked” on Facebook to remove the company from their News Feed, and 77% say they are just more cautious about who they share their information and e-mail with.

So, now that you have that shocking information (sarcasm), why don’t you go follow the Yak on Facebook and Twitter! We promise not to bore you, too much anyway, and we promise to NEVER share ANY of your information, including your e-mail address!

T-Mobile – All Phones FREE!

As part of a special Valentine’s Day promotion, T-Mobile will offer all of the phones in it’s inventory for free with a new 2 yr. contract this Friday and Saturday. (February 11th and 12th.)

This includes their high-end Smartphones, like the HTC HD7, the T-Mobile G2 and the Samsung Vibrant. You can see a list of all the offers on T-Mobiles website HERE.

These are huge savings, but just like all other companies, I’m sure you will still need to pay the sales tax based on the original price. To take advantage of their offer, you must go to a T-Mobile store. However, there will be some offerings online if you wish to order from the comfort of your home.

Care to guess if this is really just for Valentines Day, or could it be because the Verizon iPhone comes out this weekend? Hmmmm.

The Daily Show and The Colbert Report Returns to Hulu

Fans of Jon Stewart, Colbert and Hulu unite! Both shows are returning to a computer near you. Hulu closed a major deal with Viacom last week, and as part of the deal, a “selection of great current programming from MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, TV Land, BET, and other Viacom channel brands will also be added to Hili Plus.

What does this mean for us? Well, previously the two above shows were on Hulu (free) and have now moved to Hulu Plus. Hulu Plus is a subscription based service that currently costs $7.99 a month. It’s a nice add if you are thinking about cutting the cable cord and accessing HULU through other platforms attached to your TV.

Well there you have it, all caught up. So, what do you think? Will you subscribe to Hulu? Will you run out this weekend for a new T-Mobile phone? Will you @yakkityyaks your Twitpic video? Let us know below!

Speak Up! YakkityYak’s Best (and Worst) of 2010

Mike & Molly. The Walking Dead. Jon Stewart. Bret Michaels. Miley Cyrus. Sarah Palin. Modern Family. Glee. Cee-Lo. Eminem. Chilean Miner Rescue. Inception. Tina Fey. Mad Men. Ellen Degeneres. Survivor. The Amazing Race.

So many names and words to throw around to take you on a journey of the events of 2010. What stood out the most for you? We here at the Yak want to give you the chance to vote for the best and worst moments of 2010. Who better to determine this than YOU?! Member voices were already heard with nominations. What made the cut? Be sure to check out our VOTING BOOTH for the official polls of 2010. We’re still a month away from 2011, but let’s take a trip down memory lane and re-live some of your favorite moments of 2010! We’ve got everything covered from movies to music to TV to reality TV and more! You can join our forums for free to make your voice heard. So what’re you waiting for?? Get on in!

Special thanks to our very own member sas0327 for her graphic expertise in everything Best of 2010!

Jon Stewart, Colbert – Rallies, Apologies and Donations

With the rallies coming up, the insult heard ’round the world, subsequent firing of CNN Host Rick Sanchez, the rousing of said “insultee,” apologies, and donations being sought to restore the National Mall in Washington, Jon Stewart has held his share of the News Media lately.

If you are somehow behind the times on the whole insult thing, apparently CNN Host Rick Sanchez, on a radio show, called Jon Stewart a bigot, and said that Hollywood, including the network he once worked for, are all “run by Jews.” CNN did not take very well to that comment, and within mere hours, Rick Sanchez was fired from his position at CNN (and a replacement show was immediately put in his show’s place, that we at the Yak have heard isn’t doing real well.)

It’s a dangerous game, insulting Stewart. By doing so, you MUST know what’s coming, and of course, it didn’t take long. Stewart, commenting on the whole fiasco, asks for a “cleaner” Sanchez, rather than a “dirty” one. (I must admit, I do get a kick out of anyone that tried to ruffle Jon Stewart’s feathers… it certainly makes for some interesting TV.)

Since, Sanchez has apologized to Stewart, and anyone else he offended, in what he calls “inartful comments” he had made during that radio show. His apology came 5 days after he was fired from CNN, stating that he had spoken with Stewart on Monday, and they had a “very good conversation.” Comedy Central would not confirm whether or not that conversation took place.  My guess is Rick Sanchez will most likely be a guest soon on the Daily Show.

On a more serious note, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are asking donors to help restore the National Mall in Washington.  On the “Rally to Restore Sanity” website, Stewart asks attendees to “pick up after themselves in the name of sanity and reasonableness” and that “We feel it’s important to preserve this historic site for future rallies and for future Americans to rally on! But just in case you accidentally, like, put a beverage down on the Mall’s coffee table without using a coaster, we figure that giving a little something back to the National Mall might, at least, soften the blow.”

Stephen Colbert is asking his attendees on his “Keep Fear Alive” website to donate to ‘Donors Choose’ which raises money for school supplies.

The National Mall in Washington has more visitor each year than Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and Yosemite Parks combined, and has thousands of events held there every year. These events have impacted the area greatly. Sidewalks are crumbling, grass can no longer grow, and it’s reflecting pools are filled with stagnant water.  Stewart selected ‘Trust for the National Mall’ as his charity of choice.

To donate, click on the website links above. Both are excellent causes. Big thanks go out to Stewart and Colbert for throwing in the funny and the charity. Now, when is the bus coming to the Yak to pick us up for the rallies? Jon? Stephen? Arianna?  Anyone?