The Votes Are In: The Best of 2012 Are …

best_2012_smOther sites have been making lists based on their preference, telling you what they believe made up 2012. We here at the Yak like to do it another way … put you in command. You nominated, you voted, and now it’s time to reveal who YOU chose as the Best of 2012. 2013 just got underway, so we figured it’s time to take you down memory lane as we reminisce about what made these people, TV shows, songs, albums, and celebrities the best (or in some cases the worst) of 2012. There were some EXTREMELY tight races this year, but fans came out in full force to make sure their favorites got to the top. No more yakking, let’s just get right to it. What are we waiting for? Check out the gallery below and see who and what made YOUR list of favorites in television, music, movies and more in 2012. Check out the honorable mentions below … some of these races were just too tight, so we had to throw them in!

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Song of the Year:

Favorite Live Performance of the Year:

Most Viral Video of the Year:

BREAKING: Lohan Found Unconscious, Transported to Hospital

UPDATE: Lohan’s rep blames this on “dehydration and exhaustion,” as Lindsay was up all night filming for her movie. Her rep denied the use of any drugs or alcohol playing a role here. Lohan was reported up all night filming, went back to her hotel room at 8am to sleep. When production tried to wake her up, they were unsuccessful and called 911. Lohan is reportedly returning home and will be back on set later today.

This is a developing story, but ABC 7 KTLA in Los Angeles has reported that trouble actress Lindsay Lohan has been found unconscious at Ritz-Carlton in Marina del Rey. She has since been transported to a local hospital by paramedics. Paramedics were called at 10:15 a.m. PST. Details of the story will likely be flooding in and we’ll do our best to keep you updated. So stick to this page and we’ll post updates as they roll in. So far, a “friend” has said that she is doing fine and will hopefully be released soon.

Lohan is currently filming Lifetime’s Elizabeth Taylor bio-pic “Liz & Dick.” It’s no secret the troubled past this actress has had with drugs and alcohol. She has been in and out of rehab multiple times and was recently taken off of probation from a DUI case in 2007.

What We’re Arguing About…

If you haven’t been to the Forum in awhile, or ever for that matter, well then you are missing out on sharing your opinions with us! Not only do we discuss every Reality Show you love and become Big Brother Central in the Summer, but we also discuss current events, Holidays, Movies, TV Shows and more!

We also however have a special section that we can debate (Argue) some more controversial issues. Currently, we are discussing how Hollywood seems to have a double-standard. How celebrities seem to be able to get away with things that the otherwise normal person, like you, can’t.

One of our members mentions Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Chris Brown, Michael Jackson, OJ, Lindsay Lohan… Saying the former three are abusers, Jackson of course with the child molestation, and well, you know the deal on the latter two.

Another member says “If you have fame and money, you can sleep with children, kill your wife, bite your girlfriend, etc. All of that is socially acceptable here. But if you even THINK about lighting a cigarette, it’s the end of the world; never to be forgotten or forgiven.”

Another one of our members feels that Celebrities are like Gods, and should be able to live the double standard.

I will not take sides out here, but sides are definitely being drawn in there. CLICK HERE to make your voice heard! You can post as a guest, or register for FREE to receive all the benefits of being one of our members! Plus, you can help out the one side, or the other, to try and win this argument!

Random Thought Thursday! Sheen, American Idol and Rehab!

Welcome to yet another edition of random thought Thursday. I come to you live from my office, messy desk and all, and I do in fact have some random thoughts to share. My mind is a befuddlement of wonder I tell you! Funny how you can think of these random things all day long, but you can’t remember an appointment, to take a pill, to make a call… Where are my car keys? Or, maybe it’s just that ol’ age thing kicking in. Can’t be that though, because I would have to admit to being old(er), and that’s not happening now, or even when I’m 103. We’ll just call it “life experience.” Yeah, that has a nice ring.

Alright, back to my random thoughts. My first thought is a shout out, or shout at…

Charlie Sheen.

So his new little “interview” over at E! had me thinking… Let me refresh your memory on what he said to them (or if you haven’t seen it yet):  Commenting on all the rumors floating around, like is his father seeking conservatorship, is his show being cancelled, etc. his answer was “”All crap” (sent to them by text message)

“Believe nothing. I will never speak about any of this as long as I’m alive. You’re all gonna have to keep towing the same redundant line, guessing wrong.”

He follows up with, “BTW, two wars are in an endless state of sorrow. Egypt about burned to the ground, and all you people care about is my bullsh-t….?”

He called it “pathetic” that the media shows any concern about his personal life and how he chooses to spend it. “Shame shame shame,” he said.

Shortly after this “interview” (if you can call a convo via text an interview) his representative Stan Rosenfield issued this statement on behalf of Sheen: “I have a lot of work to do to be able to return the support I have received from so many people. I want to say thank you to my fellow castmembers, the crew of Two and a Half Men and everyone at CBS and Warner Bros., especially [CBS CEO] Les Moonves and [Warner Bros. TV President] Bruce Rosenblum for their concern and support, and to my fans, your good wishes have touched me very much. Like Errol Flynn, who had to put down his sword on occasion, I just want to say thank you.” A lot different than his text message interview huh?

Well, let me just say a couple of things that came to mind when I read his “interview.” Be careful what you wish for Mr. Sheen. You want the media to not cover you or your personal life? Do you want them to not cover your show either? I mean, how will you be able to afford the “personal life” you choose to partake in if no one feels the need to care about you?

Secondly, about the wars and Egypt. That was a nice touch. Most people out there CAN multitask. We are following everything about the war and Egypt. I mean heck, even you who are supposedly in “home rehab” can do both rehab, text E! and know what’s happening in Egypt right? Maybe people would like something a bit more ‘light’ to turn to when the world is on fire, if only for a moment. You should know what turning to ‘light’ topics are like. I mean, there is a war on, Egypt is burning to the ground, and you are having your playtime with your porn family right? Many of us are fans of yours, and hate what you have decided to do to yourself. But alas, your family and friends should just let you kill yourself and your fans shouldn’t give a crap, because there is a war on. I see.

Speaking of porn family, many of us, myself included, really have no interest in the “Queen of Anal” all over our TVs talking about you. Some family you got there. Oops?

Whether you like it or not, you will be talked about. You are a ‘star’… you chose, in this life, to be in the public eye. Your fans love you and want you to be well. Give in to the love of those who want you well, and reject those that just want to use you for what your worth until you’re gone. Seriously? $30,000 for THAT? That is all.

On to other topics now…

American Idol Apology

Really? Do they not have enough viewers that they need to pull out all the stunts? We still can’t figure what the hey that apology was for. Was it because Steven Tyler had to be bleeped? What did you expect putting a rocker on the panel? Was it because he hinted that one of the young contestants could have been a groupie that he lays? Again, what did you expect putting a rocker on the panel?

For that matter, why wouldn’t you just edit it out of the show? It’s not as if these audition shows are live. Did you get complaints? If so, why wouldn’t there have been a more specific apology, inclusive of what you are apologizing for? Yeah, stunt. All us who watch know it, all those who don’t didn’t really care enough to tune in. Stop that.

Wow… I guess this should have been called ‘Random Yell Thursday”… who knew my thoughts would be so… what’s the word… motherly?

Last Random:

What’s with all the rehab lately? Is rehab the new black? Are drugs and alcohol the new pink? Elton John recommends Billy Joel go to rehab? Even the youngsters are getting into the programs… Demi Lovato, Aaron Carter, and of course, Lindsay Lohan. Is Miley Cyrus next? I guess I just don’t get it. Is it the people they surround themselves with? Is it the pressure of being in the public eye all the time? Is it just straight up depression? Is it lack of self-worth? Is it just spoiled brats not getting what they want? I myself have family with addictions, family members that have gone to rehab. It’s heart breaking to say the least… Here’s hoping that people in general, including celebrities, see the latest trend for how it should be seen… troubling and worthless. I personally thought Lohan had one of the brightest futures ahead of her. She is a beautiful girl and an amazing actress, and yet, she throws it away, and for what? Hold on to what you have, that crap ain’t worth it.

Alright, that’s it for my ranting randoms! What do you think? Do you agree with Sheen that we should just leave him alone? Is rehab the new black? Is all this stuff just a product of our new “entitled” way of life? Do you wish the porn queen would just go away? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Oh and join me, and MANY others at Sober Is Sexy, and “like” them HERE on Facebook! While you’re at it, like us on Facebook too… HERE!

–UPDATE– Lindsay Lohan… SHOCKER!!! –UPDATE–


Celebrity Justice Served!  Lindsay Lohan will be bailed out of jail this weekend and must to wear a SCRAM alcohol-monitoring device, her third to date.

“An order has been signed by Judge Patricia Schnegg granting writ of habeas corpus,” court spokesman Allan Parachini confirmed on Friday. “Bail has been set at $300,000.” According to reports, “she is not allowed to be around known drug users … and must submit to search by law enforcement at any time. Additionally, nightclubs are not allowed… Lindsay has to stay out of places where alcohol is the ‘chief item of sale.’”

As reported earlier today, Lindsay was taken into custody after Judge Elden Fox denied bail and ordered that she stay in jail until her next hearing on October 22.

–Stay tuned to the YAK for updates–

Lindsay Lohan is heading back to jail.  Her mother is shocked… Her father is shocked… the whole world is shocked…  this celebrity injustice must be corrected!  The L.A. county jail system is already overcrowded as it is, therefore, how can we allow this saucy young actress to rot in unflattering prison orange… my goodness are we socialist?

It was widely leaked that she had failed a recent drug test, thus a violation of her probation… for if a mere civilian were to do this, it is understood that they should by all reasonable measure head back to jail and serve their full sentence without any form of clemency whatsoever.

But PEOPLE… we are talking about Lindsay Lohan here!  Yes, she has had her slight issues with dependency…  heck, every person has their vices, whom are we to judge, well, other than “The Judge” presiding over her case.

Americans need to take to the streets and start a “FREE LINDSAY” campaign to bring to the forefront her plight from celebrity justice.  Heck, it is almost equal to a jailed Nelson Mandela! If the people can free Paris Hilton after fifteen minutes, how can the people tolerate poor Lindsay being forced to once again don an orange jumpsuit against her fashionably free will? How can she be expected to be held by her lonesome, out of her mansion and away from the paparazzi in a cramped tiny 8-by-12 foot cell, where she must spend approximately 23 hours a day? That is a lot of hours to be spent in confinement with her thoughts and without the guidance of a script, only to be shortened on days when this poor girl is visited by her shocked loved ones.

We as Americans have an obligation to feel sorry for her, forget about Americans:  fighting in two meaningless wars, hunger, homelessness; after all they are just…. mere ordinary people. We are talking about Lindsay Lohan here and she will make a come back… because America loves a comeback!

Are you with me?  Sign our petition or just let us know what you think in the FORUM.