Some Big Brother Fans Go Off the Deep End

UPDATE 8/28/11: The Yak scoops TMZ, who has now picked up our story (conveniently leaving out the link to our article in Big Brother Executive Producer Alison Grodner’s tweet). Sources close to Shelly say that Shelly’s family have been receiving death threats from fans and threats against her 8 year old daughter. Shelly’s employer also says they have been receiving harassing phone calls demanding Shelly be fired immediately. Sources say Shelly’s family will be getting the FBI involved, as they are taking the threats very seriously.

The Yak states again, it’s ok to hate how Shelly plays the “GAME”, hate the things she might say or do in the BIG BROTHER HOUSE, but leave her and her family outside of the show alone. I know it’s a minority, but whether you want to pretend it isn’t happening or not, it is happening.


I write this article in utter disgust. Absolute, total, UTTER DISGUST.

I, along with many people here, are huge fans of Big Brother, the reality show on CBS. Most recently, many fans lost the captain of their “team” on Big Brother, Jeff Schroeder. The blame of this loss is projected on Big Brother Houseguest, Shelly Moore, who turned on what was her alliance, and friends, Jeff and Jordan.

Jeff and Jordan have many, many fans. In fact, between the two of them, probably the largest fan base of any Houseguests on Big Brother. The only other Houseguest that comes close in un-official Big Brother 13 only polls, like the one on this page, is Daniele.

Recently in the news, we have been hearing about the violence between fans at Football and Baseball games, leading to some beatings, shootings and sadly, deaths, and we thought that was vile. Some Big Brother fans have taken it to whole new level, and the Yak couldn’t hold his tongue on this any longer. It’s sickening, not funny, and is literally psychopathic behavior.

**Click the pics in the article to make larger.**

[singlepic id=623 w=320 h=240 float=left]Today, a Facebook page has creeped up entitled “America Hates Shelly Moore.” Fair enough, the fans of Jeff and Jordan want to “vent” on Facebook, so be it. However, it has been taken to such a sick level that I am just in awe of the lunacy in people. I will not be posting the link to this Facebook Page here. If you want to see it, if you want to join it, look it up, or, go to Jokers where they are touting this hateful speech on their front page. **See Picture above**

[singlepic id=621 w=320 h=240 float=right]The hate speech has gone to a whole new level. People are posting phone numbers and e-mails to Shelly’s work, urging others to call to get her fired from her job. They are urging people to help get Josie, Shelly’s young daughter, kicked out from her school. They are posting Child Social Service numbers, and asking that everyone call them to report Shelly as a child molester to have her daughter taken from her, and they are wishing violence on her and their family. Why? Because she helped to evict someone they like on a Reality Game Show. It is a reality game show right? I mean, I am starting to think it isn’t anymore. I am beginning to think this is real life… like Shelly just killed these lunatics mother or child. It’s sick, and so wrong on so many levels, I just don’t understand it. Is Shelly the new Casey Anthony? This is crazy, sick and wrong.

[singlepic id=620 w=480 h=350 float=center]I am not a Shelly fan. I have not been a Shelly fan since day one. Her style of gameplay, her style of manipulation, the way she has gone about getting as far in the game as she has rubs me wrong. That’s an opinion. If you feel like you want to get her fired from her job, her child kicked from school, or you want her dead, then the Yak seriously suggests that you seek some mental help because it is truly, TRULY unhealthy. Even Jeff and Jordan would not only be very much against what you are doing, but they will HATE YOU for it. Know that.

This is giving Jeff and Jordan fans a really bad rap right now, and I really hope they will stand together, and “dislike” that page on Facebook, urge your BB friends to dislike that page as well, and try and keep the vitriol to a minimum as it is ONLY A GAME. IT IS NOT LIFE. Liking that page and posting hate there only incites these crazy people, giving them fodder to do more damage to a person, who at the end of the day, is a character/contestant we may not like on a reality show and will not affect us personally once the show is done. She will be forgotten along the likes of others we couldn’t stand. One should also ask that favorite site of theirs, if it is such, to take it off their front page, as promoting that hate is just wrong on any level.

Please, help to make it stop. We all love this show, and are avid, passionate fans. Don’t let that passion turn this ugly.

[Photo has been removed per Request]UPDATE: An article on TVGrapevine is now endorsing this behavior as well, and jokers promoting their article. The article discussed the fight between Jordan and Shelly seen on the feeds after the eviction, and discussed how when a contestant on the show goes bad, that the internet viewers will use what they have at their disposable, the web, to fight back.

Second UPDATE: I would like to issue an apology to TVGrapevine. I received an e-mail from TVGrapevine this morning, defending themselves on their posting, saying that it was written by a member and not the views of the TVGrapevine team.  In fact, they now have, as of this morning, an article on their own front page denouncing the violent conversation about Shelly. Unfortunately, all the Big Brother sites do not have 100% control over what our members post in our forums. They now have a retraction at the bottom of the article discussed in the previous paragraph, stating “**** There is no where within this piece that says TVGrapevine or the writer supports the America Hates Shelly More Face Book Page. As a matter of fact the writer left out the URL on purpose the the terrible face book page.”

That said, they have also decided to attack us personally, YakkityYaks, and myself, touting “bad punctuation” of this article (in a badly punctuated article of their own) and that this article was written for self-promotion. They also say that we aren’t allowing comments on this post. Comments are open and free for anyone to put in their input. Them saying we are not allowing comments on this is an outright lie. Feel free below.

I would also like to apologize that the punctuation in this article is not perfect. The point of this article was not to write a dissertation of Reality Show Viewer’s psyche of the Id vs. the Idiot to be read over by Sigmund Freud, but to stop the insanity of wanting to do harm to a Reality Show Contestant and her family. If one chooses to read anything other than that into it, well, that’s ones own interpretation.

I am glad, however, to see that this article did incite some of the other sites to follow our lead in trying to put a stop to the Shelly Moore hate. Bravo to TVGrapevine for joining a very good cause since this article was written. This was my soul purpose. TVGrapevine has a Facebook Page Now: Stop the Shelly Moore Hate – I urge everyone to join it!

***Response to the comments below: This article is in NO WAY indemnifying Je/Jo fans! I said that Jeff and Jordan fans are getting a BAD RAP for this, (and they are) because the violent hate began after Jeff was evicted, and Shelly and Jordan got in a fight when the feeds came back up. This isn’t to say that it’s all Je/Jo Fans doing this. Let’s be clear about that.

In addition, regardless if Shelly hid a stuffed animal, had an argument with Jordan, doesn’t stop the conversation from Porsche about Rachel, leaves her child at home to go on a show, etc. etc. by no means should incite people to call Child Services on her family, try to get her fired, or promote any other violence to her or her family. If a person thinks that what she has done on a reality show deserves that, well then, this is who this article was written for.

You can dislike Shelly and the way she plays the game, the arguments with Jordan, and any other antics in the BB House all you want, just help to put a stop to the other madness going on. It’s just not right.

297 Replies to “Some Big Brother Fans Go Off the Deep End”

  1. I am not a Shelly fan, she is bashing jordon and calling her trash, while jordon has not done the same…..but I think it is crazy what the fans are doing they need to leave her child out of it, So please stop this, When she gets out she will see for her self, what she has been doing is wrong

  2. I don’t think the fans should be saying things about Shelly’s daughter that is not right.  But, Shelly is fair game!  The way that lady acts whether it’s a game or not is not right. She herself said she would take Rachel’s dog and paint it with red nail polish after she rips it to shreds. Now what kind of sicko is that?  I’m guessing she needs a straight jacket herself.  As of last night she was even talking trash about Rachel being pregnant and that they could play veto with a medicine ball and hit Rachel in the stomach so she could have an abortion. I mean really is this ok? Your talking about it’s bad that they are saying all this stuff about her daughter, but yet she is talking about killing an unborn child and ON NATIONAL TV!!!!!   I think that Shelly is aggravating too many people by what she is saying in the house and the people are venting on this facebook page. Like i said what they say about her daughter is not right at all, but I for one will not dislike the “America Hates Shelly Moore” page. I do dislike her very much and the more I see her on television the more I dislike.  She is hateful, spiteful and a liar. She does deserve to have a fan page that doesn’t like her!

  3. I am disgusted about the comments made on Facebook and other places that seem to think it is okay to bash this woman and her family. I am NOT a fan of Shelly but for god’s sake, leave her child alone. This is a commentary on the changing of the times. Other BB house guests were “hated” by “fans” but this is taking it to a whole new level. In my opinion, asking for a child to be raped and murdered is grounds for that person to be charged with conspiracy to commit a crime. These people, not Shelly, make me sick~!!!

  4. JOKERS is not supporting the hate of Shelly they promote a fun and safe place to follow the show and feeds. Most Jokers posters are appalled by this FB page and what is being posted there and this sort of hate does not exist at JOKERS.

  5. I’m on Jokers all the time and it certainly does not endorse this disgusting behavior. Jokers only reports on what there actually is out there. The forums are a whole different deal (a group of people talking). Most of us on the forums do NOT condone or endorse this kind of vile and truly scary behavior.

  6. Wow, some of you Jeff/Jordan fans are idiotic monsters. It’s just a game, and you’re acting like Shelly killed Jeff.  If you were in her shoes you would’ve done the same, unless you were dumb enough to give up 500K to your favorite houseguest. Shelly DOES NOT deserve this reaction, and you all really need to take a look in the mirror and realize how pathetic your own lives must be if you have to resort to this madness.

  7. OMG!!!!! I was very ashamed of her turning on Jeff and Jordan but I think the only basis to be mad about is game play that messed up our team…..but she does NOT deserve any of that!!!!! they should leave josie out of this. this is purely about being upset that we lost. nothing to do with josie!!! or her personal character!!!!!!!! just about game play. it’s a GAME. omg that is just awful. she is a great person out of the house i have no doubt. and she does not deserve any of that from people. that is jsut disgusting.

  8. People don’t hate her because she got Jeff evicted. They hate her because she is an over 40 woman who doesn’t need the money, who abandoned her 8 year old for the Summer, to go on nationwide tv and lie,cheat, and steal for a 1 in 14 chance at $500,000. She is a horrible example of a parent. While I do not agree with threats to her family, or the vile hatred that is spewed by some, I do think that Shelly Needs to re examine her choices and her behavior and focus on being a better example for her daughter. And please educate yourself before you write an article next time.

  9. lmao, seriously? She “abandoned” her daughter to spend time with her father, oh how horrific!! As for not needing the money, BB was never a charity game. Doctor Will didn’t need the money, Boogie didn’t need the money, but nobody bitched and moaned about them winning. Shelly made the best move FOR SHELLY, and Jeff/Jordan fans need to look at the big picture instead of being bitter children who result to hate speech and name calling.

  10. People apparently forget that this is only a game and not real life.  They get so caught up emotionally and “refuse” to recognize that fact and their behavior is juvenile at best.    The bottomline is it shows the great lack of emotional intelligence and meanspiritedness in this country.  All the house guest have said and done things that are not appropriate, but it appears, just as in high school, they have a great need to put down and focus on the fault of others to boost their self esteem.  Instead, people should focus on becoming a better “You”, grow up and get a life.

  11. I agree that the words/actions against a child/family is overboard…when taken to this level.  Children and Family Members should be left alone along with a person’s employment or place of residence.  
    I also feel that most people are just venting but others are going too far in their venting.
    Talk about Shelly and her actions and words only.  I do think BB production should at times step in and tell these people in the BB house to stop.  They get vile and are allowed to say things that are unbelievable.  I had hoped that this year would be better than last year but its seems worse.  Refrain from attacking people that are not in the BB house…They are the ones that signed up for the show….They knew the score before they went in and should be smart enough to check their behavior and think of the consequences.

  12. First of all its not all J/J fans so accusations like that are complete bullshit. Unless you literally took a poll and counted all the post to see who are who’s fans, making false accusations is wrong when you are going to make a report.  Yes its wrong people are taking it personal level and hurting a person life and damaging a child. Unfortunately when you are in public eye and become a villian this crap happens. She should of never exposed her child to the game and the dad should never had their child on CBS cause there are crazies.

  13. Thank you for writing this article hopefully it will make a difference to all the hate going around about Shelly and her family!

  14. Here’s a newsflash to all of the dilusional JeJo fans: YOU CAN’T WIN BIG BROTHER WITHOUT LYING!!!! There are no rules in this game and you do WHATEVER it takes to get to the end. How someone plays inside the house is not in any way indicative of their personal behavior outside of the house. There has not been ONE winner of Big Brother that didn’t lie and throw people under the bus, including Jordan. The article on TVGRAPEVINE  “And speaking of huge negative footprints, Shelly will not be able to erase the online historyand documentation of her behavior. Despite that some argue it is only a game, the court of public opinion has judged her for what has been seen by millions on the live feeds.” is beyond ridiculous. (I’d like to point out there is PLENTY of horrible grammar/punctuation in that article) I guess Jeff fans are taking after him and feel bullying is the best route. Nobody was this outraged before Shelly decided (thankfully and rightfully) that she should play for HERSELF and HER FAMILY and not sit back and hand $550000 to Jeff and Jordan. Get a freakin’ grip people! If you are this invested in a TELEVISION show you probably need to take a hard look at your life.

  15. The majority of Jeff and Jordan fans do not condone the comments posted in the screencaps above. In fact their fan site has made a point to all their members to never contact a Hg’s family member or work. It’s perfectly fine to express some anger towards shelly and if that FB page helps people do that, then there’s nothing wrong with the page. Also from what they said, some of those posts weren’t even made on their page, but instead on a copy cat page by shelly fans to make the “I hate shelly” pg look worse. Regardless, Jeff and Jordan have a ton of fans are were understandably upset, not because shelly made a game move but because she toyed with their emotions and played on a level that is not needed in the BB game. When devoted fans see this happening to someone as innocent as Jordan, of course they will have a negative reaction, it’s not right to lump all the Jeff and Jordan fans up under the same blanket. Fans have a right to react and be mad if their favorite loses, but you took the actions of a couple of troublemakers and implied it was accepted by an entire group, not cool.

  16. Bitch shut the fuck up and go suck a donkey dick.
    Shelly needs to be kicked out this week. Stupid rat.

  17. I don’t approve of the behavior of the facebook fan page people but
    Anyone who does not watch the lived feeds has not seen the worst of Shelly’s behavior, like yelling at Jordan when she was upset that Jeff left(happened 5 minutes after the live show ended), or Shelly Porsche and Kalia “joking” about ways to get Rachel to miscarry a baby she may or may not be carrying.  So at least include that in your article if you are going to talk about the why of Shelly being disliked.

  18. You are wrong about WHY WE REACTED TO SHELLY MOORE AS WE HAVE….Its NOT JEFF’S EVICTION…Its how Shelly horribly attacked Jordan like she did…Jordan looked to her as a Mom away from home…Too dirty for any person to do….    Hate is a harsh word but sorry….

  19. Get it right! Unlike THIS season & previous seasons, where the HG’s still keep competing for their “fallen leader” ie…Daniele & Jesse! People hate shelly for being a shitty person!!!

  20. America Hates Shelly Moore…. Facebook page is rockin     Come join us to have a laugh or 2.  

  21. I’ve tried to comment on the I hate Shelly Moore FB page, but I don’t see anywhere to ‘comment’. This is RIDONKULOUS! (as Jordan would say). I don’t this J/J would approve either, so if it’s their fans, I think they will be very disappointed.

  22. wow…a whole new level of crazy….methinks these people should actually get a life and stop being so caught up in a tv show!….I like BB and watch every episode but wow….some people!

  23. I’m not a Shelly fan, but in her defense, that was PORSCHE who made the comment about Rachel getting hit in the stomach.

  24. if someone is really threatening, report to police! I don’t think anyone is really threatening her family, but the hate has to be vented some way, I don’t remember anyone being so hated, and SHE deserves every bit of it, people just want her to know. She caused it by always playing the integrity card, no one on the show wanted to hurt her family or disrespect her, so those of us who saw what she’s doing, want to give her some of her own medicine, to see how it feels! I just wish her “supporters” would stay on their own turf. If you don’t like the hate, why is everyone reporting, tweeting and advertising it? To get someone to read their blog. So you are no better.

  25. Sorry Matt but in my case I don’t dislike Shelly because she voted out Jeff. I dislike her because of the hypocrite she is.  She is the one making herself look bad by talking all that trash about Rachel and Jordan.  She even stole from Rachel how is that a game? Tell me would it still be game if Rachel took Shelly’s dog and ripped it to shreds and put some red polish on it? Or would that make Rachel look sick? Because that is what Shelly wanted to do and not only that, but she was going along with Porche, Kalia, and Adam when they were talking about hitting Rachel on the stomach with that ball.  So you tell me if she’s not a dispicable person.  It has nothing to do with the game, but her being a mother and playing that card to further her game has led to all this drama.

  26. While I agree with your blog 100% about the intolerance for the extremist and
    the fact Jeff and Jordon would never want to be the reason or apart of something
    like this, I disagree with your take on why people are so upset with Shelly.
    Shelly has gone outside of game play, in fact several
    of the house guest have. Making comments about harming (what they assume) is a
    pregnant Rachele. There have been a multitude of comments made by Shelly that
    have made this a very personal game and not game play. I wish someone in
    production would intervene and tell her she continues to perpetuate and incite
    the public with her behavior and comments. I myself joined the site
    originally , then when I saw the direction it was taking I removed myself. I
    told my family last night I am worried for her and her familys
    safety and we wrote to CBS. HOWEVER, when I occassionally do check in on live
    feeds, I find (what I hope is an unaware) Shelly spewing more hateful remarks. I
    think it is time for CBS to intervene. Things have gone to far with several of
    the house guest. Adam and Porche (with Shelly present) were also in a
    conversation about throwing a medicine ball at Rachele , creating a mis-carriage
    and saving Brendon $400. (assumably for an abortion) It is not just the public
    that has gone to far, it is the house guest and CBS is letting it go to far as
    well. IMO

  27. So glad someone has written about all the hate mongering going. I too am not a bb Shelly fan but that page on facebook is just wrong on so many levels. What is wrong with people to be that vile. You are right JJ would not approve of it. It does make me feel bad for Shelly.

  28. shelly has never done anything to Jordan…well other than getting rid of Jeff…lol…but calling for shelley’s daughter to be kidnapped and raped is so far beyond that it is sickening and the person who posted it should be charged with a hate crime and put behind bars!…FUCKING SICKO!

  29. i go to the america hates shelly moore just to voice my opinion. i like u didnt like her from the beginning. i dont bash her, just read and contribute my thoughts. maybe it should have a different name, agreed


  31. I believe you, but then why allow the link to the hate page on the front page at all? There were many, many people saying on the I Hate Shelly Moore facebook page that they came there from Jokers. If they got there through a link on their front page, then that’s what is called promotion. They should take it down.

  32. I went there, did not see anything funny or rockin. Just a bunch of super crazy people wanting to get Shelly fired and her daughter taken away from her. I fail to see the humor in that.

  33. I went there, did not see anything funny or rockin. Just a bunch of super crazy people wanting to get Shelly fired and her daughter taken away from her. I fail to see the humor in that.

  34. You are using a broad brush to paint when you state the site is the ventings of Jeff and Jordan fans, ignoring that there are many other fans besides Jeff’s and Jordan’s that are disgusted by the actions Shelly has displayed which have nothing to do with her flipping.  This includes stealing from other house guests, making the most vile comments (such as plotting the demise of a supposed Rachel fetus – and sorry to everyone who disagrees, but she was right there contributing to the disgusting conversation), not to mention a horrible display of bullying and screaming at Jordan immediately after the Double Eviction because Jordan didn’t welcome her back with open arms.  

    Was I a Shelly fan in the beginning – yes, I was – BIG TIME.  Does she disgust me now – absolutely.  Should what happens in the Big Brother house make it’s way out into the real world via threats against family, calling employers, etc. – NEVER.  You know that a few nut jobs always crawl out of the woodwork.  Personally, I hope the police are tracking down every single “insert explicative here” that threatens her child.With that said, Shelly has used her daughter numerous times in the game to further herself, playing the she’s a “mom” card so you can really trust her.  She’s thrown Josie out there for the world’s viewing.  Something I, as a mother, would never in a million years consider doing in this day and age.  Shelly is also a mature (age-wise at least, though her actions the last few days would belie that on an emotional level), intelligent woman and knew what she was signing up for when she opted to leave her family for three months and join the Big Brother House.  Anyone who enters that house does so with the full understanding that they are putting themselves out there 24/7, and in turn opening themselves up to the adoration OR scorn of the viewing public.

  35. You are using a broad brush to paint when you state the site is the ventings of Jeff and Jordan fans, ignoring that there are many other fans besides Jeff’s and Jordan’s that are disgusted by the actions Shelly has displayed which have nothing to do with her flipping.  This includes stealing from other house guests, making the most vile comments (such as plotting the demise of a supposed Rachel fetus – and sorry to everyone who disagrees, but she was right there contributing to the disgusting conversation), not to mention a horrible display of bullying and screaming at Jordan immediately after the Double Eviction because Jordan didn’t welcome her back with open arms.  

    Was I a Shelly fan in the beginning – yes, I was – BIG TIME.  Does she disgust me now – absolutely.  Should what happens in the Big Brother house make it’s way out into the real world via threats against family, calling employers, etc. – NEVER.  You know that a few nut jobs always crawl out of the woodwork.  Personally, I hope the police are tracking down every single “insert explicative here” that threatens her child.With that said, Shelly has used her daughter numerous times in the game to further herself, playing the she’s a “mom” card so you can really trust her.  She’s thrown Josie out there for the world’s viewing.  Something I, as a mother, would never in a million years consider doing in this day and age.  Shelly is also a mature (age-wise at least, though her actions the last few days would belie that on an emotional level), intelligent woman and knew what she was signing up for when she opted to leave her family for three months and join the Big Brother House.  Anyone who enters that house does so with the full understanding that they are putting themselves out there 24/7, and in turn opening themselves up to the adoration OR scorn of the viewing public.

  36. The article was written by a Jeff and Jordan fan. In no way is it saying it’s all Je/Jo fans. It’s saying that a radical few are giving Je/Jo fans a bad rap. I went to the I Hate Shelly Moore page myself, and saw those posts, so to say it was “copied” from elsewhere is crap.

  37. Wow, I get that you don’t like her game play. That part is fine, but to contact her job, try to get her child taken away from her, well that is just wrong. No one really knows the real Shelly just from watching the tv show. I am sure once the cameras go up, people’s personalities change. Plus this is a game where lying, cheating and manipulation is a strategy. Its part of the game people, relax and just watch it unfold. 

  38. Kasey,

    You should do a better job of checking your facts before posting articles.  Take a moment to actually spend some time on the other websites.  Very poor example of journalism.

  39. The are doing a lot of “palms” when Shelly starts talking today … makes me wonder if production is indeed trying to not show as much of her hateful comments in order to temper the stream of anti-shelly that’s erupted.

  40. I think the reason most people hate Shelley is very simple. Jordan is loved by the public. SHe is a simple sweet naive woman/child. She is very trusting and gullible and Shelley preyed on that immediately. She is old enough to be Jordan’s mother and at one point J said you are the mom of the house. Shelley betrayed every thing that J believed to be true. She wasn’t devastated because Jeff was gone but because of the betrayal. Only absolute LOSERS would care enough about a stranger playing a game to wish them ill will not to mention her 9 year old daughter. Shelley is scum and I would have nothing to do with her in real life but how about I HATE GHADDAFI or I HATE SOMALIAN REBELS ETC. Losers – get a job, get an education,get a life,end your life who the f–k cares. You are a waste of space and air.

  41. You must not have feeds because Shelly demanded Jordan talk to her right after Jeff was evicted and when Jordan said no she went off on her.  Since then she has done nothing but bash Jordan and Rachel, using some really vile and disgusting words.  I have no problem whatsoever with Shelly taking out Jeff, it was good gameplay.  But she has shown a truly HORRIBLE and VILE side of herself which I have no doubt she will be embarrassed about after the show.

  42. Interesting … take the abhorrent comments of really less than a dozen people on a site that has over 6,000 fans and make that stand for the whole.  Is that what you were taught in school was a fair representation of the facts???  I went to the site when I saw the horrible comment about Josie posted to voice my outrage, only to find that ever single other poster had already started doing so.   Hope you like your five minutes of Journalistic fame, this really is a terrible piece of writing, intent to incite. Bah.

  43. wtf are you talking about exhibit B I condemed the cazy people making threats and said they should be tracked down.. you are exhibit B seeing only what you want  all I said was that contestants need to be warned about the crazy people who are out there and if the choose to play a certain way some people are gonna say and do crazy things so they should be prepared. I also said I hate Shelly and she used BB to advertise for her company so she is the face of that company to all that watch BB and she lied and stole on national tv so if her company fired her I know I would seriously consider it myself cause Shelly has proven the lengths she will go to to get money in short she was ver dishonest in order to get money what would she do in a business setting to get money??? I said if she got fired I would not care am I supposed to care does that make me crazy cause I dont care? I wish no phsycal or mental injury to Shelly or her Family only that shelly get evicted from the BB house THIS IS THE ONLY THING I WISH ON SHELLY does this make me crazy???

  44. EXACTLY thats what I was trying to say Shelly used her Daughter to further herself in the game and she should never have done that she is making  her daughter in a wierd way part of the game thats what the crazy people will sieze on. They think cause Shelly used her they can too and that is wrong all the HG;s familys are off limits but crazy people are crazy and they are there every year thats why i said they should warn people going into the house not to talk about thier loved ones for game advancement i.e. I swear on my fathers life some people take that stuff very seiously I am just saying they need to prepare the HG’s better

  45. EXACTLY thats what I was trying to say Shelly used her Daughter to further herself in the game and she should never have done that she is making  her daughter in a wierd way part of the game thats what the crazy people will sieze on. They think cause Shelly used her they can too and that is wrong all the HG;s familys are off limits but crazy people are crazy and they are there every year thats why i said they should warn people going into the house not to talk about thier loved ones for game advancement i.e. I swear on my fathers life some people take that stuff very seiously I am just saying they need to prepare the HG’s better

  46. The article, again, is not painting any “broad brush” about Jeff and Jordan fans. It states that SOME fans are giving Jeff and Jordan fans a bad rap. It’s actually PRO Jeff and Jordan fans, waving a finger at the few nut jobs calling Shelly’s work and touting violence against Shelly and her family.

  47. I believe you, but then why allow the link to the hate page on the front
    page at all? There were many, many people saying on the I Hate Shelly
    Moore FB that they came there from Jokers. If they got there
    through a link on their front page, then that’s adding fuel to the crazy fire. They should take it down.

  48. I would pose the very same question to “Wall St.” as to the lengths they would go to get money!  But I digress… What makes you crazy are statements like: “I HATE SHELLY AND I WILL TELL ANYBODY WHO WIL LISTEN.” &  “…if she got fired I would not care…”  umm… It’s only a Game!  To make a point… You are an idiot who can’t spell nor do you know the proper use of grammar, should I call your work and tell them to fire you because you went to great lengths to show your illiteracy and hate for a reality show contestant on a message board?  No, that would just be crazy!  But if you do get fired, Oh well, I won’t care… or should I?

  49. I agree with you about her daughter. But, Shelly has been acting very inapproapriately in the show. It is a game but when you start talking about killing an unborn child and her going along with it is not right.  If she’s so mature the way she says she is then she should put a stop to that kind of talk.  She prides herself on turning the house and giving pep talks. Why not tell Porche not to talk like that. When people start talking like that it’s not game anymore it’s a free for all to bash on Shelly Moore and that is why I dislike her!

  50. I agree with you on the BB producers.  They should have more control over these people in the house.  The stealing and the vile things being said is not right.  Yes there will be lying and cheating which is part of the game but when they start talking about hitting a woman on the stomach so she could lose her child is not right! The producers should do something about that. It is very unprofessional on their part.

  51. Are you kidding me? Shelly is far from the first person with children who has come on BB, so if we’re going to call out people for being horrible parents for “abandoning” their kids to go on BB, you better compile a list. How about Libra, she left her infant TWINS behind! Monster! Lets hang her! And if you think that Shelly is the only person to have “lied/cheat/steal”, you are truly an idiot. I couldn’t count the number of lies Jeff and Jordan have told this season, but it’s okay if they do it. No one else is allowed to play the game (lying is implied, it’s Big Brother) unless it helps J/J apparently. 

  52. I am a J&J Fan and I would never do anything that a few BB fans are doing. Please do not label all J&J fans as crazy people. Any one that has keep up on J&J over the last two years would know that they will not like what is going on

  53. no one deserves the hate speech.  It is one thing to denounce her game play.  it is another to attack her family and job.  It is just a game people.  and for the people who say “she abandoned her daughter”  MANY players of big brother have had children and went on the show.  People are so quick to love Dick and forget his treatment to women.  People are so quick to love jeff but excuse his anti-gay remakrs.  but the minute a woman make a game play move…..she gets a bunch or hate pages.

  54. the I hate justin bieber page has over 1million likes write about that? there are a few really ugly people in the world but people are just venting and no one wants to hurt her on that page.. If someone posts such a thing it gets deleted  we do not support violence. And its not about her stabbing Jeff in the back.. Shelly is wishing to kill Rachel’s unborn baby on national TV.. WOW a lil hate is deserved her way

  55. The Admins are taking care of the violent and inappropriate posts.  That aside, this is a free country
    and if people want to express their opinions about someone who
    *WILLINGLY* threw herself onto national TV, they can. If you don’t like
    it, move to Cuba or China and have a good time routing for the

  56. It’s horrible and I detest what is happening.  I want it to stop too.  Having said that, I am also upset at the fact that people are lumping all Jeff and Jordan fans into this hate stuff.  I know for certain I’m not like that and I am also certain these people are just trying to stir crap up…. even to the point of pretending to be Je/Jo fans.  Jeff and Jordan would be the first ones to say stop this, and I’m sure they will be just as appalled as the majority of Je/Jo fans are.  C’mon people, this is a game and you are messing with peoples’ real lives.  Stop that!!

  57. Not everyone that hates Shelly Moore are Jeff and Jordan mega-fans! My dislike for Shelly started weeks before that and it based soley on her hypocritcal behaviour.  It disgusts me when she steals Rachel’s stuffed dog, threatens to cut it up and leave it on her pillow and 10 minutes later talks about how she’s so ‘classy’.  There have been plenty of terrible housemates, but something about Shelly has incited this crazed behaviour.  Why is that?  It’s not because she’s ‘classy’. I think ruining a ‘real’ life is awful, but please, everyone that hates Shelly Moore is NOT a Jeff and Jordan crazed fan!

  58. PS. My posts on Jokers (and by the way, they link to all media about Big Brother on their site, you shouldn’t put them down) in the beginning were all pro-Shelly.  She was my favorite in the pre-interviews and for weeks.  I kept saying she was the only newbie housemate that would make All-Stars.  Everything changed and I wish I could pinpint the moment, but now I can’t even watch her on the feeds (which I’ve had since Season 1 when they were black and white and 2 cameras).  I have never disliked a housemate more.

  59. The fans aren’t mad because Jeff got evicted, they are mad because of what Shelly did to Jordan. Get it right next time you decide to write an article.

  60. First of all, you are apparently watching Shelly a bit too intently.  As you have resorted to the same type of lying tactics that she has used repeatedly.  That said, the truth is that no one has done a single thing that you allege on that fb site!  No one has posted phone numbers, emails, etc.  The fact also remains that even if they had…they were accessible to them via the internet.  So, anyone has access.  Please respect yourself and your blog more than this.  You also have spoken in an absolute as to the reason people hate Shelly.  Again, you make yourself appear illegitimate and at best with ulterior motive by making these statements.  Of course the fans of Jeff and Jordan would be upset by his exit.  But really?  Shelly’s not powerful enough to cause this alone.  And, BB fans recognize it’s all part of the game!  However, Shelly has shown at best abhorrent behavior and at worst psychiatric need with the amount and severity of lies, embellishments and half truths.  She is doing so even when there would be no benefit or necessity.  However, the absolute most horrendous act that caused the birth of the fb page was relative to her verbal attack on Jordan!  If you watched that and are human, you couldn’t possibly rationalize any reason for Shelly’s behavior.  If you are in some way related to Shelly…then it would make sense that you might be defensive.  But know this…if there are so many appalled by her recent actions, there is good reason.  Allow her to own what she’s doing… I’ve said it before, the longer the game goes, the more true character comes out!  

  61. They have links to all kind of BB media. They put the “I love Shelly Moore'” page up there to.  It’s not up to them to censor links. That’s why it’s all up there. I don’t speak for them, but have been a member for years and at the time they put the link up there, the really scary, offensive stuff (addresses, stuff against her kid, etc.) wasn’t there.

  62. I tell my friends the same.  Those who don’t get the feeds do not see the real show.  That’s a lot of the fun of having the feeds is seeing what really goes on compared to the CBS editing.  They did it with Ragan and Britney last year.  My friends loved them, everyone that had the feeds knew the hatred they really spewed.  But we all moved on from the Ragan hate.  Shelly has gone way too far and there’s no way to explain it unless you’ve watched the feeds, seen it, heard her tone, etc. I’ve seen it and find it hard to explain it in words.

  63. It does say these people are giving Jeff and Jordan fans a bad name, why does the article assume the idiots who wrote those comments is a Jeff and jordan fan? Shelly had many detractors before she turned on J/J. As for the comments, if they were on the page or not, i haven’t seen them, and the point is that the page admin did not encourage those post and deleted any that were offensive. The writer should be more responsible than to paint everyone with such a broad brush and point the finger at one group of people over the actions of 1-2 trouble makers. Condemn them, don’t assume becuase someone posted on that page or shared the link that they are just as bad as some vile person who posted about hurting her daughter.

  64. I agree that violence is not the answer and threats are wrong; Shelly got personal too. We cannot control the outcome of people but by god we do have the right to vent.

  65. My dad used to “abandon” me for 6 and 9 months at a time to fight for our freedom in the miliary. People do that for money, by the way…it’s a job. Was he vile for it? Who are you to judge her? I’m a Jeff/Jordan fan and DO NOT like Shelley, but attacking her as a mother is ridiculous!!

  66. She is a despciable person in my opinion. She lies, and talks trash about people who carried her thru the game to this point, someone who gave up her phone call home so that she could talk to her daughter and husband and then goes and stabs her in the back the way she did. She is no role model for her child or anyone, she does not need the money, she has a beautiful home decorated by an interior decorator, she has a good job, so its pure greed and selfishness. She is an ingrate…and she looks like a man…..DUDE, get feminie for gosh sakes!!!

  67. She is a despciable person in my opinion. She lies, and talks trash about people who carried her thru the game to this point, someone who gave up her phone call home so that she could talk to her daughter and husband and then goes and stabs her in the back the way she did. She is no role model for her child or anyone, she does not need the money, she has a beautiful home decorated by an interior decorator, she has a good job, so its pure greed and selfishness. She is an ingrate…and she looks like a man…..DUDE, get feminie for gosh sakes!!!

  68. Your sentence “She is doing this even when there would be no benefit or necessity” is absolutely true. I have been trying to figure out how I went from “Shelly will be the only newbie All-Star” to really hating her. You have helped me out with your post – great insight.  Remember how we all loved Danielle (who changed the jury process because they were able to watch her DRs and she lost the game) because she OWNED her behaviour.  Shelly does not and is so overly mean (as you said, without cause) and yet calls herself classy.  For those that keep saying “it’s a game, get over it” you haven’t seen the feeds have you.

  69. Your sentence “She is doing this even when there would be no benefit or necessity” is absolutely true. I have been trying to figure out how I went from “Shelly will be the only newbie All-Star” to really hating her. You have helped me out with your post – great insight.  Remember how we all loved Danielle (who changed the jury process because they were able to watch her DRs and she lost the game) because she OWNED her behaviour.  Shelly does not and is so overly mean (as you said, without cause) and yet calls herself classy.  For those that keep saying “it’s a game, get over it” you haven’t seen the feeds have you.

  70. These people are nuts and have nothing better to do than spread hate and read tabloids. Please do not link them with the majority of Jeff/Jordan fans who are well grounded. Don’t let a few represent the many. I for one want NO ASSOCIATION with these lunatics. Jeff and Jordan are going to be soooo uspest with these people.

  71. These people are nuts and have nothing better to do than spread hate and read tabloids. Please do not link them with the majority of Jeff/Jordan fans who are well grounded. Don’t let a few represent the many. I for one want NO ASSOCIATION with these lunatics. Jeff and Jordan are going to be soooo uspest with these people.

  72. Like many, I too have reported the page to FB – for hate speech and promoting/inciting violence against Shelly and her family. I’ve seen FB delete pages for far less egregious actions – so I hope it’ll be history by nightfall.
    And, yes, disgusted doesn’t even begin to describe my feeling towards the miscreants who inhabit that place.

  73. Like many, I too have reported the page to FB – for hate speech and promoting/inciting violence against Shelly and her family. I’ve seen FB delete pages for far less egregious actions – so I hope it’ll be history by nightfall.
    And, yes, disgusted doesn’t even begin to describe my feeling towards the miscreants who inhabit that place.

  74. Violence and threats are the opposite of what Jeff and Jordan stand for. They will be unhappy with these people. Porche is worse than Shelly, constantly making fun of Jordan’s IQ and most recently comparing talking to Jordan like talking to a ham sandwich. Do I like Porche? NO! Do I want to hurt her? NO! Come on folks…calm down.

  75. Violence and threats are the opposite of what Jeff and Jordan stand for. They will be unhappy with these people. Porche is worse than Shelly, constantly making fun of Jordan’s IQ and most recently comparing talking to Jordan like talking to a ham sandwich. Do I like Porche? NO! Do I want to hurt her? NO! Come on folks…calm down.

  76. Totally agree! Its scary that people take it to the extreme and would even think about doing anything to Shellys family. I would never call her job or do anything bad to someone over a show. Her problem was exactly what you said, she put her family out there and used them to manipulate people. She did that with her job also. Offering Jefd a six figure job after the show. She lies about so much, no one knows what true. Her job problem may come from her own doing. Every corporation will have you sign an agreement that says, you can not embarrass yourself and make the company look bad.By her going on about her company and offering employment to someone on that show, she probably lost her job already. You would think she would have listened to Rachael speak about all her problems after her season. I hope she gets out of the house soon before she digs a deeper hole for herself. And absolutely Jeff and Jordon would be so upset if anyone did anything to sheyy or her family.

  77. Totally agree! Its scary that people take it to the extreme and would even think about doing anything to Shellys family. I would never call her job or do anything bad to someone over a show. Her problem was exactly what you said, she put her family out there and used them to manipulate people. She did that with her job also. Offering Jefd a six figure job after the show. She lies about so much, no one knows what true. Her job problem may come from her own doing. Every corporation will have you sign an agreement that says, you can not embarrass yourself and make the company look bad.By her going on about her company and offering employment to someone on that show, she probably lost her job already. You would think she would have listened to Rachael speak about all her problems after her season. I hope she gets out of the house soon before she digs a deeper hole for herself. And absolutely Jeff and Jordon would be so upset if anyone did anything to sheyy or her family.

  78. Shelly haters are saying that Shelly said she wanted Rachel’s baby dead? If this was said or not said I still do not believe she deserves any of these threats these so called fans are giving her. This is pathethic and child like behaviour. This would have not blown up to this level if she had stuck with Jeff and Jordan. Obviously, Jeff and Jordan fans are mad that their favourite houseguest is gone 🙁 boo hoo cry more. its a game and its a tv show. theres a life outside of your television and computer screen. stop hating and wishing death upon someone else and start living your own.

  79. some absurd individuals lurk this planet. I am a Je/Jo fan, but was glad to see him go this week. I will also be glad when Rachel goes. Do i like Shelley? Yes and no. Does she need the money? Unlikely. That means nothing. The game still has to be so much fun to be a part of. I have auditioned in the past with hopes of making it just to experience it, not to win. 

    please grow up and understand that ethics and morals must be checked at the door of the Big Brother house. Part of the game, losers. Wake up.

  80. You say its just a game show and not real life BUT it is real life the people in the house are lliving this and they are not acting and actions right now in the house are rubbing people the wrong way.  I do not approve of the things that have been said about her family however, shelly uses her daughter to make people think she is telling the truth and that is wrong.  again it really is real life for now while its going on they are not acting there is no script so to say its not is wrong.

  81. Thank you for this article.

    What’s sickening is that lying and backstabbing to get yourself further in the game is what EVERY houseguest has done. Shelly is no different. She’s there to win for herself and her family. EVERYONE is there to win, not push someone they’ll never speak to outside of the house further.

    I don’t recall anyone getting this upset when other houseguests broke promises or lied. These people are angry merely because it cost Jeff the game, and that’s really, really pathetic.

  82. funny that so many people blame the shelly hate on jeff and jordan fans. actually ridiculous. i dont care about jeff and jordan. the extend of shellys despicable behaviour and lying throughout the game is unprecedented. it is not the fact that she voted jeff out, it is the overall hypocrisy, fakeness, self-righteousness and arrogance of her behaviour, that make her painful to watch. its shelly who went off the deep end a long time ago in this game, contradicting everything she so persistently wants to make everyone believe she stands for. even if the criticism is over the top sometimes, the backlash comes as no surprise and wouldn’t be as harsh hadn’t she talked about her high morals, loyalty and truthfullness over and over again, only to prove in the end that she is not what she pretends to be at all on a personal level. her behaviour has nothing to do with playing the game and is uncalled for even for big brother standards. there is no excuse. she would make a good politican though. giving rachel her puppy back would be a step in the right direction for this 41 year old “classy” mother.

  83. People that write these things are insane and disgusting, they make me feel bad for Shelly. This is A GAME not real life. geeez. She’s playing the game for herself, not following J/J orders anymore.

  84. I post at Jokers and I can assure you Jokers is not deliberately promoting this Hate Shelly facebook page.  Whatever is posted last in the BB News forum automaticaly goes on the home page.  I assure you there are many people at Jokers who are upset by this page. 

  85. I post at Jokers and I can assure you Jokers is not deliberately promoting this Hate Shelly facebook page.  Whatever is posted last in the BB News forum automaticaly goes on the home page.  I assure you there are many people at Jokers who are upset by this page. 

  86. why dont you stop the disgusting talk started by low life Dani Donato and let HGs discuss causing the death of a fetus by throwing a medicine ball at it ad saving the other HG 400    You should be setting the standard and this crowd Dani Shelly and Porsche have sunk to new levels of disgusting talk and behaviour

  87. why dont you stop the disgusting talk started by low life Dani Donato and let HGs discuss causing the death of a fetus by throwing a medicine ball at it ad saving the other HG 400    You should be setting the standard and this crowd Dani Shelly and Porsche have sunk to new levels of disgusting talk and behaviour

  88. I briefly posted one of those pictures on my facebook page so that people would report the guy. Most who replied aren’t Shelly fans but are also in no way a fan of this sort of post.

  89. I am a huge JJ fan and think anything said about SHellys daughter is despicable but BB needs to stop this disgusting group of pigs who talk aobut aborting babies Shelly included and do nothing about them laughing about abortions etc.
    This group learned their behaviour at the feet of the lovely Dani daughter of the highly educated and sophisticated ED. Best spitter in the world.

  90. Whatever is posted last in the BB news forums and the Updates forums and others, goes automatically to the Home page. It was not intentional on Jokers Updates part for it to be there.  Whoever posted the article probably knew it would go to the Home Page.

  91. I’m a big Jeff & Jordan fan, and I don’t care for what Shelly did…but to sit here and use the word “hate” when you don’t even know that person is just wrong! And what’s even more wrong, absolutely disgusting actually, is to wish harm on an innocent 8 year old little girl! Come on! This is JUST A GAME!!! Get over it people!

  92. I’m a big Jeff & Jordan fan, and I don’t care for what Shelly did…but to sit here and use the word “hate” when you don’t even know that person is just wrong! And what’s even more wrong, absolutely disgusting actually, is to wish harm on an innocent 8 year old little girl! Come on! This is JUST A GAME!!! Get over it people!

  93. I saw the feeds….Jordan started yelling first and go so irate that Rachel had to drag her away.  There’s enough crazy for both sides of this.  Everyone in that house…except the 1st 4 evicted…should be ashamed of themselves.

  94. I saw the feeds….Jordan started yelling first and go so irate that Rachel had to drag her away.  There’s enough crazy for both sides of this.  Everyone in that house…except the 1st 4 evicted…should be ashamed of themselves.

  95. You’re all a bunch of morons.  It’s a freakin game.  Shelly hasn’t done anything that anyone else hasn’t done.  They’ve all lied, they’ve all played other sides.  Jeff actually turns my stomach every time he insults Kalia.  That’s not a man, that’s an immature little boy who needs to grow up.  

    In the smallest words I can use…. IT’S JUST A GAME!!!  GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!  And Lexi2156… you’re an idiot.

  96. You’re all a bunch of morons.  It’s a freakin game.  Shelly hasn’t done anything that anyone else hasn’t done.  They’ve all lied, they’ve all played other sides.  Jeff actually turns my stomach every time he insults Kalia.  That’s not a man, that’s an immature little boy who needs to grow up.  

    In the smallest words I can use…. IT’S JUST A GAME!!!  GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!  And Lexi2156… you’re an idiot.

  97. I’m certainly not a fan of Shelly but has nothing to do with Jeff/Jordan.   It’s just the way she plays theiss game.  Lying to other house guests i can handle…that’s the game.  But she also lies in the diary to US…now THAT i take personally.  Other famous liars in BB have always explained their actions in the Diary Room and america was IN on the Lie.  Now this all could be an AWFUL disservice from CBS to Shelly by what they choose to show.  But if you watch the live feeds plus the diary rooms she ends up an easily dislikable player.  The Jeff/Jordan fans were able to tolerate her continual backstabbing and lying when she always (in the end) took Jeffs back for the votes.  When she finally strayed for good weeks of dislike probably all piled into a lot of rage.   

    The only thing she deserves is the Karma she’s been asking for through her actions…Rachel can tell you how being a reprehensible person in the house can affect your career.  There’s a good chance no one needs to call her place of work for her to have issues when she gets out of Big Brother.

  98. I’m certainly not a fan of Shelly but has nothing to do with Jeff/Jordan.   It’s just the way she plays theiss game.  Lying to other house guests i can handle…that’s the game.  But she also lies in the diary to US…now THAT i take personally.  Other famous liars in BB have always explained their actions in the Diary Room and america was IN on the Lie.  Now this all could be an AWFUL disservice from CBS to Shelly by what they choose to show.  But if you watch the live feeds plus the diary rooms she ends up an easily dislikable player.  The Jeff/Jordan fans were able to tolerate her continual backstabbing and lying when she always (in the end) took Jeffs back for the votes.  When she finally strayed for good weeks of dislike probably all piled into a lot of rage.   

    The only thing she deserves is the Karma she’s been asking for through her actions…Rachel can tell you how being a reprehensible person in the house can affect your career.  There’s a good chance no one needs to call her place of work for her to have issues when she gets out of Big Brother.

  99. I almost agree with you….there was a lot of threatening going on when Brendan and Jeff were in there.  Not violent, but intimidating.  Je/Jo are no saints, but neither is anyone else except the 1st 4 evictees….and maybe just because they didn’t have enough time for the crazy to set in.

  100. I almost agree with you….there was a lot of threatening going on when Brendan and Jeff were in there.  Not violent, but intimidating.  Je/Jo are no saints, but neither is anyone else except the 1st 4 evictees….and maybe just because they didn’t have enough time for the crazy to set in.

  101. Joker’s mods work hard at keeping posters from attacking each other on the discussion board but don’t do squat when it gets out of control towards the houseguests.  

  102. Joker’s mods work hard at keeping posters from attacking each other on the discussion board but don’t do squat when it gets out of control towards the houseguests.  

  103. its ok i guess to hope if rachel is pregnant her child is stillborn which was said on teh BB show by HG and to say jordans mother will eb ashamed fo her and how classy shelly herself is  and its not jsut the taking of the stuffed animal its shelly saying shes gonna cut a ear each day off and put it in rachels bed.  I hate shelly for all teh vile hateful things she has said all season about rachel not that jeff got evicted so get your facts straight  Shelly cant speak one sentance the she isnt bashing rachel and also she said early on she wont lie becasue she makes her daughter write i will not lie so what a role mondel she is now?

  104. its ok i guess to hope if rachel is pregnant her child is stillborn which was said on teh BB show by HG and to say jordans mother will eb ashamed fo her and how classy shelly herself is  and its not jsut the taking of the stuffed animal its shelly saying shes gonna cut a ear each day off and put it in rachels bed.  I hate shelly for all teh vile hateful things she has said all season about rachel not that jeff got evicted so get your facts straight  Shelly cant speak one sentance the she isnt bashing rachel and also she said early on she wont lie becasue she makes her daughter write i will not lie so what a role mondel she is now?

  105. Really, I really don’t care for Shelly only because of the way she played the game. But come on people her child was left with her father (being taken care of) she is not the only one that ever left their children for BB. But the threats GROW UP people, really. I love BB and I am a fan of Jeff and Jordon also Jannele, Kaysar and Evel Dick. Because I love their game. This kind of  stuff is going to get BB canceled. All I can say is grow up.

  106. Really, I really don’t care for Shelly only because of the way she played the game. But come on people her child was left with her father (being taken care of) she is not the only one that ever left their children for BB. But the threats GROW UP people, really. I love BB and I am a fan of Jeff and Jordon also Jannele, Kaysar and Evel Dick. Because I love their game. This kind of  stuff is going to get BB canceled. All I can say is grow up.

  107. I am a bb fan and have watched since season 1.  However THIS season has shown just how far groders gang will go to affect the game.   It is rather frustrating to see the manipulation of the producers and the biased editing.   Not sure I will bother with season 14, if there is one.

  108. I am a bb fan and have watched since season 1.  However THIS season has shown just how far groders gang will go to affect the game.   It is rather frustrating to see the manipulation of the producers and the biased editing.   Not sure I will bother with season 14, if there is one.

  109. Wow, I so agree with this article. I “Liked” the page just long enough to post. And with in seconds the hateful comments were spewing. Not point in responding but I am appalled that Face Book hasn’t removed the page. What is the point of have rules if your not going to enforce them. Also as the person who hosts The Vegas Bash I stand by my comment I left and anyone involved in such hate is not welcome to attend.

  110. Wow, I so agree with this article. I “Liked” the page just long enough to post. And with in seconds the hateful comments were spewing. Not point in responding but I am appalled that Face Book hasn’t removed the page. What is the point of have rules if your not going to enforce them. Also as the person who hosts The Vegas Bash I stand by my comment I left and anyone involved in such hate is not welcome to attend.

  111. I could not possibly agree more with your article!  Good for you and any others who are denouncing the unbelievable HATE mongering.

  112. I could not possibly agree more with your article!  Good for you and any others who are denouncing the unbelievable HATE mongering.

  113. Its true, lying is a part of this game. Most players do it. But Shelley became friends with Jordan. She went on and on about never betraying her and they would be friends outside the house. Jordan gave her a phone call from home. No amount of money is enough to betray a true friend. At least Will admitted he was a lying, backstabbing jerk, Shelley lies about it, pretending to be a good person who is a victim. She uses her daughter and acts outraged that her daughter will see someone call her out and call her a bitch. She should be more concerned with her daughter seeing how she behaves. She acts outraged at Rachel when she clearly acts worse than Rachel. She lies, says mean things and cries like a victim if it doesn’t go her way. Anyone who takes or destroys others belongings should be removed from the game. No one is perfect, I’m sure living in that house can bring ou the worst in people. Jordan may regret some things but its clear that she is a good person. Can’t say the same for Shelley. Anyone who said or was not disgusted with the comments about Rachel’s pregnancy/losing the baby should be ashamed of themselves no matter how Rachel acts somtimes.

  114. Its true, lying is a part of this game. Most players do it. But Shelley became friends with Jordan. She went on and on about never betraying her and they would be friends outside the house. Jordan gave her a phone call from home. No amount of money is enough to betray a true friend. At least Will admitted he was a lying, backstabbing jerk, Shelley lies about it, pretending to be a good person who is a victim. She uses her daughter and acts outraged that her daughter will see someone call her out and call her a bitch. She should be more concerned with her daughter seeing how she behaves. She acts outraged at Rachel when she clearly acts worse than Rachel. She lies, says mean things and cries like a victim if it doesn’t go her way. Anyone who takes or destroys others belongings should be removed from the game. No one is perfect, I’m sure living in that house can bring ou the worst in people. Jordan may regret some things but its clear that she is a good person. Can’t say the same for Shelley. Anyone who said or was not disgusted with the comments about Rachel’s pregnancy/losing the baby should be ashamed of themselves no matter how Rachel acts somtimes.

  115. And get thsi all straight shelly isnt the only HG from BB that has had people trying to get them fired from their job and if they have ever watched BB they know what they are getting themselves into when they sign in.  They are the ones selling their soul for a chance at half a million.  And shelly has talked much worse about rachel and her fetus than any fan has posted about shelly.  Shelly put her daughter in this equation.  i agree her daughter sghouldnt be a part of this but shelly made her that part not any fan.  All HG get hate talk agaisnt them on the internet and they know tthis.  Brend and Rach after their season got death threats and Rachel cant get a job because of her season and the way BB protryed her but i dotn hear BB apologizing to Rachel and asking people to remember she was jsut playing a game.. Tell BB to keep out of  the game play and quit cheating for one side over the other in telling them how to play in DR to make good ratings and it never would have got to this level.  Shelly needs to quit bashing peopel and their families on live feeds and maybe live feeders will quit bashing her and her family

  116. And get thsi all straight shelly isnt the only HG from BB that has had people trying to get them fired from their job and if they have ever watched BB they know what they are getting themselves into when they sign in.  They are the ones selling their soul for a chance at half a million.  And shelly has talked much worse about rachel and her fetus than any fan has posted about shelly.  Shelly put her daughter in this equation.  i agree her daughter sghouldnt be a part of this but shelly made her that part not any fan.  All HG get hate talk agaisnt them on the internet and they know tthis.  Brend and Rach after their season got death threats and Rachel cant get a job because of her season and the way BB protryed her but i dotn hear BB apologizing to Rachel and asking people to remember she was jsut playing a game.. Tell BB to keep out of  the game play and quit cheating for one side over the other in telling them how to play in DR to make good ratings and it never would have got to this level.  Shelly needs to quit bashing peopel and their families on live feeds and maybe live feeders will quit bashing her and her family

  117. Notice that some of the people posting some of the most malicious items…. are also on the Fans of Shelly Moore page posting nice things. So apparently its a group of Shelly fans trying to get the hate page cancelled.

  118. Notice that some of the people posting some of the most malicious items…. are also on the Fans of Shelly Moore page posting nice things. So apparently its a group of Shelly fans trying to get the hate page cancelled.

  119. This story is ludicrous and it doesn’t serve and purpose but to add to the problem. Please, there is no problem here. Shelley will be forgotten soon, just like Natalie was last year. It seems now like people want to make a name for themselves by writing about these fake controversies. Shelley will be this season’s villain, but where was the outrage over the things said about Maggie many seasons ago when she took out the fan favorites like Kaysar and Janelle? Just because Facebook didn’t exist and all these fake journalist sites that very few people know about or read exist doesn’t change the fact that Allison Grodner and the show Big Brother have been feeding these stories and creating outrage by editing the shows in a way that actually create and even bigger frenzy because they want a “villain” and a “hero” to drive ratings. The fact that every year it becomes more clear the Grodner and the production either rig the game, or at the very least, allow themselves to have the appearance of improper conduct, only makes the fans end up getting even more worked up and as long as the ratings stay high, don’t believe for a second that anyone on the show cares that some crazy people, really not even crazy, just bored people with nothing better to do and knowing they are mostly anonymous online post to websites terrible things and it never amounts to anything. It actually seems like all the stories being written about these stupid people who are doing what stupid people do are only interested in getting more attention for the websites that cover reality television. Get over yourselves, because most of us don’t care about you just as much as we don’t really care about Shelley. But also know that when you sign up for this show, if you don’t know that nasty things are going to be said or written about you, you have no business signing up. For every Shelley, there are 2 or 3 people use their 15 minutes of fame to actually better their lives because of their time on television and the advantages that come with being a faux celebrity in this country. I can’t stand Shelley and like other “villains” I hope she comes out of that house and feels the sting of the people who can’t stand her. But if she and almost everyone else can’t separate disgust and dislike for her behavior on a tv show from the real life she’ll go back to where things will go back to normal, where her beautiful daughter will have a wonderful life, and the storm will blow over in less time than Shelley spent in the house, she’s crazy and the people who write these phoney outrage pieces are even crazier. Look at Evil Dick. First of all, he still goes by the name Evil Dick. Second, he was disgusting to look at and a terrible person to watch and he came out of that house with a legion of fans celebrating his abusive ways. Where was the outrage about the impact Dick would have on society? The brought the guy back, so Big Brother certainly doesn’t care. Shelley likely will come home and have her feelings hurt for a week or two (and she’ll promptly blame it on someone else, like Jeff or Jordan or Rachel, because Shelley is weak of character) and that’s it. Stop pretending these ridiculous posts mean anything. Everywhere you see a comment section, you’ll see disgusting comments. It’s the way certain people are when given a platform to express themselves. If you want to examine the breakdown of American society’s ability to have a civil debate, then do it. But a show like Big Brother is only part of the problem anyway, so it’s probably not the best place to start looking for answers. Natalie is fine. Shelley will be fine. Grodner cashes a big check for giving us a weak product. Jordan is a bit slow, but incredibly real and with a huge heart. Her biggest mistake was going back on a show that’s only brings her down to a level she has show us all that she’s above.

  120. This story is ludicrous and it doesn’t serve and purpose but to add to the problem. Please, there is no problem here. Shelley will be forgotten soon, just like Natalie was last year. It seems now like people want to make a name for themselves by writing about these fake controversies. Shelley will be this season’s villain, but where was the outrage over the things said about Maggie many seasons ago when she took out the fan favorites like Kaysar and Janelle? Just because Facebook didn’t exist and all these fake journalist sites that very few people know about or read exist doesn’t change the fact that Allison Grodner and the show Big Brother have been feeding these stories and creating outrage by editing the shows in a way that actually create and even bigger frenzy because they want a “villain” and a “hero” to drive ratings. The fact that every year it becomes more clear the Grodner and the production either rig the game, or at the very least, allow themselves to have the appearance of improper conduct, only makes the fans end up getting even more worked up and as long as the ratings stay high, don’t believe for a second that anyone on the show cares that some crazy people, really not even crazy, just bored people with nothing better to do and knowing they are mostly anonymous online post to websites terrible things and it never amounts to anything. It actually seems like all the stories being written about these stupid people who are doing what stupid people do are only interested in getting more attention for the websites that cover reality television. Get over yourselves, because most of us don’t care about you just as much as we don’t really care about Shelley. But also know that when you sign up for this show, if you don’t know that nasty things are going to be said or written about you, you have no business signing up. For every Shelley, there are 2 or 3 people use their 15 minutes of fame to actually better their lives because of their time on television and the advantages that come with being a faux celebrity in this country. I can’t stand Shelley and like other “villains” I hope she comes out of that house and feels the sting of the people who can’t stand her. But if she and almost everyone else can’t separate disgust and dislike for her behavior on a tv show from the real life she’ll go back to where things will go back to normal, where her beautiful daughter will have a wonderful life, and the storm will blow over in less time than Shelley spent in the house, she’s crazy and the people who write these phoney outrage pieces are even crazier. Look at Evil Dick. First of all, he still goes by the name Evil Dick. Second, he was disgusting to look at and a terrible person to watch and he came out of that house with a legion of fans celebrating his abusive ways. Where was the outrage about the impact Dick would have on society? The brought the guy back, so Big Brother certainly doesn’t care. Shelley likely will come home and have her feelings hurt for a week or two (and she’ll promptly blame it on someone else, like Jeff or Jordan or Rachel, because Shelley is weak of character) and that’s it. Stop pretending these ridiculous posts mean anything. Everywhere you see a comment section, you’ll see disgusting comments. It’s the way certain people are when given a platform to express themselves. If you want to examine the breakdown of American society’s ability to have a civil debate, then do it. But a show like Big Brother is only part of the problem anyway, so it’s probably not the best place to start looking for answers. Natalie is fine. Shelley will be fine. Grodner cashes a big check for giving us a weak product. Jordan is a bit slow, but incredibly real and with a huge heart. Her biggest mistake was going back on a show that’s only brings her down to a level she has show us all that she’s above.

  121. I know that you’re saying that Jejo fans are getting the bad rap, but you’re putting that on us.  You said yourself that you haven’t been a fan of Shelly since day one.  I’m going to assume you’re not a Jejo fan.  So you, not being a fan, could have just as likely have been part of the disgraceful facebook page just as any other Jejo fan could have been.  Lumping us together is bad form.  You’d be better off just talking about how sickening the page is, instead of blaming it on a group of people…

  122. I know that you’re saying that Jejo fans are getting the bad rap, but you’re putting that on us.  You said yourself that you haven’t been a fan of Shelly since day one.  I’m going to assume you’re not a Jejo fan.  So you, not being a fan, could have just as likely have been part of the disgraceful facebook page just as any other Jejo fan could have been.  Lumping us together is bad form.  You’d be better off just talking about how sickening the page is, instead of blaming it on a group of people…

  123. Very well put. I have watched BB from the very first show. I love it, then I got on the chat the other day and was very disappointed in the talk surrounding Shelly. Yes, I don’t like her game play but that is what it is..a game. I also am in awe on how some of the other houseguest are talking about Rachel. Pure evil coming from there mouths, but they are in the game..Everyone needs to keep it in the game and out of these peoples lifes outside of BB. But even in the game I thinking the houseguest should be told to stop some of the foul mouth things they are saying..It’s not funny, it is down right MEAN!

  124. Very well put. I have watched BB from the very first show. I love it, then I got on the chat the other day and was very disappointed in the talk surrounding Shelly. Yes, I don’t like her game play but that is what it is..a game. I also am in awe on how some of the other houseguest are talking about Rachel. Pure evil coming from there mouths, but they are in the game..Everyone needs to keep it in the game and out of these peoples lifes outside of BB. But even in the game I thinking the houseguest should be told to stop some of the foul mouth things they are saying..It’s not funny, it is down right MEAN!

  125. You just don’t swear on your child’s life that you are telling the truth when you are not. Shelly is the one who is dragging herself down and taking her family with her.
    Hate the actions, not the person.

  126. You just don’t swear on your child’s life that you are telling the truth when you are not. Shelly is the one who is dragging herself down and taking her family with her.
    Hate the actions, not the person.

  127. Give me a fucking break. Jordan is 24 years old. She’s more than old enough to take care of herself. (Hell, I’m 20 years old and I’m regularly embarrassed by how dense Jordan is). Jordan being gullible and trusting Shelly (EVEN THOUGH JORDAN LIED TO SHELLY ABOUT TAKING HER TO THE FINAL 3) is not Shelly’s fault, it’s Jordan’s for being such a dumbass. Furthermore, did that woman actually think Shelly was going to let J/J win it all? Uh, hello, Shelly is there to play the game just as much as J/J are. Face it–you’re upset because Shelly took out J/J before J/J could take out Shelly.

    Pay attention, J/J fans, because you need to learn this: IF YOU ACTUALLY THINK EVERY PLAYER IN THAT HOUSE IS GOING TO BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO ENSURE YOUR FAVOURITE HOUSEGUEST WINS THE SEASON, YOU NEED TO STOP WATCHING BIG BROTHER. Because, believe me, you will be thoroughly disappointed in all past seasons, this season, and every season in the future. The goal of the game is not to pick one likeable houseguest and fill the rest of the house with people who are willing to carry him or her to the end. I honestly can’t even comprehend the sheer delusion that would make someone think that Shelly was going to take J/J to the end, let them evict her, then get interviewed by Julie saying, “Awe, Jeff and Jordan! I love those guys! I’m so glad I wasted a summer away from my daughter to ensure those two self-obsessed losers win even more money!” Come the fuck on.

    Don’t feed me this bullshit about how “Shelly betrayed Jordan” and “Jordan is an angel who trusted Shelly.”  This is a game. Lying and backstabbing is part of the game. If Jordan went into that house A SECOND TIME thinking that anyone other than Jeff was going to be 100% honest with her, she’s an even bigger idiot than I thought.

  128. Give me a fucking break. Jordan is 24 years old. She’s more than old enough to take care of herself. (Hell, I’m 20 years old and I’m regularly embarrassed by how dense Jordan is). Jordan being gullible and trusting Shelly (EVEN THOUGH JORDAN LIED TO SHELLY ABOUT TAKING HER TO THE FINAL 3) is not Shelly’s fault, it’s Jordan’s for being such a dumbass. Furthermore, did that woman actually think Shelly was going to let J/J win it all? Uh, hello, Shelly is there to play the game just as much as J/J are. Face it–you’re upset because Shelly took out J/J before J/J could take out Shelly.

    Pay attention, J/J fans, because you need to learn this: IF YOU ACTUALLY THINK EVERY PLAYER IN THAT HOUSE IS GOING TO BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO ENSURE YOUR FAVOURITE HOUSEGUEST WINS THE SEASON, YOU NEED TO STOP WATCHING BIG BROTHER. Because, believe me, you will be thoroughly disappointed in all past seasons, this season, and every season in the future. The goal of the game is not to pick one likeable houseguest and fill the rest of the house with people who are willing to carry him or her to the end. I honestly can’t even comprehend the sheer delusion that would make someone think that Shelly was going to take J/J to the end, let them evict her, then get interviewed by Julie saying, “Awe, Jeff and Jordan! I love those guys! I’m so glad I wasted a summer away from my daughter to ensure those two self-obsessed losers win even more money!” Come the fuck on.

    Don’t feed me this bullshit about how “Shelly betrayed Jordan” and “Jordan is an angel who trusted Shelly.”  This is a game. Lying and backstabbing is part of the game. If Jordan went into that house A SECOND TIME thinking that anyone other than Jeff was going to be 100% honest with her, she’s an even bigger idiot than I thought.

  129. Couldn’t agree more!  These fanatics are being worst than anything any of the houseguests have done – and they aren’t coooped up in a house.  The savagery that they are instigating and promoting on that page is disgusting and I have reported it.  Not a Shelly fan, but not a hate fan either.  

  130. Couldn’t agree more!  These fanatics are being worst than anything any of the houseguests have done – and they aren’t coooped up in a house.  The savagery that they are instigating and promoting on that page is disgusting and I have reported it.  Not a Shelly fan, but not a hate fan either.  

  131. Thanks, Dimo. You have pretty much summed up what I’ve been trying to figure out how to put into words, because some of Shelly’s behavior has left me at a loss. I am a Jeff and Jordan fan. I was a Shelly fan up until a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t stand Rachel last season, and especially this season, as it appeared she had gone completely around the bend and was on her second trip. That being said, I am a vey fair and objective person. Did I want to see Jeff go? No, I was hoping he’d at least make it to F2. Do I blame Shelly for realizing that she needed to get Jeff out of her way? No, she came to play for herself, not Jeff. Naturally Jordan was upset to see Jeff go, but even she has said that’s part of the game. What upset Jordan the most was that, other than Jeff, she was closer to Shelly than anyone else in the house. She gave up her phone call so this woman could talk to her daughter. A day or two before evictions, Jordan gave Shelly an out several times, after Shelly had already struck a deal with Dani. She told Shelly that if she thought it would be best for her game to keep Dani, then she should. Shelly continued to sit there and lie to Jordan’s face. This is what upset Jordan the most I think. After evictions, Shelly came into the purple room, demanding Jordan talk to her, and when Jordan said no, stood over the top of her and lit into her. Sorry, but if it’d been me I would’ve come up off the couch and got in Shelly’s face, too. At least Jordan has the good grace to be embarassed about her behavior. Is Jordan perfect, certainly not. But Jordan is one of those rare people these days that doesn’t know how to be anything other than herself. On the other hand, I am so disappointed in Shelly’s behavior. Should she be perfect? No. But she is self righteous and pompous. Even after being confronted with stealing Rachel’s dog, she continues to say “I’m more mature than they are”. She may not be joining in the comments about hitting Rachel in the stomach, but she must think it’s ok, she sure hasn’t told them it’s inappropriate. The wonderful example she was supposed to be setting for her daughter has turned into, “it’s ok to throw your integrity, class, values and morals out the window if it means you might get a cool half million out of it”. Aside from the truly sick and uncalled for comments about her daughter’s safety and well-being, Child Services and her job, I truly hope Josie is not being ridiculed, tormented and bullied by her classmates and peers because of her mother’s behavior. I hope her husband and family aren’t completely embarassed by her behavior. I would be. Her employer has already removed her pic and bio from their website. Hope she still has a job or else she may really need the money. Some people are going way over the top, but for the most part, she’s brought this on herself through her own actions. Other HGs have played the same way, but at least they said from the get go that they were gonna play that way, so it was no “sho-cker”.  Those of us that invested ourselves in Shelly are just so disappointed in what she seems to really be. I know that house can probably get to you after awhile, but it’s my opinion that it’s easier for a mean, nasty, lying hypocrite to pretend to be a saint than it is for a good, decent person to fake being mean and nasty. Just sayin’. I know this is quite long, but I wanted to put my opinion out there like everybody else.  🙂 

  132. Thanks, Dimo. You have pretty much summed up what I’ve been trying to figure out how to put into words, because some of Shelly’s behavior has left me at a loss. I am a Jeff and Jordan fan. I was a Shelly fan up until a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t stand Rachel last season, and especially this season, as it appeared she had gone completely around the bend and was on her second trip. That being said, I am a vey fair and objective person. Did I want to see Jeff go? No, I was hoping he’d at least make it to F2. Do I blame Shelly for realizing that she needed to get Jeff out of her way? No, she came to play for herself, not Jeff. Naturally Jordan was upset to see Jeff go, but even she has said that’s part of the game. What upset Jordan the most was that, other than Jeff, she was closer to Shelly than anyone else in the house. She gave up her phone call so this woman could talk to her daughter. A day or two before evictions, Jordan gave Shelly an out several times, after Shelly had already struck a deal with Dani. She told Shelly that if she thought it would be best for her game to keep Dani, then she should. Shelly continued to sit there and lie to Jordan’s face. This is what upset Jordan the most I think. After evictions, Shelly came into the purple room, demanding Jordan talk to her, and when Jordan said no, stood over the top of her and lit into her. Sorry, but if it’d been me I would’ve come up off the couch and got in Shelly’s face, too. At least Jordan has the good grace to be embarassed about her behavior. Is Jordan perfect, certainly not. But Jordan is one of those rare people these days that doesn’t know how to be anything other than herself. On the other hand, I am so disappointed in Shelly’s behavior. Should she be perfect? No. But she is self righteous and pompous. Even after being confronted with stealing Rachel’s dog, she continues to say “I’m more mature than they are”. She may not be joining in the comments about hitting Rachel in the stomach, but she must think it’s ok, she sure hasn’t told them it’s inappropriate. The wonderful example she was supposed to be setting for her daughter has turned into, “it’s ok to throw your integrity, class, values and morals out the window if it means you might get a cool half million out of it”. Aside from the truly sick and uncalled for comments about her daughter’s safety and well-being, Child Services and her job, I truly hope Josie is not being ridiculed, tormented and bullied by her classmates and peers because of her mother’s behavior. I hope her husband and family aren’t completely embarassed by her behavior. I would be. Her employer has already removed her pic and bio from their website. Hope she still has a job or else she may really need the money. Some people are going way over the top, but for the most part, she’s brought this on herself through her own actions. Other HGs have played the same way, but at least they said from the get go that they were gonna play that way, so it was no “sho-cker”.  Those of us that invested ourselves in Shelly are just so disappointed in what she seems to really be. I know that house can probably get to you after awhile, but it’s my opinion that it’s easier for a mean, nasty, lying hypocrite to pretend to be a saint than it is for a good, decent person to fake being mean and nasty. Just sayin’. I know this is quite long, but I wanted to put my opinion out there like everybody else.  🙂 

  133. I am not impressed with the hate that is being spewed.  I loved Shelly in her interview, however, not impressed with her for a long time now (not just recently) but that the viewers can become so angry over something that will not affect their lives in any way, shape or form is disgusting.  In another month, hopefully they have enough of a life to have dropped it, but the damage they are doing right now needs to be stopped.  Shelly’s family should be off limits.  I can’t imagine the life these viewers have, that they would be so hateful and mean spirited!!

  134. I am not impressed with the hate that is being spewed.  I loved Shelly in her interview, however, not impressed with her for a long time now (not just recently) but that the viewers can become so angry over something that will not affect their lives in any way, shape or form is disgusting.  In another month, hopefully they have enough of a life to have dropped it, but the damage they are doing right now needs to be stopped.  Shelly’s family should be off limits.  I can’t imagine the life these viewers have, that they would be so hateful and mean spirited!!

  135. How do you crazy people know that Shelly doesn’t need the money???  DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER OR HER FAMILY’S MEDICAL SITUATION???  I’m sure she would never say anything about it because of Matt’s lie last season about his wife’s fake illness.  What you’re doing to her and her family is just wrong on every level.  You should all burn in hell for your mean, vile behavior.

  136. Expressing opinions about Shelly is one thing, I have lots of my own. However, saying they want to see Josie raped and murdered, trying to get CPS to take her daughter away from her, and trying to get her fired from her job doesn’t do a thing but bring these few people to a level much lower than even Shelly has reached. Why should her daughter be harmed because her mom doesn’t know how to conduct herself on national TV? Come on now….

  137. ok, heres the deal…others have stole or “hid” things.  Others have lied and betrayed and done just what she has done.  What they did not do….was continually and STILL claim what a moral, honest, loyal and just gosh darn wonderful person they are.  I think she really believes that about herself.  She has used her daughter, she did claim for the longest time that she wasn’t in it for the money and alot of ppl feel duped.  dick never took a backlash like this, he earned respect from some even.  because he said this is how i’m gonna play it.  she cries to us in the dr and tells us how wonderful she really is, how she hated to do that but felt she had no choice….. she lies not only to the other houseguests….but she has lied to us in the dr.  No longer do Rach or Dick hold the crown of most hated…. Shelly owns it and will for some time, I imagine.  Should ppl lash out at her beautiful daughter who says yes mam, and wisely says mom should stop lying and pick a side.  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Something tells me that Shelly has at least tried to teach her daughter the right things and she is a wise and beautiful little girl.  Hate Shelly all you want……children are innocent.

  138. Catherine::: You have written “one of the best” articles/statements I have seen “anywhere” on the net/web ~ I, like you, liked Shelly a great deal in the beginning ~ I’m not sure when I started seeing the change, probably 3-5 wks ago AND NOW, she disgusts me also (but, what is worse,  is that I disgust myself for being that ignorant in the beginning) oh well ~~~~~ For once, I agree with you/anyone that hopefully the police are tracking down “and will arrest & charge” the ignorant, lower than whale “s___t” “beneath scum”, that have posted the remarks concerning her daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as people calling/emailing her employer (or as I’ve heard/read on several sites) her “ex-employer”, I really don’t think they need to bother because the employer “or” assigned person, is already watching & documenting every thing she says & does..
      I love Jeff/Jordan as a couple & as players in BB (altho I do wish Jordan would exert a little bit more mental & physical energy in the comps) ~~ Hell, right now, I’d be happy if Rachel won it all!!!!!!!!!!!! I would prefer the following order:: Jordan, Rachel, Adam, Kalia, Shelly, Porsche ~~ everyone remember, these are just my own opinions!!

  139. I don’t necessarily feel bad for Shelly, she has to own her actions. I do, however, feel awful for her husband, daughter, and family for having to endure the backlash. And I agree, Jeff and Jordan may never speak to Shelly again, but will probably both be disgusted with some of the threats that have been posted. I wouldn’t be surprised if one or both of them speak publicly about it at some point later on.

  140. Lol, rest assured, not all Americans are retarded, but some apparently do swim in the shallow end of the gene pool. 😉

  141. i simply won’t continue to watch because at this point being associated with Big Brother in any way is just a good way to get a headache or get yelled at in chat. 
    thank you for trying to tell people to reel their nastiness in and i hope you can stand unaffected by the responses that are derogatory to you.  you did the right thing. 
    thanks also to A. Grodner who tweeted this because until it stops there are some of us who want nothing more to do with the ‘game’.  CBS needs to pay attention to those of us who are peacefully walking away, too.  i sincerely hope Shelly’s family is okay.  Daddy is a former marine so they’d do well to knock it off. 

  142. Thank you so much for calling attention to this.  Big Brother is a game, anyone that holds Shelly’s actions in that house against her in the real world needs their head examined (and I say this as a mental health professional).  Sometimes I think people live such boring lives that they have to blur the lines of shows like Big Brother and make it feel like real life.  

    For the record, Jeff has illustrated on a number of occasions that he’s quite homophobic.  He’s not a saint folks. Jordan, bless her heart, has also lied and deceived people when necessary to get ahead in this game.  Just ask Kevin and Natalie from her initial season.  No one in Big Brother is 100% morally upstanding.  Shelly’s not the first to make the claim that she plays the game morally and been lying through her teeth.  Jeff made the same comment ON LIVE TELEVISION just a couple weeks before he lied to Dani and backdoored her.

    I get that JJ are “America’s Sweethearts” and I get that Jeff is damn attractive and charismatic, but there’s more to a person than that folks.  Take off the blinders and check yourselves.  In a year or two you won’t even remember Shelly’s name, is it really worth causing her life such long-standing rammifications?  Don’t any of you have better things to do?  And if you love JJ so much, do you think this is really what they would want?  If so, how can you call them good people?

  143. This is a comment site to an article by someone who I never heard of on topic that is incredibly stupid. If you want to be a grammar nazi, you can hop on over to Shelley’s house after the show concludes and sleep with that jerky faced jackass. Paragraphs, grammar, and punctuation are as over-rated to me, in this context, as dieting is to Kalia.

  144. I post on that FB page “America Hates Shelly Moore” but I certainly do NOT condone the post mentioned above.  I haven’t seen 1 poster from that page who did condone it.  In fact, everyone contacted the owner and asked him to please remove it immediately, which of course, they did.  The majority believe (believe it or not) that the post about Shelly’s daughter actually came from one of Shelly’s SUPPORTERS!   In a very skewed attempt to have that FB page deleted, they started spamming the board with disgusting things.  I was posting on that page for a good part of the afternoon today while watching the live feeds and most of it is harmless joking around.  Yes, the language gets a bit R-rated but CERTAINLY no threats were made towards Shelly or any members of her family.  Shelly has some very strange fans…in fact, I made a post about it and likened them to a bunch of Religious zealots who preach about love and God while bombing abortion clinics full of young women….So please, do not blame the JE/JO fans for that mess…IMO, it’s the work of Shelly’s fan base.  And really, is that SO surprising that such a manipulative bunch would follow her and be in awe of her disgusting “game play.”   I think not… And ps:  I want to reiterate for those who do not get the live feeds, Shelly and her moral crusade of righteousness should be VERY aware that yesterday afternoon in the backyard with Adam, while wondering what game the Veto might be, Shelly suggested it would be great if it involved a medicine ball to Rachel’s stomach.  In case you are unaware, there are rumors in the house that she might be pregnant.  And Shelly thinks it would be fantastic for Rachel to have a miscarriage from getting hit in the stomach by a medicine ball.  More of Shelly’s high ethics, no doubt.  So if ANYONE needs therapy, I would really say it’s Shelly, NOT Je/Jo fans.

  145. ^Agreed, 100%. Whoever wrote this didn’t take two seconds to back up their facts and now after three revisions they’re trying to sweeten their words before they have to eat them. There haven’t been any comments like that for days, and the few that were apparently made were removed before most people even saw them.
    For the record, I think Shelly’s daughter seems 1000x smarter than Shelly just based on the short clip they showed of her, and SHE didn’t seem to like the way her mom was playing either.
    She went into that house saying she wanted to be a role model of honesty and integrity for her daughter, and she’s been lying and backstabbing as much as anyone. Her gameplay is a non-issue for me, it’s the personal attacks that make me dislike her and the holier-than-thou DR sessions where she apparently thinks we don’t see what’s happening and she can lie to us too.
    But by all means, keep judging people as a whole based on one or two comments you didn’t even witness yourself, it shows your lack of intelligence plain as day so we all know to avoid your dribble.

  146. Thank you for bringing some sanity to all of the hate being spewed by so called “fans.”  I don’t think it is all Jeff/Jordan fans, although for some reason they seem to be the most “fanatical.”  This is a game – only a game.  Do J/J fans not realize that J/J have lied, too?  That R/B have lied?  It is part of the game.  He got got.  Too bad.  Move on.

  147. Any of the people on the “Hate Shelly Moore” page this biased article is trying to crucify who saw those comments denounced them immediately and they were removed by an admin before most people even saw them. In fact, I’ve seen on a few pages people admitted to making fake posts like that just to get the page removed.
    People defending her haven’t seen the live feeds and then get even more tenacious and violent than the people they’re criticizing. I saw one “Shelly fan” threaten to find out where the admin of that page lives and shoot them in the head on that same page that the supposed family threats were, but of course that got no publicity. Shelly can spew hatred all she wants on national TV and get paid for it, but someone online says they hate that and they get their life threatened.
    Seriously, go to the page and read more than one comment, most people are having calm rational discussions interrupted by someone else who read this moronic article and wants to get violent to stop the violence. Seriously, your article has stirred up more honest hatred than the “hate” page on facebook, and you should be ashamed. Check your facts next time.

  148. And you NEVER got in trouble as a kid for being with the person causing the trouble? Never heard that “When good people do nothing…” line ever?
    Well, she did make the comment about pushing Rachel down the stairs didn’t she? And she didn’t seem like she was objecting whatsoever to a FORCED ABORTION.
    I was never a Rachel fan, but she’s definitely the lesser of two evils in this situation.

  149. So wait, you say there haven’t been these comments for days, that the writer didn’t witness the comments themselves, and yet there are pictures of the actual posts on FB from yesterday? Many here at Yakkity and loads of other sites saw the posts, not days ago, yesterday. If you would like to avoid the writers “dribble” then why not go back to the hate shelly page and incite more anger. You can tell you are just here to defend your rage over a reality gameshow contestant.

  150. Lolol, Jeff and Jordan fans are the worst people ever. It’s why they stan for those two in the first place.

  151. Seriously, you think comments written by a couple of immature people with a sick sense of humor is the same as RIOTS, BEATINGS AND DEATH? You fear-monger. You’ve gotten just about every aspect of this wrong, the people who are angry, WHY they’re angry. You really didn’t know a single THING about it.
    And you try to cover the fact your inciting this rage with… a third update? Where you intentionally leave out the ACTUAL comments made by Shelly that got people upset. You’re clearly too biased to report on this subject, and you’re the genesis of this “problem”.

  152. People need to realize it’s just a game. Stop being so stupid and immature. I understand people are angry and hate Shelly but this is uncalled for.

  153. While you were there trying to comment (Not sure how you failed) did you notice any of these family threats the article speaks about? I’m willing to bet you didn’t, because I’ve actually been posting there (Not hard at all) and there hasn’t been ONE threat to her family since I’ve been there. In fact, the only threats I’ve seen have been FROM Shelly fans saying they’d kill the person responsible for the site because they read this article.
    Due to one person’s awful sick sense of humor and another person’s misinformed fear-mongering article reporting on it, we now have a ton of hatred being produced. The person who wrote this article should be absolutely ashamed for creating this mass of hatred with their lies. But then, I guess I don’t expect morals from someone who would tenaciously defend Shelly.

  154. And luckily not all Americans are insensitive enough to keep using the word “retard” to describe everything. Seriously, are you ten? You should know better if you’re going to judge others.

  155. After reading many of the comments, I don’t think there’s a big enough brush for this kind of crazy!

  156. If something happens to Shelly, her daughter or her husband, I would blame Big Brother.  This is so ridiculous that it is scary!  Scary, that there are such crazy lunatics out there!  I am a Jordan fan all the way, and you are right, she would be the first person to HATE this kind of behavior!  It’s a GAME and that is what Shelley is playing.  She wants to win and with Jeff there she would NOT win. 

  157. Actually the majority of the people on that page agree. They would never wish harm on anyone, not even Shelly herself, they just despise her hypocrisy and want to discuss it. How about this article messing with the real life of the admin who made that page in order to discuss Big Brother with a lot of other Big Brother fans? Just because someone joined, said awful things and was promptly removed the admin deserves death threats because the person who wrote this article caught wind of something they had no real clue about?
    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I think Shelly’s daughter seems 1000x smarter than Shelly herself just based on the small clip of her from the show. And she didn’t seem to like the way her mom was playing either.

  158. Where were all you morons when Shelly was doing the same thing to countless other people? Her being a “hypocrite” is nothing new. She’s been blowing smoke up people’s ass since DAY 1. Oh, but I guess that was okay because she was with Jeff & Jordan right? Just like how Brendon is suddenly America’s favorite (LOL!) when he’s with Jeff & Jordan, but completely turned against when he threw them under the bus? Get bent, cat ladies.

    Boo hoo. It’s a fucking game you pussies. I don’t care what Shelly did in that house, the fact that some of you idiots are justifying death threats, harassment, Shelly losing her job, or her own child being taken away from her is disgusting. You can preach about a 41 year old being immature all you want, but you yourselves are DOING THE VERY THING YOU’RE COMPLAINING ABOUT! 

    We are fans. No matter how much you rub yourself to the thought of one day meeting America’s Golden Couple, guess what? You’re never going to. You have no relationship with them and never will. So stop trying to defend their so-called honor with this horse shit. And stop pretending you know the full details of these people’s personal lives when you don’t know jack shit. Settle the fuck down and sit back on the sidelines with the rest of us normal people.

  159. So there are people monitoring there then? I actually don’t feel any rage, I’ve stated logically and reasonably why this article is wrong. The facts are dead wrong, and I don’t believe you one bit. I can photoshop a picture right now of anyone on facebook saying any racist thing I want them to, and I suspect most people can, and some did. There are enough blatant lies in this article to completely discredit it for anyone who knows the truth. That’s why your dinky “Stop the hate” page has 200 people and the Hate page has 7000. Because you are wrong, and at least 7000 people know it. Go ahead and hate, ya hate-monger. I’m gonna be busy loving to hate a TV villain for her actions and her words while panty-waists keep defending her.

  160. So you’re against people calling Shelly a hypocrite because she was always a hypocrite? Good argument. I would never defend any of those threats or any of that, and that’s precisely my point. Nobody on that site would. Any distasteful comments like that were denounced and immediately removed by admins. Nobody would have even noticed without an article like this pointing it out, because anyone who goes on to complain about threats or her losing her job finds that there isn’t a post like that to comment on, or if there is it won’t be there in a couple minutes.
    Seriously, calling thousands of people sickos for the actions of one person is just like any racism or sexism. If you were to hold those thousands accountable for the words of two or three people, why shouldn’t they hold Shelly’s family accountable for her words? They shouldn’t and you shouldn’t either. If you’ve got a problem with something someone says, you tell them, not EVERYONE around them.

    Honestly, I couldn’t care less about who gets voted out when, I was pissed off right from the start when CBS advertised Will and Boogie like crazy, then gave us Brenchel, so I wasn’t a “fan” of a single person going in, and can write from a fairly unbiased position. I just can’t stand the personal attacks and the hypocrisy, it’s  a pet peeve.

  161. Honestly, I think openly turning on your closest alliance where the entire house sees it is very bad gameplay, I don’t think she stands a chance of winning now. I agree Jeff had to go for anyone else to stand a chance, but EVERYONE wanted him to go which immediately takes a lot of his power away.
    With that said, I don’t like Shelly simply because of her holier-than-thou attitude where she acts above it all in the DR and talks about setting an example for her daughter constantly. If she had said, “Daughter, this is a game, don’t confuse this with what people should do in real life” than I probably wouldn’t have as big a problem with her.

  162. That’s the thing though, you’re both on the same side on this and just refuse to see it for some reason. The people on that “Hate Shelly” page hate that too. Most just want to express their feelings and never go that far. The few who do are kicked out immediately. This article neglects to mention that to fuel their own agenda.

  163. TVGrapevine is THE worst site on the net, I have firsthand knowledge of the scumbag Al Mellis that owns the site and writes the majority of the articles. I don’t know if the article you’re referring to was a live feed update or something that Al actually wrote about the show. If it has a million spelling errors, you can bet your life it was him. He posts articles under the name Swampy and sometimes uses just “staff writer” so no one can blame him personally for anything.
    The funniest part of this is the fact that he is the main sponsor of The Wrap Party this year. He hates the hamsters year after year and hates the show yet he is a sponsor. Anything for money I guess. I encourage everyone to stay away from his site and to get a refund for your wrap party ticket if you already purchased one. The hamsters will not be going there like he has promised from the start of this. They will be attending other parties that night them most likely heading to Vegas for The Vegas Bash.
    Al is just as bad as the Shelly haters!

  164. And telling me you’re there at Yakkity? Yeah, you’re not biased at all to defend your fellow employee. You’ve given me several reasons not to believe you. Though I’m suuuuuuuuuuuure you saw all the threats and posts yourself or you wouldn’t daaaaaare comment, right? You can tell you are just here to defend your coworker you’re trying to sleep with. See? I can make outrageous insinuations based on one comment too, I’m smart just like you!

  165. Nice argument? Nice reading skills. I don’t give a fuck if people think she’s a hypocrite. And I’m not a Shelly fan either. I’m calling the anti-Shelly brigade suddenly popping out of the woodwork hypocrites for supporting her when she was doing the same shit. Look at the popularity polls all over the internet. JU praised her like she was the next Dr. Will (I’m not even exaggerating) when she was J/J’s little double agent. Then when she turned, she’s below Keith on the rankings and people are starting to flock to Grodner’s Twitter with flaming pitchforks. 

    Obviously it’s not everyone. And my comment is not directed at everyone. I’m calling out the people who are JUSTIFYING what happened. People who come here and go “B-b-b-b-BUT SHE WAS MEAN TO JORDAN! SHE’S A BAD MOTHER!” and other assorted trash. No, fuck that. There is nothing that you or anyone else can say that can justify someone going to these lengths to hurt Shelly or her family. Not a damn thing.

  166. Nice argument? Nice reading skills. I don’t give a fuck if people think she’s a hypocrite. And I’m not a Shelly fan either. I’m calling the anti-Shelly brigade suddenly popping out of the woodwork hypocrites for supporting her when she was doing the same shit. Look at the popularity polls all over the internet. JU praised her like she was the next Dr. Will (I’m not even exaggerating) when she was J/J’s little double agent. Then when she turned, she’s below Keith on the rankings and people are starting to flock to Grodner’s Twitter with flaming pitchforks. 

    Obviously it’s not everyone. And my comment is not directed at everyone. I’m calling out the people who are JUSTIFYING what happened. People who come here and go “B-b-b-b-BUT SHE WAS MEAN TO JORDAN! SHE’S A BAD MOTHER!” and other assorted trash. No, fuck that. There is nothing that you or anyone else can say that can justify someone going to these lengths to hurt Shelly or her family. Not a damn thing.

  167. I used to defend Shelly when they’d show her saying something then show clips of her from weeks ago showing that she’s blatantly lying. I used to say, well, she probably just doesn’t remember, I don’t think she’s a bad person, maybe just flighty. But now she seems even more delusional than Rachel ever was. And that’s saying a lot, Rachel was my least favorite person last year, and most of this year, but she’s definitely become the lesser of two evils.

  168. I used to defend Shelly when they’d show her saying something then show clips of her from weeks ago showing that she’s blatantly lying. I used to say, well, she probably just doesn’t remember, I don’t think she’s a bad person, maybe just flighty. But now she seems even more delusional than Rachel ever was. And that’s saying a lot, Rachel was my least favorite person last year, and most of this year, but she’s definitely become the lesser of two evils.

  169. How do you stan for someone? I was always a Dr Will fan so I didn’t really have a dog in the fight this season, especially after Evel Dick left.

  170. How do you stan for someone? I was always a Dr Will fan so I didn’t really have a dog in the fight this season, especially after Evel Dick left.

  171. How do you stan for someone? I was always a Dr Will fan so I didn’t really have a dog in the fight this season, especially after Evel Dick left.

  172. Okay, seriously, those of you attacking the writer of this article, MY FRIEND, who I’ve known for years. You need to stop. You are only personifying what she is writing about, which FYI, I SUGGESTED she do so. I am a DIEHARD JeJo fan. I adore them both. But I would NEVER EVER EVER stoop to the depths some of y’all are and I KNOW FOR A FACT that neither Jeff or Jordan would approve of what you are doing and what you are saying elsewhere and here. 

    I was BUMMED that Jeff left, I was seriously and am still disgusted by what Shelly has done in this game, but I would NEVER take it to the level of attacking her personal life, or that of her child. 
    So for some of you to come here and attack my friend who is simply staying STOP the madness, seriously, is just as sick as those that think it’s okay to attack her job, threaten her child. 

  173. Okay, seriously, those of you attacking the writer of this article, MY FRIEND, who I’ve known for years. You need to stop. You are only personifying what she is writing about, which FYI, I SUGGESTED she do so. I am a DIEHARD JeJo fan. I adore them both. But I would NEVER EVER EVER stoop to the depths some of y’all are and I KNOW FOR A FACT that neither Jeff or Jordan would approve of what you are doing and what you are saying elsewhere and here. 

    I was BUMMED that Jeff left, I was seriously and am still disgusted by what Shelly has done in this game, but I would NEVER take it to the level of attacking her personal life, or that of her child. 
    So for some of you to come here and attack my friend who is simply staying STOP the madness, seriously, is just as sick as those that think it’s okay to attack her job, threaten her child. 

  174. Okay, seriously, those of you attacking the writer of this article, MY FRIEND, who I’ve known for years. You need to stop. You are only personifying what she is writing about, which FYI, I SUGGESTED she do so. I am a DIEHARD JeJo fan. I adore them both. But I would NEVER EVER EVER stoop to the depths some of y’all are and I KNOW FOR A FACT that neither Jeff or Jordan would approve of what you are doing and what you are saying elsewhere and here. 

    I was BUMMED that Jeff left, I was seriously and am still disgusted by what Shelly has done in this game, but I would NEVER take it to the level of attacking her personal life, or that of her child. 
    So for some of you to come here and attack my friend who is simply staying STOP the madness, seriously, is just as sick as those that think it’s okay to attack her job, threaten her child. 

  175. Thanks for taking a stand against the hatred being given to the family…I was a Shelly fan but over time I have gottten over all the double talk she has done. I would hope that the retional folks in the US would take a stand against the idiotic sector that thinks it is o to involve her child/husband in any of this…It is a game & I am sure that all the houseguests are different in real life then in the pressure cooker known as the BB house!

  176. Thanks for taking a stand against the hatred being given to the family…I was a Shelly fan but over time I have gottten over all the double talk she has done. I would hope that the retional folks in the US would take a stand against the idiotic sector that thinks it is o to involve her child/husband in any of this…It is a game & I am sure that all the houseguests are different in real life then in the pressure cooker known as the BB house!

  177. Thanks for taking a stand against the hatred being given to the family…I was a Shelly fan but over time I have gottten over all the double talk she has done. I would hope that the retional folks in the US would take a stand against the idiotic sector that thinks it is o to involve her child/husband in any of this…It is a game & I am sure that all the houseguests are different in real life then in the pressure cooker known as the BB house!

  178. and for the record, she is NOT saying ALL JeJo fans are like this. She’s PLEADING with the majority of JeJo fans who aren’t insane to stand up and say that what the minority are doing is NOT right. I’m the biggest JeJo fan on the site here, seriously. 

  179. and for the record, she is NOT saying ALL JeJo fans are like this. She’s PLEADING with the majority of JeJo fans who aren’t insane to stand up and say that what the minority are doing is NOT right. I’m the biggest JeJo fan on the site here, seriously. 

  180. Well said. If I can hate Justin Bieber for no other reason than his music annoys me and I’m tired of hearing about him, I should be allowed to hate Shelly for her personal attacks and hypocrisy that’s been well documented.

  181. Well said. If I can hate Justin Bieber for no other reason than his music annoys me and I’m tired of hearing about him, I should be allowed to hate Shelly for her personal attacks and hypocrisy that’s been well documented.

  182. I am a poster here dumbass. I don’t work at the fucking place. Sheesh… Have you “liked” enough Shelly hate posts in here yet? Have you responded to everyone in here yet? There are probably a few left to go… obsessed much? Psycho.

  183. And I never would try to justify it, mos people wouldn’t. THAT’S my point! The couple of people who posted those awful things DO NOT speak for the majority. Do I need to type that again? And what makes you think anybody there SUPPORTED her ever? Just because she hadn’t done anything to sufficiently piss people off yet? I was never a fan, but I didn’t dislike her until I saw her making personal attacks and saying she wanted to set an example for her daughter when all she had to say was, “Daughter, this is a game, do not confuse this with reality” instead. Hypocrisy is a huge pet peeve of mine, so to see her act holier-than-thou when she’s definitely not above the fray really annoys me. It’s not hard to lie your way through the game without making personal attacks or saying you want to push a pregnant lady down the stairs. I’m not a fan of Rachel whatsoever, but that’s ridiculous.

    So basically, it seems like people are mad at that page because they think we’re defending those people’s actions when they posted those awful messages, AND WE’RE NOT. And people at that page are mad because this page seems to have an agenda of defending Shelly rather than telling the truth. There must be a reason the article never addressed Shelly’s personal attacks and the REAL reason that page was made.

  184. Good one. You’re here too hypocrite. And I like the ones I agree with, had I known it bothered you I would’ve liked more. I’m actually really enjoying the arguments, it’s kind of a hobby. But then, the other people actually had interesting things to say, you’re just another troll who thinks he knows better. You never responded either, so I’m guessing you didn’t see any posts that you’re here to fight against. How smart are you here, complaining about ghosts? You’ll believe anything they tell ya, huh? Can’t think for yourself? You should be on Big Brother!

  185. It’s also pretty disgusting to say that gay people shouldn’t be around children, but everyone still loves Jeff…

  186. That is crap i am sure all of these comments are not from just jordon and jeff fans so to blame only those people who like jeff and jordon is a bunch of crap

  187. Holy shit. Here’s an idea… stop making my post be about you. It isn’t. I said before who my post was directed to. I said again who my post was directed to. And once again, you’re trying to tell me my post is lashing out on these innocent little internet angels. My post is directed to the people who ARE taking this to levels it never had any business being on. 

    People who dislike her and are simply commenting about it? Terrific. That’s called being a fan. I don’t have a problem with that. I DO have a problem with great, upstanding citizens like “Jill” who thinks it’s actually funny to attempt to have a child taken away from someone over something that happened in a game. And people on here who are commenting trying to justify the actions that these insane people are taking because “she had it coming” or whatever else bullshit they spew.
    You don’t do that? Great. Good for you. Want me to put this lovely gold star sticker on your shirt?

  188. Boy on boy do some of you have an issue with this article.  First you pick the writing apart but then you can’t spell in your responses.  Then you talk about there being no mean and unnecessary things said about Shelly’s child anymore or that those posts have been removed from Facebook citing this as an argument that the writer should get the facts straight.  Sorry, but I checked Facebook.  And yes, those posts are still there.  The ones that were inciting people to kidnap, rape and murder Shelly’s beautiful daughter are gone.  There are still horrid posts there about calling CPS or writing emails to the place where Shelly works.  All of this done with no thought to have it will affect Shelly once she is out of the house.

    Do I like Shelly?  No.  I haven’t liked her from the beginning.  She completely rubbed me the wrong way.  I also can’t stand Porsche who just went on BB to be the “pretty one” and get TV time.  Unfortunately she forgot that in order to be pretty it has to start on the inside.  Kalia has played the race card more times than I can count in that house.  I can find dozens of reasons why I have never liked Shelly.  I didn’t want Jordan to work with her at all because I figured she wasn’t going to be someone you could trust down the road.  It has nothing to do with her trying to keep Dani and working against Jeff and Jordan.  Fact is, I’m not a Jeff fan because of certain remarks he made in the house.  

    But while ya’ll seem to want to denigrate the writer of this article, you should remember that at the time the article was written that those posts were, in fact, on Facebook.  You’re late to the game now since the truly horrible ones have been removed.

    Of course, ya’ll could all come inside the forum and voice your opinions there.  I guess that’s not going to happen since it’s much easier to do so out here.  I imagine half of you wouldn’t even be responding if Allison Grodner hadn’t put the link to this article on her Twitter.  Obviously she thought it was worth spreading the truth of what has actually happened over the past few days.  Obviously some fans are more obsessed with BB than they should be.  

  189. lol people acting like this over a rigged show that is in the same cat as WWE wrestling in the FCC standards

  190. Yes, I would like that. Give me that sticker now please.

    Well, I apologize that I misunderstood you then, but this article isn’t about those few people. It’s about taking down a fan page because of the actions of those few people, so hopefully you can understand where my side was coming from at least. I wasn’t defending myself specifically, I couldn’t care less what anonymous people on the internet think about me, I was defending the page itself, because frankly, they’re right. The people there hate the people who take it too far maybe even more than you do because they’re the ones who caused all this drama. And they’re also the least likely ones to read your comment or this article unfortunately. Unless they have a laugh about it, I doubt the sick minds who thought of that would care that people thought they were sick. But the people feeling the repercussions are the J/J fans and the people on that site who are either relatively innocent or opposed those posts outright.

    But once again, I apologize for any misunderstanding, though I’ve enjoyed the argument.

  191. Most Jeff/Jordan fans are disgusting human beings. They’re only fans because Jordan is a dumbass southern girl (always popular) and Jeff is “hot.” It’s unfortunate that Jeff is horrid game player and he got kicked out by SHELLY of all people. 
    Je/Jo fans: get a life, trash 🙂

  192. I’m a jeff and jordan fan and I’m not upset that Shelly turned on them.  yes, it’s gameplay.  Tacky, but gameplay.  I just hate think she’s so hateful for stealing Rachel’s stuffed animal in the house and lies saying she didn’t take it.  Her Rachel bashing is ridiculous!  Rachel actually has more class then her. 
    STOP blaming the Shelly hate on Jeff & Jordan fans!!  

  193. It’s really funny reading some people bash the author of this article, when in reality it initiated a movement across the internet that started too late. What’s also funny is how the aforementioned posts on the Shelley FB hate page were not deleted until AFTER this article was written. So, bravo to the author for bringing this issue to surface. Sure, fans of the FB site are now requesting things be deleted, again, only AFTER this article made people aware of what was really going on.

    What’s more? An article like this is what prompted the Executive Producer of Big Brother to speak out on the issue, so bravo to the author and the website. Like some others have mentioned, don’t let the negative folks bring you down…Thanks for doing what others should have done days ago.

  194. You condem that site for hate …

    and yet …just in….on your site….

    “Jeff/Jordan fans are disgusting human beings. They’re only fans because Jordan is a dumbass southern girl ”

    This just goes to show , that you cannot control the comments of every nut out there.

    No excuses for any threats against her family or work or her personal life in general, but I fail to see how this site or the article is resolving the issue…it seems as though the hate continues, just now it is on your site too.

    To request that site be shut down and yours allowed to continue…well that doesnt make sense.

    I am not against your site at all, in my earlier post I agreed with some of what your article said, just dont feel this is a way to resolve it…it continues…but now your site is getting new members too 🙂

  195. True jj fans should not be lumped with crazy people.  fans arent mad because jeff left, they are mad at the behavior of shelly and how mean she is.  she lies when it isnt necessary and her lies are vile.  she ruins the repuatation of good hardworking people.  Why doesnt someone tell shelly to shut up.  do you think jordon owes shelly an apology, do you think jordons mom should have to hear how she should be ashamed of her daughter and shelly knows she isnt proud of her now.  its not about jeff being gone they we dont like it.  its aobaut bb manipulating jeffs loss to benifit friend of the show dani, and to coninually support evil over good.  does allison really have the right to say anything to people about what they are saying and doing shelly when you here all the stuff shelly has done and said.  get the story straight about what people are pissed off about.  I left a message on her fb,  it was appropriate.  I do not think what i said is over the top.

    Hey Shelly, Its really sad your daughter wont understand why it is okay for you to behave so badly, you are messing her up. I have a daughter she wouldnt understand, she would be disapointed. I was raised in a military family and worked around marines, your behavior and the behavior of a marine is contridictory. I dont want your family to suffer but i hope you pay the price of your actions. It is one thing to make game moves but you went way past what you needed to, you were enjoying yourself and that is dispicable. I would think in your line of work, your job would be in jeopordy, they took your picture and bio down.

  196. @Lisa Wow, Swampy is a name from the past. I completely forgot he’s w/ tvgrapevine. He used to run James Rhine’s website (back when James had one) and it didn’t take long to realize the kind of person he was.

  197. That’s because those posts get taken down to try and make the site look better. I PERSONALLY have taken screencaps of such posts. The moderator claiming they don’t exist is a LIAR. Interesting that those claiming to “hate” Shelly because of her lying are lying an awful lot themselves. Shelly is playing a game, what’s their excuse?

  198. That’s because those posts get taken down to try and make the site look better. I PERSONALLY have taken screencaps of such posts. The moderator claiming they don’t exist is a LIAR. Interesting that those claiming to “hate” Shelly because of her lying are lying an awful lot themselves. Shelly is playing a game, what’s their excuse?

  199. That’s because those posts get taken down to try and make the site look better. I PERSONALLY have taken screencaps of such posts. The moderator claiming they don’t exist is a LIAR. Interesting that those claiming to “hate” Shelly because of her lying are lying an awful lot themselves. Shelly is playing a game, what’s their excuse?

  200. That’s because those posts get taken down to try and make the site look better. I PERSONALLY have taken screencaps of such posts. The moderator claiming they don’t exist is a LIAR. Interesting that those claiming to “hate” Shelly because of her lying are lying an awful lot themselves. Shelly is playing a game, what’s their excuse?

  201. In addition there is another post that I wont quote by Bombbob52 , it is vile and disgusting and yet still remains on this page. I have flagged it and do not blame the administrators for not being able to delete it immediately, I am just saying….makes my point.

  202. This is not surprising. Jeff and Jordan fans worship stupidity and aggression. Anyone who is trashy enough to like like Jeff and Jordan is definitely trashy enough to threaten a little girl.

  203. You obviously didn’t watch the same live feeds that the majority of the live feed viewers watched.  Shelly walked into the purple room (or as I like to call it, the voodoo room) and stroke up to Jordan and yelled first.  Jordan was crying when she walked in the room so it would have been difficult for her to yell.  It was only after Shelly leaned over and starting yelling more that Jordan rose up and got back in Shelly’s face.  Any woman worth her salt would have done the same thing.  Shelly was being a bully.  And yes, Rachel pulled Jordan away.  That was too bad because I was waiting for the chest bump that Jordan did to Russell in her season.  This is just my opinion, but Shelly has wilted away into nothingness and will be leaving the house this week hopefully.  The sooner this woman is off my live feeds, the better it will be.  Unfortunately there are still two catty women left out of this little group, Porsche and Kalia.
    Let’s just say that I don’t care for catty women.  They are cowards.  They are nice to your face and then say horrid things behind your back.  If you don’t have the gonads to say it to someone’s face, then keep your mouth shut because it just shows you’re a coward.  And that is exactly what Shelly is.  She won’t leave with her integrity intact.  But I do hope that no one (meaning the hateful BB fans that have taken it upon themselves to do that Facebook page) will bother Shelly and her family outside of the house.  That just takes it too far.

  204. The only thing “insensitive” is assuming “retard” is something to get your panties in a bunch about. Like many words, retard/retarded has evolved over time and is now used no differently than “dumb” or “stupid” and it’s no longer a hate word directed towards a group of people like “f**ot” or “n***er”

  205. Not necessarily. I found this link from someone posting it elsewhere, appropriately followed with several comments talking about how she’s deserving what she gets. Many of the people who said that are posting comments here. Since I’d get banned for calling these dipshits out on there, I took it here.

    The page itself… it is what it is. I’ve been there a few times and every single time I did I saw almost nothing but nasty shit. Perhaps it was bad timing, I dunno. But if it’s moderated, I’ll take your word for it. It’s just one of those things though… if Josie or any of Shelly’s family went there only to have similar “bad timing”, they’d probably be distraught with fear. Even if the page’s admins or even the majority of people’s intentions were not to create so much uproar, people will jump at the opportunity on a page that promotes “hating” Shelly Moore. People take this show very personal… I have no earthly idea why, but they do. I despised Amber in BB8, but I get pissed reading about idiots sending her death threats or threatening to take her child away. Much like I am now with this Shelly situation. 

    That all being said, good on you for keeping it within a reasonable level. And seriously, I’m not even being sarcastic about that. You know your place as a fan and I respect that. 

  206. But why didn’t it disgust you when she turned on her initial alliance? She was “with Cassie, dom, Adam, and Keith”…she voted Keith out! That’s what is making me mad about these “pious” people now saying how horrible she is. Why was she not horrible when she lied to her partner & bff Cassie? To me, that was much worse! That totally caused Keith,, casie, and Dom to be evicted. You’re right, it is insane to hate people on a game like this. Jeff and jordon are just as bad. They said horrible things about everyone. They do NOT seem like very nice people, but I don’t know how I would act if put into all of their shoes.

  207. you are correct in assuming I don’t have the live feeds….I have a life outside of BB….but it still doesn’t matter what shelly does in the house, there is no need to post that kind of crap about her daughter

  208. I agree…she is a two face and cries way too much about the situations she puts herself in

  209.  Fortunately for the majority of BB fans, they did see those posts.  And this article calls attention to the fact that the writer found it disgusting as did the majority of people who are replying here.  Frankly you should check your facts.  I saw the Facebook page.  I saw the pathetic posts.  I know that there are some that are still there.  I’ve checked my facts.  Now you check yours.

  210.  Not me.  Although if you read the interview done with Jeff, he definitely tried to backtrack his way out of it.  It doesn’t fly with me.  I don’t like Jeff. 

  211.  And all of a sudden the writer is a journalist?  Seriously?  Actually it’s not a piece of journalism but a blog article.  If you don’t like it, don’t read it.  Simple.

  212. Checked and checked, and you can lie all you want, those posts are definitely not the majority. And the article neglected to mention that they were not well received on the site itself either, now please reference SPECIFICALLY which ones you think are threats to her family or her job that AREN’T taken down almost immediately. Anyone can say they checked facts, but if you keep getting it wrong you have to check harder. The page itself is not the problem, there are tons of “Hate” fan pages on FaceBook, and there always will be as long as people hate stuff and are on FaceBook. This article pointed out a few bad people, and yes, I hope they see repercussions too, I think it’s ridiculous to threaten her family or her job or anything like that, BUT those people do not represent the page they are trying to get shut down.

    Seriously though, the longer this goes on, the more “facts” there are to check on that page, so I seriously doubt you’ve looked at more than a comment or two that got you upset. You know, you can’t GIVE offense to anyone, you can only TAKE it, so I can only assume you’re talking about the foul-mouthed jokers that are everywhere because I have still yet to see A SINGLE family threat to Shelly on there, but I’ve seen SEVERAL threats towards the people on there. But I suppose you support their violence, because they’re on your side.

  213. You’re right about all but one thing. The people who MADE that facebook page didn’t intend for it to get out of hand, it’s been said plain as day several times on the actual page, and they try to keep the really offensive people out, but it’s OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, meaning people are joining just to say mean spiteful things and getting kicked out. So why not just shut down facebook altogether? If your going to lump the entire page of Big Brother fanatics in with those pieces of shit that wrote personal attacks against her family, why not lump that page with all of Facebook, someone said there’s an I Hate Justin Bieber page with tons more likes than Shelly’s. Is he not a real person too? Why is nobody defending him? I’m more than willing to bet he’s had some awful things said about him too, why not shut that one down that is easily more people “spreading the hate”.
    I honest to God have not seen a single threat posted towards Shelly or her family on that page or I wouldn’t defend it, but I actually talked to people on there, an actual intellectual conversation about being annoyed with hypocrisy in the BB house, and she was thankful for that page because she was recently widowed and wanted a place to vent. You’re lumping that nice lady I talked to on that page in with those jerks. And I haven’t personally seen ONE of them. Only heard stories and claims.

  214. Same thing goes for comments, you don’t like how someone responds to the article, DON’T READ IT.
    You’ll soon realize, of course, that you don’t know exactly what things will say until you read them, and therefore how you will react, but I’m sure you thought of all this before making your well-thought-out comment. Simple. Yes, you are.

  215. Same for you, I’m glad we were able to keep it civil (or at least relatively so).
    I concede that I may just have great timing and have never had to deal
    with that crap, but if I had seen it you can rest assured I’d get on
    that person’s case toot-sweet. As it is just a random page created by a fan on facebook I’d bet there are times when it does go unmoderated but the majority of the people I’ve talked to on there shared my sentiments and seem like they’d be just as angry.
    If I honestly believed it was meant to be mean-spirited and not just
    another BB fan page that will go dead once the shows over or Shelly’s
    voted out I would be against it too. But I just thought this publicity only exasperated things and that’s why I was so critical of this article. Anyway, thanks again for the discussion, I can honestly appreciate where you’re coming from now.

  216. Actually, I work with the mentally handicapped, and they don’t seem to appreciate that word a lot. I’m not actually offended, I couldn’t care less, I thoroughly believe words only have the power that you give them. BUT saying that word has not EVOLVED as you think it has. No handicapped children are rapping about it taking it back or anything, and, frankly, I wonder what makes you think it is an acceptable word to use. Would be just as easy to say dumb or stupid and then nobody gets offended, because I do assure you that people other than me DO get offended by retard, so you are grossly misinformed. Or they played a great trick on you to make people hate you, either way, with all due respect you’re wrong about the R word.

  217. I suppose you’d rather they leave the posts up then? They’re supposed to take them down you brilliant person you, that’s what the point was. The people on that page DON’T WANT those people making those bad comments, so they remove them and block them. Should I type it out again or are you going to keep complaining about things happening the way they should. To make the site look better, please. You had your preconceived notion obviously, and when it didn’t appear that way it only strengthened your view somehow because *gasp* NOW IT’S A CONSPIRACY!

  218. Funny that you use the word “rage” because a lot of the people who are calmly and articulately expressing their opinions here are the same people who post on that page.  The same type of comments can be found over there, as well.  And BTW, that page is only 2 days old.  The comment about Shelly’s daughter was made by one very sick individual who came from the “We Love Shelly Moore” FB page.  They posted their obscenities on the “America Hates” page in an attempt to have it shut down.  

    Another hyper-exaggerated post meant to make a point but failing miserably in its accuracy.

  219. I M O Shelly brought this ALL on herself, of course I dont agree with some of the crazy ppl that wish or want harm done to her family or her, Shelly & everyone else saw what happened to Rachel last yr the girl cant get a job & Shelly should have thought of ALL the things that could have come out from going on national tv. I dont feel sorry for her I DO feel very bad for her family esp her daughter that has to go thru all of this because her mother wanted to win $500,000…that it doesnt even look like she needs but she went on the show anyway! This is AMERICA where EVERYONE is entitled to speak their mind & think WHATEVER they please NOT to carry out hateful or harmful acts against anyone. I go on that america hates Shelly Moore page & MOST of the things said on their are NOT out of line, when it does happen those comments are deleted as fast as possible. 

  220. Different things offend different people so if your upset by the naughty language, which has been the only thing I’ve noticed tonight, then knock it off and stop going to a page that upsets you. I personally still don’t believe you about any threats ever, I’ve still yet to see a single person and I posted there a ton by now. The less I see violent activity from the regulars on that page and the more I see it from diehard Shelly defenders the harder it gets to believe you ever saw anything that was actually offensive and not just someone trying to get rid of a troll. And so far, that’s pretty much all this article has produced, trolls. Now, if there’s a followup where they catch the people who said those things, then applause applause, but until then- I don’t even believe those people really exist. So far it’s only been fakers from the “I Love Shelly Page” that I’ve seen trying to get the page banned making any sort of threats at all.Literally the most offensive comment I’ve seen tonight about Shelly was about her being the Courtney Love of Big Brother. The most offensive thing I saw from a Shelly defender was someone saying they’d find out where the admins live and shoot them and send them to hell. I haven’t seen any articles about that though.

    And those pictures? You can’t even see where they were posted, that’s not a screencap, it’s literally just the comment, which would be the easiest thing in the world to fake. Why would they just use the little comment when they supposedly haaaaad the proof? There’s way too much that’s fishy for me, and way too many facts in the article that I know are wrong. And the 7000+ people on that page know it’s wrong too, that’s why there’s only a couple hundred on it’s response page.

  221. Thank you for making my point. You seem to think the mentally handicapped should be MORE offended by that word. YOU are the misinformed one. I happen to have a handicapped child and I can tell you 100% that he is not “retarded” nor a “retard” (although years ago before the word changed to its current meaning he would have been classified as one) and he should not get more or less upset about being called one than anyone else, and I am offended that you seem to think he should be. Retarded absolutely carries the same meaning as dumb or idiot, it’s completely interchangeable. Name calling should probably be avoided period, but that name isn’t different from any of the others.

  222. Yes, Shelly betrayed Jeff and Jordan, but involving Shelly’s family in this manner is indeed indicative of mental imbalance.  Also, please, do not tie up the resources of an already over burdened service with false accusations of child abuse. You are making children who really do need their services wait longer for help. 

  223.  i hope that the way you feel about jeff is the way you feel about evil dick. “bb’s favorite hg”

  224. You go on reality shows then America is going to judge you and they will either be your fan or you will be considered a ok person or your going to be hated. Shelly is hated by America and her own behavior brought that about–you cannot blame it on anyone else. Why is Shelly stealing Rachels things and especially her favorite dog. People despise Shelly now more than Rachel and she has made Rachel look good. 

    People who are blaming Jeff and Jordan fans are delusional. Shelly brought this on herself and she set herself up to play like Natalie played Jordan and thought she would go to the end with Jordan and win the money cause Jordan all ready won so the house would vote for her. So Shelly decided to woo Jordan and pretend to mother her and constantly told her she adored her and then she not only stuck the knife in Jordans back she stuck it in and twisted it and Jordan got her feelings her and felt a fool for trusting her. Jordan is a good person and she should never change that about herself. Shelly is what she is and people don’t have to like. She forgot one thing and that is the house never votes for people they don’t like or plays dirty to people and Shelly stabbed everyone–you cannot go to the end without an alliance with someone and Shelly has none at all and set herself up as “the enemy to all”

  225. This has nothing to do with Jeff and Jordan fans this has to do with BB fans. They choose who they like and dont’ like. You are falsely accusing people. Anyone going on reality shows end up with backlash from public who watch these shows.  Be that backlash be good or bad.  The show is not over and all these people are stuck in there without a clue of what is going on outside the house. 

  226. Last but not least is that I don’t know who would post such vile things about anyone let alone a child but I have seen post like that on websites on other subjects. Granted there are sick people trolling the internet. But you cannot blame that on anyone else. I have been in political websites and read horrid things but I did report them. We all know there are nuts out there and these are not fans of anyone or anything in this life. 

    When Shelly did what she did to Jordan everyone turned on her and these people were not all Jordan fans and you even had Rachel haters suddenly loving Rachel due to Shelly’s bad game play  on this show.

  227. ITA, with you I’m a J/J fan no way shape for form  would I ever do what these “so called fans” are doing? 

  228. She did this to her self and family she has a education she is 41 years old  she braggs about all the money she has and what a wonderful life she has how can a 41year old woman say such mean things behind Like she is going to save Brandon $400 This to me is a evil person On the outside what does she do to people there behind their backs are her friends On the job

  229. totally agree with you on this! the house guests inside have gone way too far. their disgusting comments about Rachel repulses me..absolutely horrific. making jokes if Rachel was preg and abortions and how she’d be a bad mom..also shell took that stuffed dog Rachel’s mom gave to her and tore it up and put red nail polish on it like it’s blood. how low..and she still continues to lie about what rach/jord are sayin about her and the other guests. i have the live feeds, i hear the crap they are talking and right now rach/jord are just talking game play. not making personal attacks. i can’t believe BB staff in there..listening to these nasty convos is letting it continue. it makes me sick. Kalia, Porche, Shelly and even Adam now have really crossed the lines and have reached an all time BB low. No one likes them because they are playing a disgusting disgraceful game! They’re getting too personal now and it needs to stop. They’re making themselves look bad..its not the Jeff n Jordon fans disliking Shell or the others, its all the fans! Its just gone too far and I’m disgusted. I never get this involved in a game but the past weeks have really pushed my buttons enuf to where I NEED to say something!

  230. This article is ridiculous … don’t blame JJ fans for the all the Shelly hate.  Shelly did that to herself.  Her holier than thou attitude about her behavior is delusional.  Let’s face it, other than the returning house guests, this year’s cast is terrible, likely the worst ever.  Which is probably why they brought back the others.  The new twist, known by the live feeds, breathed life back into the game.  Without it, BB’s rating would drop significantly.  Grodner et. all knew that …  voilå … a new twist.  

  231. it is sick and thank you for taking this stand.  No matter whose fans these are, or acting like  J/J’s fans just to make them look bad just wrong and all sites need to stand together in this.  Threatening a family of a contestant of a show is utterly stupid, mean and black hearted.

    thanks again.

  232. I was in the audience ten days ago – and one of the Exec Producers (in fact, the voice of Big Brother himself) said the ratings for the previous night’s show set a five year high. CBS is, in fact, very happy with this year’s cast.

    I only wish I could’ve been there this past Thursday – to cheer loudly when Jeff was evicted.  Good for Shelly – yeah, she could’ve made top three with them, but that’s as far as she could’ve gone.  She made a big move – in hopes of making final two – and the bet didn’t pay-off. Can’t fault her at all for playing the game… you could make the case that she’s the only newbie to do so!

  233. Actually I don’t support violence towards anyone.  Since you don’t know me, you don’t have a single solitary clue.  Quite frankly, I find your posts amusing because you are supporting the hate page more than anyone on here.  As of today, the threats are gone.  They were there yesterday morning.  I read through over 100 posts on that Facebook page and they all sickened me.  Besides, there’s more than one Facebook page devoted to hating Shelly Moore and talking about her family.  Pathetic though it is, freedom of speech is alive and well in our country.  The thing is those of us who vehemently disagree with the threats to take away her daughter and other vile posts have been removed and that’s a good thing.

    And since you can’t prove any LIE that you are perpetuating, then I guess I don’t have to prove any TRUTH that I am saying. 

  234. Actually I don’t support violence towards anyone.  Since you don’t know me, you don’t have a single solitary clue.  Quite frankly, I find your posts amusing because you are supporting the hate page more than anyone on here.  As of today, the threats are gone.  They were there yesterday morning.  I read through over 100 posts on that Facebook page and they all sickened me.  Besides, there’s more than one Facebook page devoted to hating Shelly Moore and talking about her family.  Pathetic though it is, freedom of speech is alive and well in our country.  The thing is those of us who vehemently disagree with the threats to take away her daughter and other vile posts have been removed and that’s a good thing.

    And since you can’t prove any LIE that you are perpetuating, then I guess I don’t have to prove any TRUTH that I am saying. 

  235. Actually I don’t support violence towards anyone.  Since you don’t know me, you don’t have a single solitary clue.  Quite frankly, I find your posts amusing because you are supporting the hate page more than anyone on here.  As of today, the threats are gone.  They were there yesterday morning.  I read through over 100 posts on that Facebook page and they all sickened me.  Besides, there’s more than one Facebook page devoted to hating Shelly Moore and talking about her family.  Pathetic though it is, freedom of speech is alive and well in our country.  The thing is those of us who vehemently disagree with the threats to take away her daughter and other vile posts have been removed and that’s a good thing.

    And since you can’t prove any LIE that you are perpetuating, then I guess I don’t have to prove any TRUTH that I am saying. 

  236. You’re really overboard with your support of this Facebook page.  There’s more than one over there.  But you just keep on rocking on.  You have your opinion and have pretty much voiced it as I have.  So we will just agree to disagree because I know what’s on a lot of those Facebook pages hating Shelly Moore.  Maybe the people who started these pages wanted to vent, but they didn’t move fast enough to remove the nasty threats until the article above was written and AG tweeted about it.  Fair’s fair if you catch my drift.

  237. I agreee whole heartedly. I may not like Shelly’s game play, but would NEVER want anything to happend to that beautiful little girl or her husband!!!

  238. I do not in any way think that it is ok for people to be threatening shelly or her family’s lives but I also don’t think that it right that shelly (who is under the impression that Rachel is pregnant) should be allowed to say that she hopes that Rachel loses (would miscarry) her baby. It is a game and the people that are threatening Shelly’s family and shelly herself for saying such a horrible things about an innocent child (whether Rachel is really pregnant or not) should be ashamed of themselves. It is a game and people get voted out. If you can’t handle it and act like an adult then don’t watch or participate in this show.

  239. Yours is true because you say it is, what makes that any different? You’re a huge hypocrite.

  240. Looks more like support for freedom of speech and getting the facts straight to me. You’d think people would be interested in knowing the truth and not one person’s slander.

  241. Moron. I never insinuated that your son or any handicapped person should be offended, I said SOME PEOPLE are. In fact, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE. You have your point of view, and that’s fine, I’m not offended by it either, but I DO KNOW A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE. A whole hell of a lot actually, so I know you’re wrong. Whatever you think you know applies to you and your world, NOT TO EVERYONE or EVERYWHERE. Your perception is noted, now broaden it a bit. Go ahead and be offended all you want, it’s for an even dumber reason than people who get offended by people overusing retard.

  242. Lexi, tons of parents have gone on this show before and I’m sure her daughter loves her for being on the show. Youre just another example of a Jordeff fan who cant handle them losing. That was the best move of the game by far. Going on a game for half a million that features lying and backstabbing every season doesnt make this specific example any worse cause shes a mother? Who cares ITS A GAME youre not even on it.

  243. Thank you! I am still completely baffled about the lack of outrage for the hate
    and violence the house-guest are spewing, who have a national audience (at least
    live feed audience) and for CBS’s lack of concern about it as well, instead A.
    Grodner is worried about 7k people on a facebook page most of who are just
    posting their opinion? (violence and threats ANYWHERE should not be condoned) I have heard on so many occasions in the last 3 days the
    group (Shelly, Adam, Porsche and Kalia) making comments about harming Rachele.
    That apparently is not bothering the majority of these people. In addition the writer in the article has caused a lot of back
    lash to Jeff and Jordan fans, with even the suggestion that they were the ones
    supporting Hate…frankly that doesn’t even make sense. Chances are if you
    like a NICE , honest character or personality on TV, you support that behavior , not the opposite.

  244. ok guys whether u like or dislike the way Shelly is playing she is where she`s at so she lied cheated and stole to get where she is it`s a game get over it you use what is at ur disposal even if it means back stabbing ur alliance

  245. I haven’t written anything about ED ??? Since you asked, I didn’t like ED his season & I probably wouldn’t have liked him this season and I certainly don’t like Daniele. Dick’s an even bigger bully than Jeff and I really think there should have been some punishment for many of his actions. Dick only won BB because of the edit given to him by CBS which gave him America’s help all season. I’m not sure what any of this has to do with Jeff’s bad gameplay (for two seasons) or certain fan’s reaction to his eviction. Yes, the majority of posters on the “hate” FB page are not posting extreme things. However, I believe just joining such a page and feeling something so strongly as hate for a TV personality speaks volumes about character. There have been PLENTY of houseguests I’ve not cared for, but I’ve never “hated” any of them and I’ve been able to seperate the game from reality. Threats, trying to get HGs fired, involving family, etc. is crossing a line. People still send hate mail/e-mail/tweets to former houseguests and, in my opinion, this is completely irrational and serves no purpose. If you need to get so wrapped up in a cause, find a cause worth it. There are plenty in this world, trust me.

  246. My use of ‘you’ in my last statement was meant as a general ‘you’ and not directed at you, Rebiw1971.

  247. Fans arent hating her so much for voting out Jeff, but for her vicious banter and hate filled speeches, stealing personal items from houseguests and just plain cattiness. She’s always claiming to be “Honest” and having too much “integrity” to do the things she is rightfully accused of.

  248. you are so ignorant. how did she ‘abandon’ her child? every season there is at least one parent on the show. were they all ‘abandoning’ there child or are you just saying that because you don’t like her? and in case you and apparently half of america forgot, this is a game. big brother is all about lying and manipulating people. thats what the GAME is about. I’m assuming your a jordan or jeff fan (and if your not then ignore this part) but i don’t understand how people can say shelly doesn’t deserve it the money but jeff and jordan do. jordan already won this game. her and jeff did amazing race. and jeff did another cbs reality show about traveling the world. neither of them need the money either. so please educate YOURSELF before you post something so ridiculous.

  249. first off you start by saying the beatings and deaths by fans in other  sports and then add big brother fans have taken that to a whole new level are you nuts?I would rather have a bunch of people get their emotions out over the computer then going to  a game and shooting someone or harming anyone.Then you say it’s fans of jeff and jordan but there was plenty of shelly hate going on before jeff was evicted is just  exploded.I never liked shelly from the start she was playing a dirty game.You think shelly thought she was going to be liked by doing what she did to jeff and jordan she is a smart woman and  had to know there would be a reaction like this to her move and she did it anyway.This article only stirs the pot more instead of lettting it go and die down.Most bb fans are over it already but some will continue as long as people on both sides keep giving it attention…I don’t think people should leave tony and josie out of it but have every right to form their opinion on that game you can choose many ways to play she decided to stab J/J in the back and she choose to play a dirty game and she should expect what comes with making that move….the thing that i find funny is it was the worst game move she could have made…..Now no one trusts her and she can’t win comps to save herself.

  250. it was a horrid game move because now she is a target where if jeff was there he would have been everyone’s target letting shelly stay in the background.shelly can’t beat anyone in comps so she took out people that had her back?She made a horrid move and now she will be going home soon cause of it,

  251. Wow!  That “burn in hell” statement sounds kind of threatening.  Who said any of us did anything.  You are absolutely just as crazed as those who allegedly “cyber threatened” Shelly’s family.  This proves my point…the “Shelly fans” have become huge bully’s now in the name of justice.  Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black!

  252. Obviously I prefer them to be taken down. @@ My issue is with claims from the site administrator that these comments NEVER existed to begin with. (S)He has posted this more than once and it’s a blatant lie. Nobody is taking the time to photoshop those comments. Why can’t the administrator be honest and let people know those comments are being removed and posters of them banned?

  253. I came across this article while looking at presidential race polls, and I must say…people advocating rape, murder and sexual assault towards some woman and her daughter is disgusting. All this because she voted out someone on a reality show, wow. Y’all are some sick people.

  254. Weather it is J/J fans or just people pissed about how Shelly is playing the game, it needs to stop.  I can’t believe facebook would allow post as vile as these.  Pages like this should be removed.  They take down pictures that expose privates but they allow this mess?  crazy!  That being said, I don’t think it helped when Jordan kept talking about how she told Jeff to KILL Dani when he gets to the jury.  I know she did not mean it literally but apparently some people get realily tv mixed up with real life.  NOT blaming her by no means…just trying to say that peole in general need to be careful by what they say….guess thats why schools have a not tolerance policy 🙂

  255. I didn’t even know this show was still on. Sounds like no one is ever going to want to play in a reality game show with Jeff and Jordan again, for fear that their fans are going to ruin their lives lol.  What’s the obsession with these two? I was reading the comments from the TMZ article and their fans sound delusional, like they are part of a cult and Jeff and Jordan are the leaders.  Anyways, what do I know – I’m a sports fan. (and I thought we were nuts)

  256.  This one was and is different. She made it personal. She came off as an adoring fan who would in fact push them to the end. She’s acting as if this is some epiphany she’s just had.
    She’s just a lying scheming you know what, and that was obvious with her many alliances.

    I think people are also disgusted because she’s a mom and talk about her stance on lying. It is really disgusting for people like me who hate hypocrisy. It’s one thing to turn on your alliance, it’s another to back stab them.
    She’s a total hypocrite, saying mean things about everyone when they are not in ear shot

    In the true style of a liar- when caught she gets mad and blames everybody else. Say what you will about Rachel, she’s not a liar.

    I know people say it’s a game, but it’s impossible to switch off who you really are, and Shelly is a back stabbing liar. It is absolutely disgusting. I was wary of her in the beginning and now I totally dislike her and what she stands for. She is truly a horrible person who pretends to be nice.
    I can respect someone who embraces who they are, but lying hypocrites are the worst people ever because they will stab you in the back.

    Now what those fans are doing is downright crazy, and they should be stopped before they do something stupid or crazy. There is still a little girl involved and threats are not warranted. I guarantee there is a Shelly on every block, they are the first to bring you cookies, but trust me they reserve their opinion of you when you are not around.

    The worst I wish for Shelly is that she makes it to final 3 and gets booted by Jordan. So close and yet so far, but since she’s apparently going home this week, the worst I cna wish for her is that Jeff and Jordan NEVER consider her friends. That should be the consequence to backstabbing friends, then perhaps next time she will think twice, and what a lesson to show her daughter- the absolute consequence of LYING and hypocrisy.

    I guarantee that Jeff and Jordan would have been hurt, but at least would respect her if she TOLD them she was going to have to turn- sure they woudl ahve been mad, but at least she would have been upfront about it.
    Next time, leave personal out of the game and you won’t have this problem- she USED them! Own it Shelly so we can at least respect you.

  257. If we were in her shoes, we wouldn’t pretend to like them and kiss their butt and tell them her goal is to get them both to the end- THAT’S WHAT WE WOULDN’T DO.  And all the people who are ok with this are probably hypocrites themselves.

    Having said all of that, I am a Rachel fan. I like Jeff but I though his actions were selfish and they bit him in the butt. If he had been loyal to Brandon, the snake Shelly never would have been able to bite him, but hey, I’m happy people get to see who Shelly really is. I’m pretty sure she pretends to like people in real life too.

    I also don’t want Jordan to win, I like her enough, but she’s a bit lazy. Rachel works hard, and is as loyal as this game gets and deserves to win this game- period!

  258. Do you have the Flashback time from when she said this?  Shelly now claims on her Twitter, (ShellyMooreBB13) that she never said this.

  259. The Some people r mean and hatefull I don’t meet people in my regular life that are so evil but behind vail of the internet there are a group of people who have no life for those people I pitty you

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