Internet Friendships…

I’ve had my fair share of friends I’ve met over the internet… most have come and gone, but some are closer to me than friends I may see everyday. And really, I’ve only had one standout bad experience… and still today it lingers.

With the Manti Te’o scandal, the college football player from Notre Dame that had some kind of internet relationship with a girl who may or may not have had cancer & also at some point was to have died, but later was discovered she was alive (sounds too much like a Jerry Springer episode to me!!)…. I really don’t know the full story well, but when this story hit, it really made me think about things.

Until the summer of 2011, most of my internet friendships were nothing more than friending someone on Facebook (or prior to that, MySpace) to gain neighbors or friends for some sort of online game I was playing, like FarmVille or the variety. I never really talked to them or got to know them at all, they just sent me stuff for my farm, or a extra life some other game I may have been addicted to at the time, but other than that, they were just a face on my wall… I actually still have a select few who I’ve decided to keep around, even though I really don’t know them well, but they post interesting things & feel they add to my life in one way or another.

But my love for reality has broadened my horizons & have found some more lasting friendships who I have more in common with, like the forum at (what I call) The Yak. There are others, who shall not be named, but similar in format to what we see at The Yak.

I have found some of the most unlikely friendships. For most of these friends I’ve found I know without a shadow of doubt they are true friends, and know they add value to me and my life. Some I would even consider best friends, and know me more better than I know myself. It so much easier to be myself with them, partly because I think being behind a computer screen and not face-to-face makes it easier to be more brave and/or vulnerable, to show the sides you might hide from people you have direct contact with… seeing someones face and/or reaction when you disappoint or not live up to expectations is sometimes the worst to overcome.

And this is where my reason for writing this comes in. One friendship in particular has had me so confused with myself and it still lingers. Why?? This is someone who I stuck up for when no one else did, believed in and never gave up… yet whenever I let myself think about the situation or this person is involved in, I feel so bitter… and I still can’t put my finger on the exact reason why I can’t just let go. This person no longer matters to me, or maybe I’m just trying to convince myself that I don’t care… I think it’s obvious I do care, but why or why should I?? Uhhhgggg… I hate it! Whenever I try to deal with it and why I feel this way, I usually end up in tears… and no answers.

I tried to tell myself that I need to back away from meeting friends online, or at least not letting myself get attached… and it was once pointed out to me that I have unrealistic expectations when it comes to my (online) friendships, and I do believe this is true. The person that told me this is someone I talk to everyday without fail, yet I’ve never met in person… but feel like I’ve known my whole life. I think the friends I’ve made online have spoiled me, so maybe I can just blame them for my unrealistic expectations! HA!!

Truth is, I really want to let go… but haven’t figured out the magic potion to release me from whatever it is that’s holding on?? I value each and every friendship I have, because I spent some of my early childhood without friends (which I might touch on sometime in the future), and I NEVER want to feel that alone again. So part of letting go of this person goes against the grain of what I believe, yet dealing with the bitterness I feel isn’t doing me much good either, sigh…. In closing, I’m still as confused as I ever was but writing always helps clear my mind!!!! Bottomline, I love the friends I’ve made online, so I don’t think this will stop me from making more, but it will make me more leary on how much I put into someone I really don’t know. The ones I’ve made definitely outweigh this one bad experience.














Reflecting on 2012 has been more difficult for me than it’s ever been. I had high hopes… My motto coming into 2012 was for no expectations, and without even realizing it, I entered the New Year with a ton of them, setting myself up for failure from day 1… Or so it felt like failure as I started to reflect.

I find myself in a place in life were I almost feel stuck… Stuck between my own reality and my dream of a stable rewarding life, trying to find that balance in the middle that completes me. Stuck…

What has 2012 done for me?? The more I think of that question, the more positive my outlook on 2013 becomes, but I’ll explain more on that later. In this past year I started school… A blessing and a burden at the same time. The blessing… I’m following my heart to begin a career and the life I set aside when I became a mom 20 years ago. The burden… Time and stress. Managing school and life is much harder than it appears from the outside… And sometimes I feel unsure if I can take anymore, but I always manage to figure it out. Even when I was working full time, I feel like I had more time than I do now.

Also, in this past year I’ve started to rebuild my relationship with my son… And this alone is huge for me. Although it’s been 3 birthdays and Christmas’s that I haven’t been able to spend with him, I at least got a text from him on Christmas this year and I get periodic phone calls and texts that keep my head from running away from me. Just in this year alone, I felt the ultimate rejection from him (not intentional), but all was forgotten in a long awaited and unexpected hug in the middle of a gas station parking lot… And I got to tell him I love him unconditionally, face to face… And for once, I believe he heard me and more importantly… He believed me.

Going into 2013 comes with a ton of uncertainty? I know that I must find a job within the next 5 months, and a new place to live in the next 10 days. Both to me are scary, especially in this economy that’s supposedly on its way out of a recession, although most people I know don’t see it, including me. But what scares me most is where I fit in anymore? I’m 38… And sometimes just as confused about life as if I were 8? Wait, not 8… Even though at that age I was bullied everyday and didn’t know why… I was a kid and it was so much easier to bounce back… No responsibilities. More like confused about life like if were 18… but looking back, I had more direction then than I do now… and as I said already, I find myself in a place in life where I almost feel stuck… Stuck between my own reality and my dream of a stable rewarding life, trying to find that balance in the middle that completes me. Stuck…

This is what thinking about what 2012 has done for me, makes me more positive for 2013. I wanted to go into 2012 with no expeditions, but it’s apparent I had many expectations judging by how disappointed I was when I 1st started reflecting on the year… But I’ve quickly realized it’s the little things that matter most!

Completing a full year of school with a 3.96 GPA, reconnecting with Levi, making new friends (ahem, mostly the virtual variety… But to me a friend is friend!), new babies on the way (not mine! But my son and his girlfriend, my son’s 1st baby mama and her boyfriend, and my neice and her boyfriend are all expecting babies in 2013), reconnecting with old friends and building stronger friendships with current friends, discovering myself and learning to love who I am.

There is more, but the most important is knowing that I made it through another year… Alive… laughing, loving, crying, caring, dancing, discovering, managing…. And for that I am thankful!

I’m thankful that my mom and dad (stepdad, but dad just-the-same) accept me for me, when I know other parents don’t because they aren’t perfect in their eyes, whether they are gay, finding a different religion or philosophy in life, too short, or too fat… I am blessed my they love me for me, period… As all children should be, young or old.

I’m thankful for my sister… For this year I’ve truly experienced her unconditional love… It’s always been there, but I finally accepted it without question. I just can’t imagine my life without her, and often feel guilty that I don’t have to share her… Everyone in this world should have a sister like her, this world would truly be a better place. She single-handily provides me with happiness everyday, who else can say that.

I’m thankful for my husband… Because he is my only hug most days, and I need them! We’ve been married almost 20 years, and times aren’t always easy… and in days when I feel we have grown too far apart, he finds a way to bring us close again.

And I’m thankful for my friends… Every single one of them! Those from grade school, to past jobs and everyone in between. And I must give a special shout-out to those I only know in the virtual world, some of you know me better than friends I might see every day. I don’t get to spend much time with friends like I once used to? I don’t go hang out with anyone, go out on the town, scrapbook or Bunko anymore… Partly because of time, but I guess partly I’m out-of-sight, out-of-mind to most. Which is fine mostly, because with school I don’t have as much time anyway.

So, as for 2013… I offer no promises… Just to be me, try to stay positive, never give up and take some chances. Don’t have resolutions, but maybe some goals without a time limit? I want to live healthier… Meaning, I don’t want to profess to be skinny by year end, I just want to be healthy, wherever that takes me is fine. I want to live happier, and not sweat the small stuff anymore and commit to smiling everyday, whether I mean it or not… It can change my day or even some one else’s day if I share my smile with them. I want to live more honestly, within myself… And learn each day to love the flaws that make me me, and be ok with them. And use my sister’s advice, to drink lots of water and remember when life gets hard, take time to breathe.

Goodbye 2012….

Finally Blogging! New Year Resolutions: Social Media Clean Up, The HCG Diet!

new-years-eveIt’s time once again to welcome in the New Year and say goodbye to the old. Some of us are very happy to see this last one go and look forward to what the New Year will bring, while others aren’t so optimistic. I happen to be in the first group, therefore, have decided to start this blog off with my New Year Resolutions. This, of course, is after I sprinkle the Kosher Salt in front of all the entries to my home, make my New Year wishes while lighting candles and make sure a tall dark handsome male will be the first through my front door. (I will get my son to do that job!) If there is New Year Voodoo I’m missing here, do let me know below!

My first resolution? Blog.

Yes, The Yak has had this blog for quite some time now. (As you can see from the first post, since 2011!) We set it up, got it all ready to go, then just left it here with test posts waiting for a miracle to happen I guess. Well, that didn’t happen. I guess blogging actually takes someone sitting down and writing down their thoughts… Who knew? So from this day forward, us Yaksters have decided to blog. Hopefully it’s entertaining, informative, emotionally inducing in one way or the other and well, read by someone out there. We are also hoping to get some guests bloggers every now and again that you may enjoy, so stay tuned!

My second resolution, clean up my social media.

socialmediacleanupWhat I mean by that is to dispel the negativity in my life, beginning with social media. This past year I have seen my Facebook feed go WAY downhill. Between the elections and political posts, Newtown and Gun arguments, etc. going onto Facebook is just not so much fun anymore. I have actually had to “hide” friends feeds from showing up in my timeline. So I asked myself, why have “friends” that you have to hide? If I have absolutely (apparently) nothing in common with them, from politics to religion to even daily thoughts, why are they a friend to begin with? People have asked me “What about Family that you don’t agree with?” Well, I will probably still keep family (but hide their posts for the most part) but those are blood related to me, I can’t do anything about that. However, I can do something about people I have never really met in real life, or old High School buddies that just aren’t compatible with me anymore. I’m just tired of seeing post after post of fear, negativity, and quite frankly, false crap from places like “” posing as the latest news source. Anyone can make a site that looks real “newsy” and call it something like “The U.S. Herald” or some such thing, then post conspiracy after conspiracy. I am appalled by just how many people believe these things, then share them all over Facebook, Twitter and the like. No one has the time of day to constantly fact check them, then argue all day about it. (Heck, I even had one person tell me, when I decided to post on one of their posts, that “How dare I post on things they post on their Facebook Status!” I kinda thought that was what sharing was all about, but ummm, ok?) People are going to believe what fits their agenda unfortunately, and I say, let them. To each their own. If that’s how they wish to spend their days and make everyone who is “friends” with them spend their days, then more power to them. That doesn’t mean though that I need to read this negativity constantly streaming through my feed, hide people, or walk on eggshells every time I post. They can all have fun (or fear and negativity) on their own. I am going to consciously choose not to participate. Maybe, just maybe, if we all did this who are sick of it, they would get the hint?

My third resolution – Diet

hcg-diet-recipesHere we go again. Another year, another diet. I have done them all. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins etc.. The latter was always my go to. See, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid in 2010. How long I had this problem I have no idea. I had the symptoms of it for, well, as long as I can remember. You name the problem, I pretty much had it. I somehow managed to not let myself get too high up there on the scale, mainly because of eating low carb for the most of the last decade, but always that chubbiness I could never get rid of, along with the sluggishness and aches/pains that go along with it.

This last year, towards the end of the year, I discovered the HCG Diet. This has changed everything. I did one round so far, before the holidays, and lost 25 pounds. Course then the holidays rolled up and I didn’t diet at all… So yeah, I got a little of that back. That’s ok though, I expected that. I mean, kinda like the blog doesn’t write itself, eating the Thanksgiving and Christmas goodies and still losing weight would take a miracle. Alas, my next round of the HCG Diet is coming up. I am due to start somewhere at the beginning of January and will be sure to blog about it. Anyone not familiar with this diet, stay tuned, I will provide info and links on the what and how. If you really want to know somewhat about it right this minute, you can read “Pounds and Inches” by Dr. Simeons. You can get the book for FREE online here: dr-simeons-manuscript. If you are looking for more info after reading that, you can also leave a comment below or come on into the Yak’s Forum HERE and post, or send a private message to me there, (TheKdd). I would be more than happy to help get you started.

Now the HCG Diet is not for everyone, you will read about that in the book. Also, though, it takes some heavy duty devotion to the diet. Thing is, the way I got through it, it’s only 24-42 days. (You choose the length based on how much you have to lose.) So I thought… heck, what’s a month out of my life? So devoted I was, to the letter… and devoted I will be again. You go through phases and rounds of the diet, as you will read. I have done one longer round and plan on doing two more shorter ones. That should get me where I want to be. Anyone else going on this journey, or any diet journey for that matter, leave a comment! We can do this together!

Resolution Number Four: Walk the Dogs

dog-walkingI really hate putting resolutions on paper (or a Blog) for all to see, mainly because at the end of 2013, I will have to look back at this and see what I didn’t follow through on. Hopefully this isn’t one of them. I do walk my dogs, sometimes, or get my kids to do it… but I know they want more time with me, and it’s healthy, so why am I not doing it? I could say because I’m blogging, but we all know that isn’t true. How about because I’m tired. Yeah that’s it. I’m tired. No? Too busy? Ugh. Fine. I will walk the dogs more. I know they will love that.

Resolution Number Five: Follow Through with Resolutions

NYRchart Ok well this one is a given. I think everyone needs to have this resolution. Every year we say we are going to do this or that or what not just to repeat it again for the next year. I have even read about people who think resolutions are stupid and to just not make them. Forget those people… negative nellies. Yes, not following through can disappoint but not making them so you don’t disappoint? So let’s not try and better ourselves so we don’t disappoint. That doesn’t even make sense. So yeah, FOLLOW THROUGH.


Now of course there are a few more resolutions I haven’t covered here but I think I got the main ones up top. What are your resolutions? Post them below so we can all follow along (and there is a record of it. Muahahahaha.) No going back once it’s in print!

The Yak Chats with ‘Race’ Twins Andrew & Elliot Weber

This past week, twins Elliot and Andrew Weber were eliminated on the third leg of The Amazing Race. A team that many might have thought would make it further, Andrew and Elliot might have fallen victim to harp strings. On Monday, the Yak was fortunate to be able to chat with Elliot and Andrew regarding their experiences on the Amazing Race, disappointment in being eliminated early on and just what both of these brothers are up to these days. Read on and find out!

The Yak: Thank you for taking the time to speak with Yakkity Yaks. I know that a lot of people were sorry to see you leave the race.

Elliot: You have no idea just knowing you were eliminated that early, knowing what you are capable of ….it was just our fate and it is hard to accept that but well it is what it is and life goes on.

The Yak: Would you do another Amazing Race if invited back?

Elliot: Oh yeah, oh yeah I would. Now that you understand the many factors of the race and how it is played out I think we would do a lot better at strategies and would now know what to expect and to plan for that.

The Yak: (Elliot and Andrew live in different states; we had a connection glitch so I was afforded the opportunity to obtain the information from Elliot about his band (ENOVA) and soon to be released record.)

Elliot: My project ENOVA will be having an album coming out very soon here in the spring. We are going over some of the fine details with our producer on the tracks we have but I can see it being out in the next month or so. We will have our new album out and will be touring on it as well. Right now you can go the Facebook and get all our updates now. Our site is being built and in about a month we will have an You can also purchase all our songs on iTunes and one of our songs, “Counterpart,” was actually on the premiere episode of The Amazing Race.

The Yak: One of our site members wanted to know how was it for you to lose out on the harp challenge?

Elliot: Doing guitar pulling it thru the hole and wrapping it around the head of the guitar it is similar but at the same time the harp is so much more oriented and our fingers like we have pretty big hands and you really can’t get in there it is frustrating. It was harder then I thought it would be.

(Andrew was now reconnected to speak with Elliot and I)

The Yak: I have asked your brother but would you do another Amazing Race if invited back?

Andrew: Yes, I would in a heartbeat. I enjoyed the experience. I think now knowing what we know and sort of getting a taste of the game I think it would be awesome to go back and actually do better because I know we could do better and get a chance to prove to ourselves that we could do better.

The Yak: Andrew who do you play soccer for and is there a website fans can go to for information?

Andrew: I (now) play for the Seattle Sounders in Major League Soccer. You can go to or and click on the Sounders website.

The Yak: Which was your favorite challenge to do?

Elliot: Skydiving!! I feel bad that my brother Andrew didn’t get to skydive (laughs) but that was by far the most amazing experience I ever got to see – seeing the countryside and how beautiful it was. I am sure my brother might have a different opinion on that, but it was just real cool to do the skydive.

Andrew: Yeah, I was a little jealous that Elliot got to do it and I couldn’t. We didn’t really get to do too many tasks since we didn’t really make it that far, but out of making the empanadas and counting the cows (Elliot laughing). I thought the cows was a cool experience. Everyone was yelling at Dave but making the empanadas was cool. Those two were my favorites since they were the two I got to do.

Elliot: You didn’t like doing the harp man…laughing

Andrew: (laughs)

[They agree they hate the harp now!]

The Yak: How was it to get to watch the other complete tasks when separated? Andrew, how was it to see Elliot do the skydiving?

Andrew: To watch Elliot do it was amazing. If you haven’t seen the bonus footage yet I parked in the wrong spot so I was looking up looking at him and I guessed I had to go find him. I ended up going thru the trees and all that. You could probably flip the roles and ask Elliot how he felt standing there in the middle of the desert waiting for his lost brother to yell at him and find him. (Elliot laughing) To watch me at the end watching Elliot do the bottle thing, I felt for him, because I knew he was trying. So sometimes it is hard watching because you are excited, but at the same time you are thinking to yourself “I am sure this is so easy,” like “come on this is so easy,” but it probably is not. You’re not the one there doing it.

Elliot: It was hard to see when I was standing there from skydiving. It was frustrating to know my brother might be lost. I don’t know where he is and I can’t go out to find him. The footage is actually funny. I can’t believe that he ran thru this 10 foot bushes of thorns to find me – which is awesome. Watching him do the cows, I have a feeling that if our bus had never broke down on the way to go do that challenge that we may have ended up on that first flight to Paraguay. My brother did really well at getting the cows done. It took 4-3 tries, and I could see how frustrating it was to be a number off and that would affect whether you got the clue or not. In the long run, my brother finished and he even helped out and partnered up with Joey & Danny. They did the math and it was cool to see him finally get it done. It was frustrating, though, at the same time because you want to see your partner doing well.

The Yak: Any chance we will get to see either one of you doing big Brother or Survivor, throwing your hats into those rings? (chuckling by brothers and CBS rep!)

Andrew: I guess that is a question you have to ask casting. If Elliot and I can beef up on Survivor, me against him, that be cool. It would be cool to be on something else. Hopefully they like our personalities and I would like to go back and try it again, give it another whirl or even maybe do “Elliot and Andrew’s World” you know something cool!

Elliot: I agree. Survivor or even coming back and doing the Race again all over would allow people see us a little longer and interact at a completely different time in our lives. I think it would be cool too, back to what my brother said, back to our lives and show people what they are like and do our own kind of thing.

Andrew: I think people don’t realize it takes a lot to be on the show. It takes a lot of sacrifice not only from the staff and what they are doing, but stuff you have to do and give up to be part of it is a big piece of it. You give up quite a bit to compete for this so it makes it worth it.

The Yak: Do either of you want to keep in touch with other race teams?

[Andrew and Elliot report that they do keep in touch with several other contestants of TAR 20.]

Elliot: Yes, I definitely made some friendships. You bond with people while you are out there running [the race]. You get to know people and understand their personalities, and the people you stay in touch with are lifetime friends.

The Yak: Anything more you want to share with our readers?

Andrew: Elliot’s band ENOVA. (Check out the info above!)

We’d like to thank Elliot and Andrew for chatting with us and wish them luck with all they do in this life!

Tech Tuesday: Facebook Sharing, More Than Just Your Info

Tech Tuesday – Facebook Warning, as Usual. Actually, more than one Facebook warning today.

Facebook to Share Users Info

No, this is not something that was posted by your friend a year ago, then reposted, and copied, and passed on. This is a true news story updated today. You may see it in your feed soon I’m sure, but note this is new, and not a repost of a repost of a repost.

Facebook is moving forward with it’s plan, albeit controversial, to give 3rd party developers access to all of FB users phone numbers and home addresses.

As you may remember, Facebook announced their new policy in their own devolper blog back in January. Three days later however, they suspended the plan because of user outcry, but promising users they would see it’s return in a few weeks. (They of course called it an “improved feature”. Improved for them maybe!)

Two congressman, Representatives Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Joe Barton (R-Texas) wrote to Facebook, expressing concern over the new functionality. Facebook responded, reaffirming that it will be allowing third parties to request access to users’ addresses and phone numbers.

Facebook did note however that it is considering implementing controls that would, in more detail, highlight the exact personal info that’s being transmitted to third parties and also said it is “actively considering” whether to restrict users under 18 years old from sharing their contact information.

“We expect that, once the feature is re-enabled, Facebook will again permit users to authorize applications to obtain their contact information,” Facebook’s Marne Levine, vice president of global public policy, wrote in the letter to Reps. Markey and Barton. “However, we are currently evaluating methods to further enhance user control in this area.”

Make you feel better? Me neither.

Facebook has been pushing it’s members to share more and more information for a long time, both on Facebook, and off. Privacy issues have always been at the forefront with it’s members, and we have, in the past, seen a retreat whenever FB starts talking about controversial privacy sharing. However this time, they aren’t backing down.

In addition, removing that information now, in hopes of avoiding such sharing, may already be too late.

Think you have taken all the precautions? Removed your phone number? Removed third party applications? Think again. You know for sure they have your e-mail address, since you need to provide that upon signing up. Have you signed any petitions that showed up in your feed? Well, there’s your name, maybe even an address, or at least your Zip code. Looking you up from there isn’t too difficult. Buy anything from any of the games you have played on there? There’s your name, billing address, maybe phone number, credit card…

Think we have the whole behind the scenes story and you are protected? Yeah right. Facebook makes a load of money in Advertisement. All Ads are brought to you by the things you do on there AND off, and what your friends do around the internet. Those “like” buttons on all those external pages just adds another note in the database about you and your political affiliation, religious views, likes and dislikes, purchase habits, family status, tastes, etc. etc. etc. Clicking on a link you see in your feed to an external site… do you think Facebook didn’t just follow you there?

Study: Facebook Linked to One in Five Divorces in the United States

Another “duh” moment. The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers recently conducted a Survey that found that out of every 5 divorces in the United States, Facebook is cited in at least one of them. Yes, one in five. Also, according to the report, more than 80 percent of divorce lawyers reported a rising number of people are using social media to engage in extramarital affairs.

“We’re coming across it more and more,” said licensed clinical psychologist Steven Kimmons, Ph.D., of Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Ill. “One spouse connects online with someone they knew from high school. The person is emotionally available and they start communicating through Facebook. Within a short amount of time, the sharing of personal stories can lead to a deepened sense of intimacy, which in turn can point the couple in the direction of physical contact.”

Of course strained marriages were more vulnerable to it (of which there were more with the recession) but according to Kimmons, there didn’t need to be any previous marital problems for an online relationship to blossom into a full-fledged affair. “I don’t think these people typically set out to have affairs,” said Kimmons, who also practices therapy and marriage counseling. “A lot of it is curiosity. They see an old friend or someone they dated and decide to say ‘hello’ and catch up on where that person is and how they’re doing.”

It all comes down, he says, to the amount of time and contact two people have with one another in any type of relationship, including online. The more time people have, the more likely the relationship grows. “If I’m talking to one person five times a week versus another person one time a week, you don’t need a fancy psychological study to conclude that I’m more likely to fall in love with the person I talk to five times a week because I have more contact with that person,” Kimmons said.

Kimmons offers safeguards as well, like sharing passwords with one-another, setting limits to online time (such as not being online at 2am alone) and being your own watchdog about who you are connecting with. For instance, “Look at the population of the people who are your online friends,” Kimmons said. “Is it a good mixture of men and women? Do you spend more time talking to females versus males or do you favor a certain type of friend over another? That can tell you something about how you’re using social networks. You may not even be aware that you’re heading down a road that can get quickly get pretty dangerous, pretty fast to your marriage.”

Kimmons also says it’s good to spell out from the get go to your online friends exactly what you are looking for. “From the start tell your online friend that you’re not looking for anything more than establishing old contacts with people to find out how they’re doing.” Otherwise, your friend may get the wrong idea or notion, as eventually, you might.

Oh well. Most people I talk to just blame it on the evils of the internet. For many, it’s a throw up your hands moment and say ‘whatever.’ Just another downfall of being online. I ask though, is it? Should it be? Should we just sit back and allow companies to share our info, or online life to destroy our marriages? Should we all re-read Orwell’s ‘1984’ just one more time, or am I over-reacting? I do that you know.

Now, go “like” us on Facebook, since you know you aren’t deleting your account anytime soon anyway. Then, let us know what you think below, you know, where we WON’T be sharing your info. We will also try not to break up your marriage, although Yak Addiction is known to run rampant around these parts. Be careful.

Tech Tuesday: Google, Hulu and Twits!

Welcome to another edition of Tech Tuesday! Here are the top stories in the tech world you may have missed!

Google Logo: Diver Down!

Honoring Jules Verne, the French author who pioneered the Science Fiction genre, Google has an interactive logo today that allows you to explore the depths of the sea.

Jules, best known for his classic novels ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’, ‘A Journey to the Center of the Earth’, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ was born on this day in 1828.

Check out the interactive logo HERE.

TwitPic Launches Video for Twitter

Twitpic is bringing support for video to Twitter today, allowing users to timely share their clips. Now, instead of posting your links to YouTube to spread your awesome vid, you can upload it over to Twitpic and share it immediately.

So be sure to tweet @yakkityyaks so we don’t somehow miss your video! Hey, if it’s a good one, it may just get notice on Webtastic Wednesday!

“The Social Break-Up” Study

A study that surveyed 1500 consumers on why they unsubscribe, unlike, or unfollow brands in the social media world was conducted, and the results are in! I would think this shouldn’t be surprising…

More than 90% say they they do it because of too frequent, irrelevant or boring communications. Of the 1500, 91% have opted out of e-mails, 81% have “unliked” on Facebook to remove the company from their News Feed, and 77% say they are just more cautious about who they share their information and e-mail with.

So, now that you have that shocking information (sarcasm), why don’t you go follow the Yak on Facebook and Twitter! We promise not to bore you, too much anyway, and we promise to NEVER share ANY of your information, including your e-mail address!

T-Mobile – All Phones FREE!

As part of a special Valentine’s Day promotion, T-Mobile will offer all of the phones in it’s inventory for free with a new 2 yr. contract this Friday and Saturday. (February 11th and 12th.)

This includes their high-end Smartphones, like the HTC HD7, the T-Mobile G2 and the Samsung Vibrant. You can see a list of all the offers on T-Mobiles website HERE.

These are huge savings, but just like all other companies, I’m sure you will still need to pay the sales tax based on the original price. To take advantage of their offer, you must go to a T-Mobile store. However, there will be some offerings online if you wish to order from the comfort of your home.

Care to guess if this is really just for Valentines Day, or could it be because the Verizon iPhone comes out this weekend? Hmmmm.

The Daily Show and The Colbert Report Returns to Hulu

Fans of Jon Stewart, Colbert and Hulu unite! Both shows are returning to a computer near you. Hulu closed a major deal with Viacom last week, and as part of the deal, a “selection of great current programming from MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, TV Land, BET, and other Viacom channel brands will also be added to Hili Plus.

What does this mean for us? Well, previously the two above shows were on Hulu (free) and have now moved to Hulu Plus. Hulu Plus is a subscription based service that currently costs $7.99 a month. It’s a nice add if you are thinking about cutting the cable cord and accessing HULU through other platforms attached to your TV.

Well there you have it, all caught up. So, what do you think? Will you subscribe to Hulu? Will you run out this weekend for a new T-Mobile phone? Will you @yakkityyaks your Twitpic video? Let us know below!

Huffington Post Sold to AOL. Really.

As the news broke last night about the huge purchase of Huffington Post to America Online for $315 Million, I have to say I was quite disappointed. In fact, I think there are many who are.

Huffington Post, one of the top 10 stops on the internet for News and Current Events was purchased yesterday in a move that some foresee as putting AOL back on top and others as watching Huff Post crumble. I, being a cynic, am in the latter group.

For many of us, we “grew up” internet wise with America Online. They were known as “the internet on training wheels” for many, offering up a dial-in service (and later broadband access) to exclusive content, games and information. At the top of their game, they were almost like ‘Facebook’ where people could keep in touch through message boards, chat rooms, interactive gaming and of course, their iconic “You’ve Got Mail” e-mail.

However, something happened to the giant around the early to mid 2000’s. They stopped offering their content exclusively, moved everything out to the world wide web where everyone could access it, and did away with their Community Leader program, which was, in fact, crucial to it’s persona. The Community Leaders of yore helped bring in user driven content, provided what was once a personal experience on the web and got more users involved. AOL went mainstream, with the help of their newly merged company Time Warner. They sold out their exclusive content in lieu of advertising dollars. They rid of their personalization and user-driven network in order to drive up commercial revenue. They did away with their software, their membership dues, to become a giant www conglomerate.

The people didn’t take to it. Their user base dropped dramatically. Their AOL inboxes were nothing but SPAM. The personal experience they had once felt became anonymous web surfing. The older generation, who found it simple to get on the web with the American Online software was now lost in the vast internet sea. America Online crumbled, and people were going elsewhere. It was a huge mistake on their part, one of which I doubt they will ever admit. How they continued on is a mystery as their revenue, reputation and influence dropped substantially.

Time Warner and America Online parted ways in 2009 in a move that many had hoped would bring AOL back on top. People hoped that America Online would return to what had made it great, being able to finally make it’s own decisions. This wasn’t to be the case.

After the split, America Online dropped it’s AIM ability for users to access AOL Chat rooms, a move that has seen a large dip in AIM patrons in the months since. It also acquired TechCrunch and Engadget, two premier sites offering reviews of all things technology. However what have those sites become? Well, according to the AOL CEO himself, Tim Armstrong, American Online wants those pages to be “story mills”… Pumping out search engine and profit optimized stories at a quick rate to make as much money from their advertisers as they can. Well, that’s great, but what about the reader? Can you trust the reviews? Is a bad review an advertisement for a different product flashing at you in the top banner? Is a good review with the relevant ad on the side a ploy? What was once great review sites that were dedicated to keeping users informed is now one large ad. It doesn’t appear America Online has changed it’s ways one bit.

Enter Huffington Post. The Huffington Post has always been a stop for me on the internet. The writers expressed their views on many different subjects and from many different angles. It was (somewhat) personal. It covered everything, from current events, politics, and Entertainment. It was a melting pot if you will of content. Will this change? Well, if America Online has anything to do with it, you bet it will. It may not change overnight, but change it will. Gone will be many of the premier writers you grew to enjoy. Gone will the honesty we sense in the writing. Stories will churn quickly, and profitability will be it’s goal. It just won’t be the same, no matter how much they try to tell you it will. I expect to see a lot more ads on my iPhone/iPad app soon. Course, that will most likely be the day it gets deleted.

As part of the deal, The Huffington Post co-founder Arianna Huffington will be appointed president editor-in-chief of all of AOL’s content. She will not only run The Huffington Post, but will lead AOL’s news, tech, women, local, multicultural, entertainment video and community content businesses in an AOL entity that will be known as the Huffington Post Media Group. This will include MapQuest, AOL Music, AutoBlog, Patch, Engadget and TechCrunch.

However, we are also seeing the exit of some key people from Huffington, like CEO Eric Hippeau and Chief Revenue Officer Greg Coleman. We will also, eventually, see some, if not most, of the writers going by the wayside, guaranteed. Many of the big names will no longer contribute to the new conglomerate and wasn’t that the point of the whole thing to begin with? To hear angles on stories by some of your favorites? The personal experience has been squashed, in good ‘ol AOL fashion.

Arianna sold out, and it’s just a matter of time before everyone sees it, if they don’t already. In a blog statement by Arianna herself, as many of her longtime co-workers exit the building, she said “By combining HuffPost with AOL’s network of sites, thriving video initiative, local focus, and international reach, we know we’ll be creating a company that can have an enormous impact, reaching a global audience on every imaginable platform.” That may be true, for the moment.

AOL now claims that the combined entity reaches 117 million unique visitors per month in the U.S. and 270 million worldwide. AOL CEO Tim Armstrong says the new organization will be “a next-generation American media company” focused on content, community and social experiences.

What he should of said was the organization will be a last-generation American media company, focused on money, advertising and social spam. It is known as the “Aol Way”, which AOL CEO Armstrong actually called it when training the new writers and Editors of TechCrunch. The training included teaching these contributors to boost traffic by 5 to 10% with search ads and other ‘paid media’ and editors should decide to produce content based on ‘the profitability consideration.’

Yes, I’m a cynic, can you tell? However when you look at the current giant, Facebook, it’s all about personal experience, lack of in your face spam, and belonging. AOL has a history of squashing that, and therefore, the Huff Post receives an “outlook not so good” on my trusty 8-ball. Matter of fact, the same theory is beginning to set in over at Facebook as well, and it may well be the downfall of that giant soon. Selling your information, privacy breeches, more advertising… Facebook could learn a few things from the failures of the big boys, but will they see it before it’s too late?

What we didn’t touch on in this article is the changes to come in the content of The Huffington Post. Do you think we will see what is now a left-leaning slant begin a directional shift? America Online is known to be by many as right-leaning. How will these companies mesh? I guess we wait and see.

What do you think? Will you keep stopping at The Post, or is that bookmark already no longer in your faves? Leave us a comment and let us know!

Random Thought Thursday! Sheen, American Idol and Rehab!

Welcome to yet another edition of random thought Thursday. I come to you live from my office, messy desk and all, and I do in fact have some random thoughts to share. My mind is a befuddlement of wonder I tell you! Funny how you can think of these random things all day long, but you can’t remember an appointment, to take a pill, to make a call… Where are my car keys? Or, maybe it’s just that ol’ age thing kicking in. Can’t be that though, because I would have to admit to being old(er), and that’s not happening now, or even when I’m 103. We’ll just call it “life experience.” Yeah, that has a nice ring.

Alright, back to my random thoughts. My first thought is a shout out, or shout at…

Charlie Sheen.

So his new little “interview” over at E! had me thinking… Let me refresh your memory on what he said to them (or if you haven’t seen it yet):  Commenting on all the rumors floating around, like is his father seeking conservatorship, is his show being cancelled, etc. his answer was “”All crap” (sent to them by text message)

“Believe nothing. I will never speak about any of this as long as I’m alive. You’re all gonna have to keep towing the same redundant line, guessing wrong.”

He follows up with, “BTW, two wars are in an endless state of sorrow. Egypt about burned to the ground, and all you people care about is my bullsh-t….?”

He called it “pathetic” that the media shows any concern about his personal life and how he chooses to spend it. “Shame shame shame,” he said.

Shortly after this “interview” (if you can call a convo via text an interview) his representative Stan Rosenfield issued this statement on behalf of Sheen: “I have a lot of work to do to be able to return the support I have received from so many people. I want to say thank you to my fellow castmembers, the crew of Two and a Half Men and everyone at CBS and Warner Bros., especially [CBS CEO] Les Moonves and [Warner Bros. TV President] Bruce Rosenblum for their concern and support, and to my fans, your good wishes have touched me very much. Like Errol Flynn, who had to put down his sword on occasion, I just want to say thank you.” A lot different than his text message interview huh?

Well, let me just say a couple of things that came to mind when I read his “interview.” Be careful what you wish for Mr. Sheen. You want the media to not cover you or your personal life? Do you want them to not cover your show either? I mean, how will you be able to afford the “personal life” you choose to partake in if no one feels the need to care about you?

Secondly, about the wars and Egypt. That was a nice touch. Most people out there CAN multitask. We are following everything about the war and Egypt. I mean heck, even you who are supposedly in “home rehab” can do both rehab, text E! and know what’s happening in Egypt right? Maybe people would like something a bit more ‘light’ to turn to when the world is on fire, if only for a moment. You should know what turning to ‘light’ topics are like. I mean, there is a war on, Egypt is burning to the ground, and you are having your playtime with your porn family right? Many of us are fans of yours, and hate what you have decided to do to yourself. But alas, your family and friends should just let you kill yourself and your fans shouldn’t give a crap, because there is a war on. I see.

Speaking of porn family, many of us, myself included, really have no interest in the “Queen of Anal” all over our TVs talking about you. Some family you got there. Oops?

Whether you like it or not, you will be talked about. You are a ‘star’… you chose, in this life, to be in the public eye. Your fans love you and want you to be well. Give in to the love of those who want you well, and reject those that just want to use you for what your worth until you’re gone. Seriously? $30,000 for THAT? That is all.

On to other topics now…

American Idol Apology

Really? Do they not have enough viewers that they need to pull out all the stunts? We still can’t figure what the hey that apology was for. Was it because Steven Tyler had to be bleeped? What did you expect putting a rocker on the panel? Was it because he hinted that one of the young contestants could have been a groupie that he lays? Again, what did you expect putting a rocker on the panel?

For that matter, why wouldn’t you just edit it out of the show? It’s not as if these audition shows are live. Did you get complaints? If so, why wouldn’t there have been a more specific apology, inclusive of what you are apologizing for? Yeah, stunt. All us who watch know it, all those who don’t didn’t really care enough to tune in. Stop that.

Wow… I guess this should have been called ‘Random Yell Thursday”… who knew my thoughts would be so… what’s the word… motherly?

Last Random:

What’s with all the rehab lately? Is rehab the new black? Are drugs and alcohol the new pink? Elton John recommends Billy Joel go to rehab? Even the youngsters are getting into the programs… Demi Lovato, Aaron Carter, and of course, Lindsay Lohan. Is Miley Cyrus next? I guess I just don’t get it. Is it the people they surround themselves with? Is it the pressure of being in the public eye all the time? Is it just straight up depression? Is it lack of self-worth? Is it just spoiled brats not getting what they want? I myself have family with addictions, family members that have gone to rehab. It’s heart breaking to say the least… Here’s hoping that people in general, including celebrities, see the latest trend for how it should be seen… troubling and worthless. I personally thought Lohan had one of the brightest futures ahead of her. She is a beautiful girl and an amazing actress, and yet, she throws it away, and for what? Hold on to what you have, that crap ain’t worth it.

Alright, that’s it for my ranting randoms! What do you think? Do you agree with Sheen that we should just leave him alone? Is rehab the new black? Is all this stuff just a product of our new “entitled” way of life? Do you wish the porn queen would just go away? Leave a comment below and let me know!

Oh and join me, and MANY others at Sober Is Sexy, and “like” them HERE on Facebook! While you’re at it, like us on Facebook too… HERE!

Tech Tuesday: Teacher’s Pets, Nintendo Disguises and Lobbyists!

Welcome to another ‘digest’ edition of Tech Tuesday, where you can read what went down in the world of technology for the week that you may have missed all in one short read! We have been told it’s even bathroom friendly!

Facebook Launching New Commenting System

Facebook is set to launch a new comment platform to rival the likes of Disqus and other third party platforms. What does this mean for you? Well, you already have the ability to comment on a page, such as using your Facebook account, but this would allow so much more. For example, one would only have to log in once to the platform so as to not have to keep doing so site to site. It will also show all comments in a threaded format and be voted up (liked). Comments can also then be synced to the sites Facebook page (like ours) meaning that a comment made here, will also show up on our Facebook page and vice versa.

It’s interesting, and can eventually take Facebook from just a destination to total domination of your online experience, following you from site to site as you surf. Along with it, it will be able to track your online presence I would imagine. Facebook confirms it is working on a new commenting system, but says that it is an update to the existing plugin and not a new product. We shall see.

CSI Facebook Game Offers a Bonus

Thursday night’s episode of CSI will have a little extra for fans this week: clues to unlock in-game bonuses. Prior to the airing of the show, the Facebook Page for CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Crime City will pose a question to fans that can only be answered by watching the episode. This new feature will run through sweeps, so basically, through February.

Grey’s Anatomy getting Interactive Viewing on iPad

Today, ABC released “Grey’s Anatomy Sync” for iPad, a free app the promises a more interactive TV viewing experience. The app is designed to be a companion to the show itself, and the first episode to utilize it will be run this Thursday, February 3rd. It will show interactive content in real time, based on what is happening on the show.

Called Grey’s Anatomy Sync, the App is powered by Nielsen’s Media-Sync Platform and will showcase interactive content using the microphone on the iPad to keep the app in sync with the show.

Using the audio allows the app to figure out where the user is in the program and offer up corresponding content. This also let’s those of us that record the show to still get the same interactive experience as if we were watching it live. Interesting concept that I think could grow into big time uses.

Google Dishes Out for Lobbyists

It has been learned that Google dished out an astounding $5.16 million dollars on lobbyists in 2010, a 29% increase over the $4 million they spent in the previous year.

What are they lobbying for? Well, issues like net neutrality, online privacy and online tracking. The money they spent in 2010 was more than Yahoo, Facebook and Apple spent combined.

The amount of money has some people worried, since the issues above are about YOUR privacy and online choices, and you can bet they aren’t on your side. The huge increase most definitely shows how Google is becoming more lofty in Washington, peddling their influence in policy decisions amongst the other oversized corporate big boys that don’t have your interest at heart.

Today’s Lesson: Be the Teacher’s Pet, even on Facebook

A High School student in California has been suspended from school after calling his teacher a “fat ass who should stop eating fast food, and is a douche bag.” The teacher did give him too much Biology homework apparently, so I guess it was called for?

Anyway, most believe that common sense dictates you just shouldn’t be doing that, however, a court ruling from last November had a federal agency declare that Facebook updates are protected speech, when a worker got fired for making derogatory remarks about their supervisor online. So, ACLU is taking a closer look.

Now, I agree that it should be protected speech, as long as it’s not threatening. However, the parent in me wants to smack the kid over the head and take away all things tech in his life for awhile, until he learns respect, manners, and to just stop being a (as “Red” would have called him on ‘That 70’s Show’)… a dumbass.

Cool Geek Gadget of the Week

Alright, I want one of these REAL bad. Yeah, it’s pretty geeky, but oh so cool. Is it an old NES Cartridge? No, it’s just a disguise! These are external 500gb or 1tb hard drives designed to look like the games of yore offered by 8BitMemory. They are nostalgic, they are useful, and they are geek to the maximum. For the younger crowd, they have Game Boy Advance 4gb Flash Drives. They even have gift packs, complete with a 500gb USB hard drive, mouse pad, cartridge sleeve and case. Perfect for the geek in all of us!

That’s it for this week’s Tech Tuesday! Anything I missed that you have seen? Are you already gone, buying an NES Hard Drive? Will Facebook take over the world? Will Google stop them with their lobbyists? Do you want to smack that kid over the head or do you want to post something about your boss/teacher/mother online? Did I ask enough questions? Sound off below!

Random Thought Thursday! Here We Go Again…

Well, welcome to another edition of Random Thought Thursday. I will be your host today. Yep, the host I am. I will admit to you now that I *may* have had a bit too much coffee this morning, so I thought well, this would be the perfect time to write this, as my thoughts are bouncing off the walls.

Speaking of walls (actually, this has absolutely nothing to do with a wall), the American Idol Auditions in Milwaukee were last night. Did you watch? I did, course, not at the right time. I had to wait for awhile, let my Tivo pick it up, then watch it before I went to sleep. I’m not really interested in commercials, unless they are funny. Hey, by the way, if you have seen any really weird or funny commercials, submit them to us, or you can post them in our commercial forum HERE. There is one weird one out there now by Cisco, where some kids are on a computer, and this little weird monster shows up… I have yet to figure that commercial out. What were they looking for to begin with? Maybe I just don’t get it. I will put the commercial at the bottom of this post so you can explain it to me. Otherwise, it will end up being one of those things that just goes unexplained in my life, and that’s just not acceptable.

Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yes, walls. Wait, no, American Idol. Yes, American Idol… What was with that toothbrush guy? I’m guessing he was trying to be the next “Pants on the Ground” guy, teaching us a lesson about brushing our teeth. They didn’t give him much time, but who here thinks that we may see him again on the finale? You know, the part where they bring back all the weird ones? I’m guessing we may see the Bieber opera singer as well. Really? Bieber opera? …And for that matter, why is Bieber on absolutely everything these days? Is there no escape? As long as I don’t have to see Kara Dioguardi stripping down to a bikini, well, I will put up with toothbrush guy and Bieber opera. Yes, I will gladly make that trade.

Speaking of trading, actually, no, this has nothing to do with trading… The last guy on Idol last night… Chris Medina… Apparently fans are letting others know what they thought about this story… Some are expressing major support for him, while others are thinking his motives and actions were exploitive, bringing his brain damaged fiance to the auditions. Either way you feel, I will admit that it made me cry. How horrible for the both of them, and what an outstanding man he is. Now I just hope that if he happens to win American Idol this year, that he keeps on with her, and the fame, and groupies don’t get in the way of that.

Speaking of fame getting in the way… what’s with that Glee Producer (Ryan Murphy) telling bands that say no to “F*%k off”? I mean really, can his ego get any bigger? I expect to hear “You will never work in this town again!” come out of his mouth pretty soon. If a band or artist doesn’t want to do it, then they don’t want to! Get over it and move the heck on dude! Bieber will do it. Go ask him. Also, you cannot state that artists or bands who say no to you are ignorant and their careers are over in the same diatribe about Kings of Leon. Their careers, I believe, are far from over. This Producer is also now running his mouth over at Perez Hilton, telling everyone he thinks Kings of Leon are homophobic. Dude, please, get some help! Personally, after seeing how this guy reacts to rejection, and what he does and says about those that say no, I would hope there are a line of artists ready with that same answer soon.

Alright, I’m done. My random thoughts, or at least the ones I can say out loud, are out there for all to see. Here are my favorite random thoughts today from the web:

From Joy @ FB: “let me be patient and let me be kind….”

From Angelique @ FB: “Thong underwear…why???”

Susan @ FB says “Live Laugh & Love Often…”

tatoomom69 @ Twitter: “my feet are starting to look like my mom’s, gross, need to fix that”

From King_Dunn @ Twitter: “what part of the chicken does the chicken nugget come from??”

From murielvega @ Twitter: “My roommate just called me to tell me that she stole a pumpkin for me. Today just went from shitty to really great.”

From Kaseyville @ FB: “I wish I had a different flavored chapstick!”

From Teresa @ FB “Why did I move here?”

From Joanne @ FB: “Look, a CAT!”

Want yours included? Well, too bad, too late. Now you will have to wait another whole week until the Yak asks again for your most random thoughts. You could however post them below… Let’s see just how random your brain is today!

Seriously… did they discover Pokemon really do exist or something? I don’t get it.