Ever since ABC unveiled plans for their new summer reality TV program, The Glass House, questions arose as to what the show’s format will be. How many weeks? How will America be involved? How will the Live Feeds work? Is this a Big Brother wannabe? And those are just some of the questions.
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Well, we hope to clear up some of the lingering questions with the info we’ve gathered. As we previously announced, live streaming will be available during predetermined times. Fans will be able to peek at the hamsters in the house on Monday from 11pm – 3am EST and on Tuesdays – Thursdays from just 3pm – 4pm EST. ABC will permit LIVE voting starting June 9, while the live streaming will kick off June 11.
So what will we be voting on? Well, 14 houseguests will enter the house and participate in challenges, while America dips their finger in on the fun. Each week, someone will be eliminated with the sole survivor being deemed winner. The catch? The winner will be voted by America! Besides deciding who should stay and leave, America will also have a hand in affecting everything from what the houseguests wear, eat, where they sleep, and who can even re-enter the game for another chance!
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Each week, America will have a hand in choosing team captains. The two houseguests with the fewest votes from the public will be the team captains for the challenge of the week. This is where a new feature, “Limbo,” comes in. Once a team loses a challenge, the losing team’s captain enters this purgatory like stage with another member from his/her team that the house decides on. Limbo is equivalent to, if you will, Big Brother’s jury house. The difference? Someone from limbo will be allowed to re-enter the game for a second chance. From there, America will eventually decide who deserves a second chance.
Now, as for the voting, ABC notes that there will be both “daily voting” and “live stream voting.” Daily voting will likely affect the things in the house that we previously mentioned – things that will affect on-air episodes. However, America will get a shot at immediately affecting the outcome of the game during special live-stream votes. The show’s first season will air 10 episodes.
So, what do you think? Now that we know a little bit more, is this a Big Brother rip-off that fans and CBS claim? Are you now more or less likely to watch?
The Glass House premieres June 18 at 10/9c on ABC!
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